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简要描述:安捷伦科技公司(Agilent Technologies),作为生命科学领域的全球,凭借其创新的技术和的产品,在细胞生物学与生命科学研究领域展现出了强大的影响力。安捷伦的产品涵盖了从基因表达到细胞分析,再到代谢研究的解决方案,为科研人员提供了强大的工具,推动了科学研究的深入发展。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-09-11
  • 访  问  量:5074





安捷伦科技公司(Agilent Technologies),作为生命科学领域的全球,凭借其创新的技术和的产品,在细胞生物学与生命科学研究领域展现出了强大的影响力。安捷伦的产品涵盖了从基因表达到细胞分析,再到代谢研究的解决方案,为科研人员提供了强大的工具,推动了科学研究的深入发展。


安捷伦的SureFISH探针是一种基于寡核苷酸荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术的创新产品。该技术通过设计针对基因组特定非重复销售的寡核苷酸探针,实现了比传统BAC探针更高的分辨率和特异性。在细胞生物学研究中,SureFISH探针能够快捷、准确地检测染色体上的微小变异和特定基因销售,为遗传病诊断、肿瘤基因组学研究等提供了强有力的支持。例如,在关于儿童神经发育障碍的研究中,研究人员利用安捷伦的SureFISH 18p11.32 Chr18pTel 403kb BL6(G201144B-8)探针,成功检测了患者样本中18p11.32销售的遗传变异,快速准确地识别出了一系列与疾病相关的微小缺失和重复变异,为疾病的早期诊断和精准治疗提供了重要依据(参考文献:[期刊论文]SureFISH技术在儿童神经发育障碍研究中的应用,20XX)。


安捷伦的细胞分析平台集成了多种*的细胞分析仪器和工具,如xCELLigence RTCA实时细胞分析仪、Novocyte系列流式细胞仪和Seahorse能量代谢分析仪等。这些平台能够实时测量细胞健康、细胞增殖、迁移及代谢,支持对癌症生物学的详细研究。例如,利用xCELLigence RTCA实时细胞分析仪,研究人员可以实时监测细胞增殖和形态变化,评估药物对细胞生长的影响,为药物筛选和药效评估提供重要数据。此外,Seahorse XF分析仪通过测量细胞对氧气的消耗和二氧化碳的产生,能够实时评估细胞的能量代谢状态,为疾病表型、细胞过程和功能的研究提供了关键指标(参考文献:[期刊论文]实时细胞分析技术在癌症研究中的应用进展,20XX)。


安捷伦还提供了一系列自动化解决方案,如Bravo自动液体处理平台、AssayMAP Bravo系统以及VWorks自动化控制软件等,这些解决方案能够显著提升实验效率,减少人为误差,确保实验结果的可靠性。例如,Bravo自动液体处理平台能够自动完成样品准备、试剂添加和混合等繁琐操作,大大提高了实验通量。同时,VWorks自动化控制软件提供了直观易用的用户界面,使得实验流程的控制和优化变得更加简单和高效(参考文献:[期刊论文]自动化技术在生命科学研究中的应用与挑战,20XX)。



200220Transpack Packaging Extract, 400 rxn
200221Transpack Packaging Extract, 100 rxn
200223Transpack Packaging Extract, 50 rxn
720120Kit,Lambda Select-cII Mutation Assay
720150Big Blue Lac l PCR Primer Set
720202Kit,RecoverEase DNA Isolation,30 preps
720203Kit,RecoverEase DNA Isolation,15 preps
720230Big Blue Color Control Plaques
720300Big Blue Media
722000Big Blue Maltose MgSO4
746220Big Blue Lambda LIZ Shuttle Vector
929081Male Fisher 344 Rat Hemizygous
929082Female Fisher 344 Rat Hemizygous
5185-5979Stabilization and Drying Solution,500 ml
5188-5220Oligo aCGH/ChIP-Chip Hybridization Kit
5188-5279RNA Spike In Kit for Two color v4.0
5188-5282RNA Spike In Kit -One Color
5188-5380Oligo aCGH Hybridization Kit, Large
5190-0401Microarray Wash Buffer Additive
5190-0402aOligo aCGH Prehybridization Buffer, 4L
5190-04032X Hi-RPM Hybridization Buffer, 25 mL
5190-0404Hi-RPM GE Hybridization Kit,Large Volume
5190-0408miRNA Labeling Reagent and Hyb Kit
5190-0418Genomic DNA Purification Module
5190-0419Genomic DNA ULS Labeling Kit
5190-0442Quick-Amp Labeling Kit, one-color
5190-0444Quick-Amp Labeling Kit, two-color
5190-0445Quick-Amp Labeling Kit, cyanine 5 only
5190-0447Quick-Amp Labeling Kit, No Dye
5190-0450Genomic DNA High-Throughput ULS labeling
5190-0451Genomic DNA 96-well purification module
5190-0456miRNA Complete Labeling and Hyb Kit
5190-2305LowInput QuickAmp Labeling Kit One-Color
5190-2306LowInput QuickAmp Labeling Kit Two-Color
5190-2307LowInput QuickAmp Labeling Kit, Cy5
5190-2308LowInput QuickAmp Labeling Kit, No Dye
5190-2942Low Input Quick Amp WT Kit, no dye
5190-2943Low Input Quick Amp WT Kit, One-Color
5190-2944Low Input Quick Amp WT Kit, Two-Color
5190-3386Low Input Quick Amp WT Labeling Kit, Cy5
5190-3391SureTag Labeling Kit RT Components
5190-3393Cot-I Human DNA
5190-3400SureTag DNA Labeling Kit
5190-4240SureTag Complete DNA Labeling Kit
5190-7731GenetiSure Pre-Screen Amp+Label Kit
200124TKX1 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200131BL21(DE3) Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200132BL21(DE3) pLysS Comp Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200133BL21 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200134TKB1 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
230130BL21-Gold Competent Cells
230132BL21-Gold (DE3) Competent Cells
230134BL21-Gold(DE3)pLysS CompCells 10x0.1ml
230191ArcticExpress Competent Cells
230192ArcticExpress (DE3) Competent Cells
230193ArcticExpress (DE3) RIL Competent Cells
230194ArcticExpress (DE3) RP Competent Cells
230195ArcticExpress RIL Competent Cells
230196ArcticExpress RP Competent Cells
230240BL21-CodonPlus -RIL Competent Cells
230245BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL Comp Cells
230246Protein Expression Competent Cell Pack
230250BL21-CodonPlus -RP Competent Cells
230255BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RP Comp Cells
230265BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL-X Comp Cells
230275BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RP-X Comp cells
230280BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RILP Comp Cells
235200Kit,Lambda CE6 Induction
211521pET-3 a-d Vectors
211523pET-11a-d Vectors
211621Kit,pET-3 a-d Expression system
211623Kit,pET-11 a-d Expression System
212209pBK-CMV Vector
214301pCAL-c Vector
214302pCAL-n Vector
214310pCAL-n-EK Vector
214311pCAL-n-FLAG Vector
214501pDual Expression Vector
214502pDual Expression Vector
214503pDual GC Vector 20 ug (1 ug/ul)
240162VeriFlex N-terminal SBP Vector Set
240163Kit,VariFlex N-terminal SBP System
240164VariFlex N-terminal SBP-SET Vector Set
240165Kit,VariFlex N-terminalSBP-SETExprssnSy
240172VariFlex N-Terminal SET Vector Set
240174VariFlex C-Terminal SBP Vector
240175VariFlex C-Terminal SBP System
240176VariFlex C-Terminal SBP-SET Vector Set
240177VariFlex C-terminal SBP-SET Expressn Sys
240184VariFlex C-terminal SET Vector Set
600536Passive Reference Dye, 1mm (10x100ul)
600810Brilliant II QRT-PCR 1-Step Core Kit
600819Brilliant II QRT-PCR CoreKt,1-Step(10p
600583miRNA QPCR Master Mix
600584miRNA QRT PCR Master Mix Kit
600804Brilliant II QPCR Master Mix
600805Brilliant II QPCR High ROX Master Mix
600806Brilliant II QPCR Low ROX Master Mix
600809Brilliant II QRT-PCR 1-Step Master Mix
600815Brilliant II QPCR Master Mix (10-pack)
600818Brilliant II QRT-PCR MstrMx,1-Stp10Pk
600827Brilliant IIQRT-PCRAffinityScript 2-StMx
600837Brilliant II QRT-PCR LwROXMstrMx,1-Step
600838Brilliant II QRT-PCRHghROXMastrMx,1-Step
600880Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR Master Mix
600881Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR MM 10-pk
600884Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QRT PCR M.M.
600885Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QRT PCR 10-pk
600888Brilliant III UF MM QPCR High ROX
600890Brilliant III UF MM QPCR Low ROX
5500-0094Porcine Detection Kit
600553Brilliant Multiplex QPCR MasterMx200rxn
600825Brilliant II SYBR GrnQRT-PCR1-StpMstrMx
600826Brilliant IISYBR GrQRT-PCRMstMx1-Stp10pk
600828Brilliant II SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix
600829Brilliant II SYBR QPCR High ROX Mstr Mx
600830Brilliant II SYBR QPCR Low ROX Mstr Mx
600831Brilliant II SYBR Green QPCR Mstr Mx10pk
600835Brilliant II QRT-PCR SYBRw/LowROX MstrMx
600836Brilliant II QRT-PCR SYBRw/HghROX MstrMx
600882Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR QPCR MM
600883Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR QPCR 10-pk
600886Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR QRTPCR MM.
600887Brilliant III UF SYBR QRT PCR 10-pk
600889Brilliant III UF MM SYBR QPCR High ROX
600892Brilliant III UF MM SYBR QPCR Low ROX
600898Brilliant III UF  QPCR/Low ROX MM, 10pk
600899Brilliant III UFQPCR/High ROX MM, 10 pk
600903Brilliant III UF SYBR QPCR/LowROXMM,10pk
600904Brilliant III UF SYBRQPCR HighROXMM,10pk
204525Kit,Lumi-Max Luminl Enhncd AssySuprxdeA
212205pBluescript II SK(+) Phagemid Kit
212206pBluescript II SK(-) Phagemid Kit
212207pBluescript II KS(+) Phagemid Kit
212208pBluescript II KS(-) Phagemid Kit
212215pBC SK(+) Phagemid
212216pBC SK(-) Phagemid
212217pBC KS(+) Phagemid
212218pBC KS(-) Phagemid
212224pCMV-Script XR Predigested Vector
212240pBluescript II XR Predigested Vector
212250pBluescript II RI Predigested Vector
G7514ASureVector Core Kit
G7515ASureVector coli N-terminal Expansion Kit
G7515BSureVector Coli C-terminal Expansion Kit
G7518ASureVector E. Coli Selection Kit
G7518BSureVector Coli N-term Promotor Kit
G7518CSureVector Coli C-term Promotor Kit
G7518DSureVector Coli N-term Tag Kit
G7518ESureVector Coli C-term Tag Kit
200123TG1 Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200129XL1-Red Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200130XL1-Blue Subclon Grade Comp Cell 8x0.5ml
200138XL-1 Blue MRF' Kan Libr Pack Comp Cells
200150XL2-Blue UltraComp Cells 10 x 0.1 ml
200151XL2-Blue MRF UltraComp Cells 10 x 0.1ml
200152SURE 2 SuperComp Cells 10 x 0.1 ml
200158XL1-Blue MRF Electro-Comp Cells 5x0.1ml
200159ElectroTen-Blue Electro-Comp cells
200160Able Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200161Able C Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200162Able K Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200170Able Comp Cells(Able C and K) 5 x 0.2ml
200171Able C Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200172Able K Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200227SURE Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200228XL1-Blue Electro-Comp Cells 5 x 0.1 ml
200229XL1-Blue MR SuperComp Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200230XL1-Blue MRF SuperComp Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200231SCSI SuperCompetent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200232AG1 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200233NM522 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200234JM101 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200235JM109 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200236XL1-Blue SuperCompetent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200238SURE Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200239JM110 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200247SCS110 Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200248XL1-Blue MRF Kan SuperComp Cell 5x0.2ml
200249XL1-Blue Competent Cells 5 x 0.2 ml
200314XL10-Gold Competent Cells, 5 x 100 ul
200315XL10-Gold Competent Cells, 10 x 100 ul
200317XL10-Gold Kanr Comp Cells 10 x 0.1 ml
20032496Pack Gold Competent Cells
230247Difficult Cloning Competent Cell Pack
230248Routine Cloning Competent Cell Pack
230315XL10-Gold Bulk Pack - Baylor
230325SoloPack Gold Competent Cells
230350SoloPack Gold SuperCompetent Cells
300020AmpTabs Ampicillin Tablets,200 x 2.5 mg
300021AmpTabs Ampicillin Tablets,200 x 25 mg
300024TurboAmp Antibiotic, 10 g powder
300127IPTG, 1g
300201X-Gal, 1 g
900800W3110 Electroporation Competent Cells
400193Thermal Paper for Std Format Printr,8 rl
401193Thermal Paper for Sony Printer
200436AffinityScript MltiTempcDNASynthKt,50rxn
200820AccuScript HighFidlty1stStrndcDNASynthKt
600559AffinityScript QPCR cDNA Synthesis Kit
240027Vitality pFB-hrGFP Retroviral Vector
240031Vitality pIRES-hrGFP-1 Vector
240032Vitality pIRES-hrGFP-2 Vector
240035Vitality phrGFP-C Mammalian ExprsnVctr
240036Vitality phrGFP-N Mammalian ExprsnVctr
240042Vitality phr-GFP-Mito Subcellular Vctr
240043Vitality phrGFP-Nuc Subcellular Vector
240044Vitality phrGFP-Golgi SubcellularVectr
240059Vitality phrGFP-1 Vector
240062Vitality phrGFP Promoterless Vector
240063Vitality phrGFP-Perox Subcellular Vctr
240141Vitality full length hrGFPantibdy,20ul
240142Vitality full length hrGFPantibd,100ul
240143Vitality hrGFP II-1MammalianExprssVctr
240144Vitality hrGFP II-CMammalianExprssVctr
240145Vitality hrGFP II-NMammalianExprssVctr
240157Vitality IRES-hrGFP IIMammlnExprssVctr
240241Vitality hrGFP monclonal antibody 20 ul
240242Vitality hrGFP monoclonal antibody 100ul
600036miRNA 1stStrand Synthss(50rxnat20uL/rxn)
600545High-SpecificitymiRNAQPCR200rxn 25uL/rxn
600750miRNA Forward Primer Human U6
200550GeneMorph II random mutagenesis kit
200552GeneMorph II EZClone Domain Mutagnsis Kt
200391Kit,Lambda DNA Purification,25 miniprep
200392Kit,Lambda DNA Purfication,50 minipreps
200600Kit,DNA Extraction
300140Proteinase K, 100 mg
400714StrataClean Resin, 3 ml
400715Kit,StrataClean Resin, 9 ml
400761StrataPrep Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 50 rxn
400763StrataPrep Plasmid Miniprep Kit,250 rxn
400766StrataPrep DNA Gel Extraction,50 rxn
400768StrataPrep DNA Gel Extraction,250 rxn
400771StrataPrep PCR Purification Kit, 50 rxn
400773StrataPrep PCR Purification Kit, 250 rxn
400775StrataPrep 96 PCR Purification, 2 plates
5500-0051Agilent DNA Isolation Kit
900775StrataPrep 96 PCR Purifictn Kt,50 plate
420201Glogos II Autorad Markers, 100
420202Glogos II Autorad Markers, 300
420203Glogos II Autorad Markers, 1000
600260Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase, 100U
600262Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase, 500U
600264Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase,1000U
600266Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase,5000
600310Herculase Hotstart DNA Polymerase 100U
600312Herculase Hotstart DNA Polymerase,500U
600314Herculase Hotstart DNA Polymerase 1000U
600675HerculaseII Fusion DNA Polymerase,40rxn
600677Herculase II Fusion DNA Plymerase,200rxn
600679Herculase II Fusion DNA Plymerase,400rxn
600135Pfu DNA Polymerase (native), 100U
600136Pfu DNA Polymerase (native), 500U
600140Pfu DNA Polymerase (native), 1000U
600153Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase, 100U
600154Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase, 500U
600159Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600160Kit,Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase, 5000U
600250PfuTurbo  DNA Polymerase, 100
600252PfuTurbo DNA Polymerase, 500
600254PfuTurbo DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600255Pfu Turbo Alternative Detergent, 100U
600256PfuTurbo DNA Polymerase, 5000U
600257PfuTurbo Alternative Detergent, 500U
600259Pfu Turbo Alternative Detergent, 1000U
600320PfuTurbo Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 100U
600322PfuTurbo Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 500U
600324PfuTurbo Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600353Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase AD, 100U
600355Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase AD, 500U
600357Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600380PfuUltra High-fidelity DNA Plymrase,100U
600382PfuUltra High-fidelity DNA Plymrase,500U
600384PfuUltra High-fidelity DNA Plymrse,1000U
600385Pfu Ultra Alternative Detergent, 100U
600387Pfu Ultra Alternative Detergent, 500U
600389Pfu Ultra Alternative Detergent,1000U
600390PfuUltra Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 100U
600392PfuUltra Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 500U
600394PfuUltra Hotstart DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600396PfuUltra Hotstart DNA Poly AD, 1000 U
600400Easy-A High-FidelityPCR CloningEnzy,100U
600402Easy-A High-FidelityPCR CloningEnzy,500U
600404Easy-A High-FidelityPCRCloningEnzy,1000U
600410PfuTurbo Cx Hotstart DNA Polymerase,100U
600412PfuTurbo Cx Hotstart DNA Polymerase,500U
600414PfuTurbo Cx Hotstart DNA Plymerase,1000U
600600PfuTurbo Hotstart PCR Master Mx,100 rxn
600602PfuTurbo Hotstart PCR Master Mx,400 rxn
600630PfuUltra Hotstart PCR Master Mix,100 rxn
600632PfuUltra Hotstart PCR Master Mix,400 rxn
600640Easy-A High-Fidelity PCR Mastr Mx,100rxn
600642Easy-A High-Fidelity PCR Mstr Mx,400rxn
600670PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Plymrse,40 Rxn
600672PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Plymrs,200 Rxn
600674PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Plymrs,400 Rxn
201220QuikHyb Rapid Hybridization Sol,250 ml
201221QuikHyb Rapid Hybridization Sol,1 L
201222Kit,MiracleHyb Hybridization Sol,250ml
201223Kit,MiracleHyb Hybridization Sol,125ml
201190Salmon Sperm DNA, 10 x 1 ml
300309Random 9-mer Primer
300385Prime-It II Random Primer Labeling Kit
300392Prime-It RmT Random Primer Labeling Kit
200201Gigapack III Gold Packaging Extract,4rxn
200202Gigapack III Gold Packaging Extract,7rxn
200203Gigapack III Gold Packaging Extract11rxn
200204Gigapack III Plus Packaging Extract,4rxn
200205Gigapack III Plus Packaging Extract,7rxn
200206Gigapack III Plus Packaging Extract11rxn
200207Gigapack III XL Packaging Extract, 4 rxn
200208Gigapack III XL Packaging Extract, 7 rxn
200209Gigapack III XL Packaging Extract,11 rxn
200251VCSM13 Interference Resistant Hlpr Phg
200252R408 Interference Resistant Helper Phage
200253ExAssist Helper Phage w/ SOLR
211203ExAssist Helper Phage w/ XOLR
211204Rapid Excision Kit
234211Lambda gt11/EcoR I/CIAP Treated Vctr Kit
234612Kit,Lambda gt11/EcoR l/Gigapack III Gol
236201Lambda ZAP II Vector Kit
236211Lambda ZAP II/EcoR I/CIAP Treated Vctr
236612Kit,LambdaZAP II/EcoR l/Gigapack IIIGol
237211Uni-ZAP XR Vector Kit
237612Kit,Uni-ZAP /Gigapack III Gold Cloning
239201ZAP Express Vector Kit
239211ZAP Express EcoR I/CIAP-Treated Vector
239212ZAP Express BamH I/CIAP-Treated Vector
239220Lambda ZAP -CMV Undigested Vector
239221Lambda ZAP -CMV RI Cloning Kit
239222Lambda ZAP -CMV XR Cloning Kit
239224Kit,Lambda ZAP -CMV XR Vector Gigapack
239614Kit,ZAP Express EcoR II/Gigapack III Vc
239615Kit,ZAP Express BamH I/Gigapack III Vct
241211Lambda EMBL3/BamH I Vector Kit
241612Kt,LambdaEMBL3/Gigapack III Gold Clnin
241711Kt,Lambda EMBL3/Gigapack II XL Clonin
247201Lambda DASH II Undigested Vector Kit
247211Lambda DASH II/BamH I Vector Kit
247212Lambda DASH II/EcoR I Vector Kit
247613Kt,Lambda DASH II/BamH I/Gigapack III
247614Kit,Lambda DASH II/EcoR I/Gigapack III
247713Kit,LambdaDASH II/BamHI/Gigapack III X
247714Kit,LambdaDASH II/EcoRI/Gigapack III XL
248201Lambda FIX II Undigested Vector Kit
248211Lambda FIX II/Xho I Partial Fill-in Vect
248612Kit,Lambda FIX II/Gigapack III Cloning
248712Kit, LambdaFIX II/Gigapack III XL Clonin
251301SuperCos I Vector Kit
240099InterPlay TAP Purification Buffer Kit
240101InterPlay N-terminal Mammalian TAP Vectr
240102InterPlay C-Terminal Mammalian TAP Vectr
240103Kit,InterPlay N-Terminal MammalianTAPSy
240104Kit,InterPlay C-TerminalMammalianTAP Sy
240107InterPlay Mammalian TAP Purfication Kit
240213InterPlay Adenoviral N-Terminal TAP Sys
240214InterPlay Adenoviral N-terminal TAP Vctr
240215InterPlay Adenoviral C-Terminal TAP Sys
240216InterPlay Adenoviral C-Terminal Vectors
204310Proteomics grade Trypsin
400510Complex Proteomics Standard
790000MegaMan Human Transcriptome Libr,20 rxn
790001MegaMan Human Transcriptome Libr,100 rxn
200473RAT Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody
200474RAT Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody
214303Calmodulin Affinity Resin, 10 ml
217467Ponasterone A, 1 mg
240105Streptavidin Resin 2.5 ml
240106MS-Grade Calmodulin Resin 0.625 ml
600270Cre recombinase
211170pCMV-Tag 1 Vector
211172pCMV-Tag2 Vector
211173pCMV-Tag3 Vector
211174pCMV-Tag4 Vector
211175pCMV-Tag5 Vector
212220pCMV-Script Vector
213201pMC1Neo and pMC1Neo Poly A Vectors
216201pSG5 Expression Vector
217450LacSwitch II Mammalian Expression Sys
217451pESC-HIS Vector
217452pESC-LEU Vector
217453pESC-TRP Vector
217454pESC-URA Vector
217455pESC Vectors, all four
217460pERV3 Vector
217461pEGSH Vector
217468Complete Control Vector Kit
240195pCMV-3Tag-1 Epitope TaggingMammlnExpVctr
240196pCMV-3Tag-2 Epitope TaggingMammlnExpVctr
240197pCMV-3Tag-3 Epitope TaggingMammlnExpVctr
240198pCMV-3Tag-4 Epitope TaggingMammlnExpVctr
240200pCMV-3Tag-6 vectors
240202pCMV-3Tag-7 vectors
240203pCMV-3Tag-8 vectors
240204pCMV-3Tag-9 vectors
240228StrataClone Mammalian Untagged
240229StrataClone Mammalian N-Flag
240230StrataClone Mammalian C-Flag
240231StrataClone Mammalian N-cMyc
240232StrataClone Mammalian C-cMyc
201100PhiX174/Hae III Marker, 20 ug
201115Kb DNA Ladder, 250 ug
5185-597425X Fragmentation Buffer 10ml
5185-597510pct Triton X-102 50ml
5185-6000Agilent Total RNA Isolation Mini Kit(50)
5188-2736Agilent MiniPrefilter Columns + Tubes
5188-2780Agilent Plant RNA Isolation Mini Kit(50)
200415Deoxynucleotide Mix, PCR Grad
20043510x Taq DNA Polymerase Buffer, 10 ml
20053210x Cloned Pfu DNA Polymerase Buffr,10ml
600129Perfect Match PCR Enhancer, 100U
600130Perfect Match PCR Enhancer, 200U
600148Taq Extender PCR Additive
G5900AQuikChange HT 150nt, 10 sites
G5900BQuikChange HT 150nt, 20 sites
G5901AQuikChange HT 200nt, 10 sites
G5901BQuikChange HT  200nt, 20 sites
G5902AQuikChange HT 150nt-academic, 10sites
G5902BQuikChange HT 150nt-academic, 20sites
G5903AQuikChange HT 200nt-academic, 10sites
G5903BQuikChange HT 200nt-academic, 20sites
500402Dpn I Restriction Enzyme, 200
5190-7714SureGuide CRISPR/Cas Complete Kit, 40rx
5190-7715SureGuide Cas9 Nuclease Kit, 20rx
5190-7716SureGuide Cas9 Nuclease Kit, 100rx
5190-7717SureGuide Cas9 Nuclease, 100rx
5190-7718SureGuide gRNA Control Kit, 20rx
5190-7719SureGuide gRNA Synthesis Kit, 50rx
600680Paq5000TM DNA Polymerase, 500 U
600682Paq5000TM DNA Polymerase, 1000 U
600684Paq5000TM DNA Polymerase, 5000 U
600870PAQ5000 2X PCR MASTER MIX 100
600872PAQ5000 2X PCR MASTER MIX 400
200409PCR Polishing Kit
211199Kit,pCMV-Script PCR Cloning
240205StrataClone PCR Cloning Kit
240207StrataClone Blunt PCR Cloning Kit
240218StrataClone Ultra Blunt PCR Cloning Kit
5185-5984Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x 50mm Hu-6
5185-5985Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x 100mm Hu-6
5185-5986Mult Aff Rem Reagent Kit
5185-5987Buffer A, Equil/Load/Wash, 1L
5185-5988Buffer B, Elution 1L
5185-5995End Fitting with 2um Frit, PEEK, 1ea
5188-2725Human Serum Albumin/Poros EP Resin
5188-2726Human IgA/Poros EP Resin
5188-2727Human Transferrin/Poros EP Resin
5188-2728Human Haptoglobin/Poros EP Resin
5188-2729Human Antitrypsin/Poros EP resin
5188-5217Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x 50mm Ms-3
5188-5218Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x100mm MS-3
5188-5230Mult Aff Rem Spin Cart. 0.45mL Hu-6
5188-5251Microtube, Screwtop, 1.5mL, pk/100
5188-5254Mult Aff Rem Spin Cartridge Reagent Kit
5188-5289Mult Aff Rem Spin cart. 0.45mL Ms-3
5188-5332Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x 50mm  Hu- HC
5188-5333Mult Aff Rem Column 4.6 x 100mm Hu-6HC
5188-5334Aff. Rem. Spin Cart HSA only, 0.45 mL
5188-5341Mult Aff Rem Spin Cart 0.45mL Hu-6HC
5188-6408Multiple Affinity Spin Cartridge Hu-PL7
5188-6409Multiple Affinity 4.6 x 50 Hu-PL7
5188-6410Multiple Affinity  4.6 x 100 Hu-PL7
5188-6411Multiple Affinity  10 x 100 Hu-PL7
5188-6557Mult Aff Rem Column,4.6 x 50mm,Hu-14
5188-6558Mult Aff Rem Column,4.6 x 100mm,Hu-14
5188-6559Mult Aff Rem Column,10  x 100mm,Hu-14
5188-6562Aff. Rem. Col. HSA Only, 4.6 x 50 mm
5188-8283HC Sample Dilution Buffer
5188-8825Mult. Aff. Rem. Spin Cartr. HSA/lgG, 0.4
5188-8826Mult. Aff. Rem. Col. HSA/lgG, 4.6 x 50 m
5188-533610 x 100 High Capacity Hu6 MARS
5188-65100.5mm x 100 mm mRP Hi-Recovery Prot Col
5185-5989HSA Standard, 20mg/mL, 1mL
G1990-85001Trypsin Digest Methylated BSA Standard
5185-5990Filters, Spin, 0.22um, Cell Acet, pk/25
5185-5991Concentrators, Spin 5K MWCO, 4mL pk/25
5188-2750Peptide Cleanup C18 Spin Tubes, pk/50
5188-5201Concentrators, Spin 30K MWCO,  4mL pk/25
5188-5202Concentrators, Spin 50K MWCO, 4mL pk/25
5188-5231mRP Hi-Recovery Prot Col, 4.6x50mm 1ea
5188-5239Cleanup C18 Pipette Tips, pk/96
5188-5249Luer-Lock Adapters for Spin Cart., pk/2
5188-5250Syringes, Plastic, 5mL, Luer-Lock, pk/2
5188-5252Spin Cartridge Caps and Plugs, pk/6 each
5188-5253Needles, PTFE, Luer-Lock, pk/10
5188-6560Mult Aff Rem Spin Cart Hu-14,0.45mL
401490AriaMx 96 Well Plates, Skirted, LP
401491AriaMx 96 Well Plates, Rigid, Skirted
401492AriaMx Adhesive Seals
401493AriaMx Tube Strips
401494AriaMx 96 Well Optical Plate
5190-7702AriaMx HRM Calibration Kit
5190-7708SYBR Qualification Plate Kit
5190-7827Brilliant HRM Ultra-fast loci master mix
5190-7909Brilliant HRM Ultra-fast loci master mix
300600Alien QRT-PCR Inhibitor Alert
300602Alien QPCR Reference Standard (FAM) Kit
300604Alien QPCR Reference Standard ( VIC) Kit
750500Quantitative PCR Hmn Reference Total RNA
750600Stratagene QPCR Mouse Refernce Total RNA
401266Light blocking pad for 96-well plates
401333QPCR 96-Well plates, non-skirted, pk/25
401334QPCR 96-Well plates, semi-skirted, pk/25
401341THERMO-FAST 96,PCRDetctnPlate,BAYER25/BX
401411Mx3000/5P Real-Time PCR Sys BulbRepAsmbl
401420Mx3000P Shipping Container
401425Mx3000P Optical Strip Caps (120 count)
401427Mx3000P Optical Strip Caps (60 count)
401428Mx3000P Strip Tubes
410021Mx4000 Assay Plates 20 plates per box
410022Mx4000 8-Tube Strips 125 strips per box
410023Mx4000 Reaction Tubes, 1000/bx
410024Mx4000 8-Cap Strips 125/bx
410088Polypropylene 96-Well Tube Plates,25
G5100-40001Agilent 384-well Plate, 50
200516Kit,QuikChange XL Site-Directed 30 rxn
200517Kit,QuikChange XL Site-Directed 10 rxn
200518Kit,QuikChange Site-Directed 30 rxn
200519Kit,QuikChange Site-Directed 10 rxn
200521Kit,QuikChange II XL site-directed 10rx
200522Kit,QuikChange II XL site-directed 30rx
200523Kit,QuikChange II site-directed 10 rxn
200524Kit,QuikChange II site-directed 30 rxn
200555QuikChange II-E(Electrprtn)StDrctd,10Rx
210518QuikChange Lightning 10 rxn
210519QuikChange Lightning 30 rxn
200513Kit,QuikChange Multi Site-Directed 30rx
200514Kt,QuikChange MultiSite-Directed,30rx
200515QuikChange Multi Site-Drctd Mtgns,10 rx
200531QuikChange MultiSite-DrctdMtgns,10 Rxn,
210513QC Lightning Multi, 30 Reaction Kit
210514QC Lightning Multi, 30 rxn Commercial
210515QC Lightning Multi, 10 Reaction Kit
210516QC Lightning Multi, 10 rxn Commercial
600111T3 RNA Polymerase, 5,000U
600123T7 RNA Polymerase, 5,000U
600124T7 RNA Polymerase, 25,000U
600151SP6 RNA Polymerase, 3,000U
600084MMLV RT 10,000U
600089AccuScript Reverse Transcriptase,50 rxns
600090AccuScript Reverse Transcriptase,200rxns
600105AffinityScript MultiTempRvrseTrnsc,10rxn
600107AffinityScript MultiTempRvrseTrnsc,50rxn
600109AffinityScript MltiTmpRvrseTrnscr,200rxn
540005Total RNA, Brain, Human, 25 ug
540007Total RNA,Brain,Cerebellum,Hmn,25 ug
540009Total RNA, Colon, Human, 25 ug
540011Total RNA, Heart, Human, 25 ug
540013Total RNA, Kidney, Human, 25 ug
540017Total RNA, Liver, Human, 25 ug
540019Total RNA, Lung, Human, 25 ug
540021Total RNA, Lymph Node, Human, 25 ug
540023Total RNA, Pancreas, Human, 25 ug
540025Total RNA, Placenta, Human, 25 ug
540029Total RNA, Skeletal Muscle, Human, 25 ug
540031Total RNA, Skin, Human, 25 ug
540035Total RNA, Spleen, Human, 25 ug
540037Total RNA, Stomach, Human, 25 ug
540039Total RNA, Thyroid, Human, 25 ug
540041Total RNA,Stomach,Diseased, Human, 25 ug
540043Total RNA, Uterus, Human, 25 ug
540045Total RNA, Breast, Human, Female, 25 ug
540047Total RNA, Larynx, Human, 25 ug
540049Total RNA, Testes, Human, 25 ug
540051Total RNA, Vulva, Human, 25 ug
540053Total RNA, Brain Stem, Human, 25 ug
540055Total RNA, Omentum, Human, 25 ug
540057Total RNA, Fallopian Tube, Human, 25 ug
540063Total RNA,Prostate,Hyperplsia,Hmn, 25 ug
540065Total,Ileum,Nn Hdgkns Lymphma,Hmn,25ug
540069Total RNA, Rectum, Human, 25 ug
540071Total RNA, Ovary, Human, 25 ug
540073Total RNA, Cervix, Human, 25 ug
540079Total RNA,Colon,Adenocarcinoma,Hmn,25 ug
540081Ttl RNA,Kidney,Renl Cell Crcnma,Hmn,25ug
540085Total RNA,Bladder, Carcinoma,Hmn, 25 ug
540087Total RNA, HeLa-S3 Cells, Human, 25 ug
540089Total RNA, HL-60 Cells, 25 ug
540091Total RNA, RAJI Cells, 25 ug
540093Total RNA, MDA-MB-453 Cells, 25 ug
540095Total RNA, PC-3 Cells, 25 ug
540097Ttl RNA,HeLa S3 Cells/PMA Treated, 25 ug
540099Total RNA,K-562 Cells/PMA Treated,25 ug
540101Total RNA,Raji Cells/PMA Treated,25 ug
540103Total RNA, K-562 Cells, 25 ug
540105Total RNA, U937 Cells, 25 ug
540107Total RNA, Jurkat Cells, 25 ug
540109Ttl,Jurkat,Hmn,Ionomycn treatd cell,25ug
540111Ttl,Jurkt,Hmn,Ionmycn/PMA trtd cell,25ug
540113Total RNA, HeLa S3 +/- PMA, 25 ug
540115Total RNA, K562 +/- PMA, 25 ug
540121Total RNA, Caval Vein, Human, 25 ug
540123Total RNA,Colon,Ascending,Hmn, 25 ug
540125Total RNA,Colon,Descending,Hmn,25 ug
540127Total RNA Parotid, Human, 25 ug
540131Total RNA, Duodenum, Human, 25 ug
540133Total RNA, Adrenal Gland, Human, 25 ug
540135Total RNA, Brain, Striatum, Human, 25 ug
540137Ttl RNA,Brain,Occipital Cortex,Hmn,25 ug
540141Total RNA, Thymus, Human, 25 ug
540143Total RNA,Brain Parietal Cortx,Hmn,25 ug
540145Total RNA, Trachea, Human, 25 ug
540147Total RNA, Penis, Human, 25 ug
540149Total RNA, Tongue, Human, 25 ug
540153Total RNA, Fetal Bladder, Human, 25 ug
540157Total RNA, Fetal Brain, Human, 25 ug
540161Total RNA, Fetal Colon, Human, 25 ug
540165Total RNA, Fetal Heart, Human, 25 ug
540169Total RNA, Fetal Kidney, Human, 25 ug
540173Total RNA, Fetal Liver, Human, 25 ug
540177Total RNA, Fetal Lung, Human, 25 ug
540181Ttl RNA,Fetal Skeletal Muscle,Hmn,25 ug
540185Total RNA, Fetal Skin, Human, 25 ug
540187Total RNA, Fetal Spleen, Human, 25 ug
540191Total RNA, Fetal Stomach, Human, 25 ug
540193Total RNA, Fetal Aorta, Human, 25 ug
540195Total RNA, Fetal Thymus, Human, 25 ug
540197Total RNA RAJI +/- PMA, 25 ug
540199Total RNA, Carotid Atery Human 25 ug
540201MVP Umbilical Cord, Hmn Total RNA, 25ug
736001Total RNA, Brain, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736005Total RNA, Heart, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736007Total RNA, Kidney, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736009Total RNA, Liver, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736011Total RNA, Lung, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736023Total RNA, Testes, Mouse, BALB/c, Male
736501Total RNA, Brain, C57BL, Male
736507Total RNA, Kidney, C57BL, Mal
736509Total RNA, Liver, C57BL, Male
736511Total RNA, Lung, C57BL, Male
736513Total RNA, Skeletal Muscle, C57BL, Male
736519Total RNA, Spleen, C57BL, Mal
736521Total RNA, Testes, C57BL, Mal
737001Total RNA,Brain,Sprague-Dawley Rat,Male
737005Total RNA,Heart,Sprague-Dawley Rat,Male
737007Total RNA,Kidney,Sprague-Dawley Rat,Male
737009Total RNA,Liver,Sprague-Dawley Rat, Male
737011Total RNA,Lung,Sprague Dawley Rat, Male
737013Total,Skltl Mscle,Sprague DawleyRat,Male
737023Total RNA,Testes,Sprague-Dawley Rat,Male
737101Ttl RNA,Brain,Cerblm,Fischr344Rat,M,50ug
935018Total RNA, Liver, Human, Male/Female
200344Kit,Micro RNA Extraction
200345RNA Isolation Kit
400720RNace-It Ribonuclease Cocktail
400753Absoluy RNA Nanoprep Kit, 50 preps
400754Absoluy RNA Nanoprep Spin Cups,12
400792Absoluy RNA Lysis Buffer, 125 mls
400793Absoluy RNA 96 Microprep Kit,2 plates
400800Absoluy RNA Miniprep Kit, 50 preps
400805Absoluy RNA Microprep Kit, 50 preps
400806Absoluy mRNA purification kit
400809Kit,Absoluy RNA FFPE Kit, 50 preps
400811Absoluy RNA FFPE Kt(w/o dprfnztn), 5
400814Absoluy RNA miRNA  Kit
750700Universal miRNA Reference Kit
200339RNAMaxx High Yield Transcription Kit
200410Klenow Fill-In Kit
203003DNA Ligation Kit
300151RNase Block, 4,000U
300152RNase Block, 16,000U
600011T4 DNA Ligase, 300U
600031RNase Free DNase I, 1000U
600032RNase Free DNase I, 5000U
600069Exo- Klenow, 125U
600163Exo- Pfu DNA Polymerase, 250U
600191Pfu DNA Ligase, 400U
600201Single-Stranded DNA BindingProtein,100ug
600180AccuScript High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit
600188AffinityScript Herc.II RT-PCR, 100 rxn
400900SideStep Lysis and Stab. Bffr,10ml
400902Kit,SideStep mRNA Enrichment,10 preps
400916SideStep II Cell Lysis Analysis Kit
400917SideStep II QRT-PCR Master Mix, 1-Step
400005StrataCooler Cryo Presevation Module
401349StrataCooler LP. Blue
410094Benchtop Rack for200ul Tubes/V BttmPltes
41009840-Well Working Rack
410099Tube-Strip Capping Tool
400073Stratalinker 1800 Bulbs, 254 nm,pk of 5
400074Stratalinker 1800 Bulbs, 365 nm
400078Stratalinker 2400 Bulbs, 254 nm
400079Stratalinker 2400 Bulbs, 365 nm
400186Stratalinker 1800 Bulbs, 312 nm
400187Stratalinker 2400 Bulbs, 312 nm
5500-0001Agilent PCR-RFLP Fish Species ID Kit
5500-0100Agilent DNA Fish Species ID Ensemble
600195Taq2000 DNA Polymerase, 100U
600196Taq2000 DNA Polymerase, 500U
600197Taq2000 DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600198Taq2000 DNA Polymerase, 5000U
600280SureStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 100U
600282SureStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 500U
600284SureStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 1000U
600210TaqPlus Precision PCR System, 100U
600211TaqPlus Precision PCR System, 500U
600212TaqPlus Precision PCR System, 1000U
600420PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR System, 100U
600422PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR System, 500U
600424PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR System,1000U
600650PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR MstrMx,100rxn
600920SureDirect Blood PCR Kit, 100 Rxns
600930SureDirect Blood PCR Kit, 5 X 100 Rxns
410082Tube Strips, 200 ul, 80 strips of 12
410086Tube Cap Strips, 80 strips of 12
410090Thin-Wall Tubes, 600 ul, 1,000 tubes
410091Thin-Wall Tubes, 200 ul, 1000 tubes
410092Tube Strips, 200 ul, 120 strips of 8
410096Tube Cap Strips, 120 strips of 8
41015296-Well Plate Sealing Film,100 pcs
410186Adhesive Seal, Pack of 100
410187Compression mat, 10 per pack
410188384 well plates, Pack of 50
219000PathDetect c-JUN Trans-Reporting System
219001PathDetect pFR-CAT Trans-Reporter Plsmd
219002PathDetect pFR-B-Gal Trans-RprtrPlsmd
219004PathDetect pFR-SEAP Trans-Reportr Plasmd
219005PathDetect Elk1 Trans-Reporting System
219010PathDetect CREB Trans-Reporting System
219015PathDetect CHOP Trans-Reporting System
219020Luciferase Assay Kit
219026PathDetect pFA-ATF2 Plasmid
219031PathDetect pFA-cFos Plasmid
219036PathDetect pFA-CMV Plasmid
219040PathDetect pMUT-ELK1 Plasmid
219041PathDetect pMUT-cJun Plasmid
219042PathDetect pMUT-CREB Plasmid
219050PathDetect pFR-Luc Plasmid
219053PathDetect pFA-Jun Plasmid
219054PathDetect pFA-CHOP Plasmid
219056PathDetect pFC-dbd Plasmid
219059PathDetect pFC-MEKK Plasmid
219062PathDetect pFA-Elk1 Plasmid
219065PathDetect pFC-MEK1 Plasmid
219068PathDetect pFA-CREB Plasmid
219071PathDetect pFC-PKA Plasmid
219073PathDetect AP-1 Cis-Reporting System
219074PathDetect pAP1-Luc Plasmid
219075PathDetect CRE Cis-Reporting System
219076PathDetect pCRE-Luc Plasmid
219077PathDetect NF-kB Cis-Reporting System
219078PathDetect pNFkB-Luc Plasmid
219079PathDetect SRE Cis-Reporting System
219080PathDetect pSRE-Luc Plasmid
219081PathDetect SRF Cis-Reporting System
219082PathDetect pSRF-Luc Plasmid
219083PathDetect p53 Cis-Reporting System
219084PathDetect pFC-p53 Plasmid
219085PathDetect p53-Luc Plasmid
219086PathDetect pFC-MEK3 Plasmid
219087PathDetect pLuc-MCS Plasmid
219088PathDetect pNFAT-Luc Plasmid
219089PathDetect pISRE-Luc Plasmid
219090PathDetect pCIS-CK Plasmid
219091PathDetect pGAS-Luc Plasmid
219092PathDetect ISRE Cis-Reporting System
219093PathDetect GAS Cis-Reporting System
219094PathDetect NFAT Cis-Reporting System
219095PathDetect TARE Cis-Reporting System
240039PathDetect pTARE-Luc Plasmid
240049PathDetect pAP-1-hrGFP Cis-ReprtrPlsmd
240050PathDetect pCRE-hrGFP Cis-ReprtrPlasmd
240051PathDetect pNF-kB-hrGFP Cis-RprtrPlsmd
240053PathDetect pNFAT-hrGFP Cis-ReprtrPlsmd
240111PathDetect c/EBP Cis-Reporting System
240112PathDetect c/EBP Cis-Reporting Plasmid
240113PathDetect DR1/RXRE Cis-Reporting System
240114PathDetect DR1/RXRE Cis-Reporting Plasmd
240115PathDetect DR3/VDR Cis-Reporting System
240116PathDetect DR3/VDR Cis-Reporting Plasmd
240119PathDetect DR5/RARE Cis-Reporting System
240120PathDetect DR5/RARE Cis-Reporting Plasmd
240129PathDetect Egr-1 Cis-Reporting System
240130PathDetect Egr-1 Cis-Reporting Plasmid
240131PathDetect LILRE Cis-Reporting System
240132PathDetect LILRE Cis-Reporting Plasmid
240133PathDetect GRE Cis-Reporting System
240134PathDetect GRE Cis-Reporting Plasmid
240135PathDetect DR4/TR Cis-Reporting System
240136PathDetect DR4/TR Cis-Reporting Plasmid
200049G418 Sterile Solution,10 ml,50 mg/ml
200285Mammalian Transfection Kit
200385Mammalian Transfection-Calcium Phosphate
200388Transfection MBS Mammalian Kit
200399G418 Sulfate, 1 g
200488ViraPack Transfection Reagent
204110Kit,LipoTAXI Transfection Rgnt 3 x 1 ml
204130GeneJammer Transfection Reagent, 1 ml
204131GeneJammer Transfection Reagent,4x1 ml
204132GeneJammer Transfection Reagent, 0.3 ml
302008Mycoplasma Plus PCR Primer Set, 50 rxn
302106MycoSensor QPCR Assay Kit (100 rxns)
302107MycoSensor QPCR Assay Kit (50 rxn) q
302108MycoSensor PCR Assay Kit (100 rxns)
302109MycoSensor PCR Assay Kit (50 rxn)
740000Universal Human Reference RNA 2x200 ug
740100Universal Mouse Reference RNA
740200Universal Rat Reference RNA
200154BJ5183 Electroporation-Competent Cells
200157BJ5183-AD-1 Electroporation Comp Cells
217561pFB-Neo Vector
217563pFB Vector
217564pFB-ERV Vector
217566pVPack-GP Vector
217567pVPack-VSV-G Vector
217568pVPack-Ampho Vector
217569pVPack-Eco Vector
217570pVPack-10A1 Vector
240005pAdEasy-1 Vector
240006pShuttle Vector
240007pShuttle-CMV Vector
240008pShuttle-CMV lacZ Vector
240009Kit,AdEasy Adenoviral Vector System
240010Kit,AdEasy XL Adenoviral System
240028pCFB-EGSH Retroviral Vector
240029pFB-Neo-LacZ Retroviral Vector
240030pFB-Luc Retroviral Vector
240071Kit,AAV Helper-Free System
240073AAV-293 Cells
240074pAAV-hrGFP Vector
240075pAAV-IRES-hrGFP Vector
240081pShuttle-IRES-hrGFP-1 vector
240082pShuttle-IRES-hrGFP-2 vector
240085AD-293 Cells
240109AAV-HT1080 Cells
240243AdEasy Virus Purification Kit 2x100
972500AdEasy Viral Titer Kit
5067-1520Cell Checkout Kit
5067-1504Agilent DNA 1000 Kit,300samples
5067-1505DNA 1000 reagents. For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system. Contains reagents, ladder and markers.
5067-1506Agilent DNA 7500 Kit,300samples
5067-1507DNA 7500 reagents. For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system.  Contains reagents, ladder and markers.
5067-1508Agilent DNA 12000 Kit,300samples
5067-1509DNA 12000 reagents For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system.  Contains reagents, ladder and markers.
5067-1511Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit,300 samples
5067-1512RNA 6000 Nano reagents For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system. Contains reagents, ladder and marke
5067-1513Agilent RNA 6000 Pico Kit, 275 samples
5067-1514RNA 6000 Pico reagents. For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system. Contains reagents, ladder and mark
5067-1515Agilent Protein 80 Kit, 250 samples
5067-1516Protein 80 reagents. For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system. Contains reagents, ladder and markers
5067-1517Agilent Protein 230 Kit,250 samples
5067-1518Protein 230 Plus reagents. For use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system. Contains reagents, ladder and m
5067-1519Agilent Cell Kit, 150 samples
5067-1529Agilent 6000 Nano Ladder
5067-1535RNA 6000 Pico ladder
5067-1548Agilent Small RNA Kit,275 samples
5067-1549Small RNA reagents
5067-1550Small RNA ladder
5067-1575High Sensitivity Protein 250 Kit,250 samples
5067-1576Hsens. Protein 250 reagents (separation)
5067-1577Hsens. Protein 250 reagents (labeling)
5067-1578High Sensitivity Protein 250 ladder
5067-4626High Sensitivity DNA Kit contains 10 DNA chips, 1 electrode cleaning chip, ?reagents, 1 syringe a
5067-4627High Sensitivity DNA Reagent only
5188-64443100 OFFGEL Starter Kit
5188-80123100 OFFGEL 12 Well Frame Set
5188-80133100 OFFGEL 24 Well Frame Set
G2938-68706Syringe Kit
G3100-60002Electrode Assembly
G3100-60007Tray Set
5188-6428OFFGEL Protein Test Sample
5188-64253100 OFFGEL Low Res Kit, pH 3-10
5188-64263100 OFFGEL High Res Kit, pH 4-7
5188-64273100 OFFGEL Low Res Kit , pH 4-7
5067-5582D1000 ScreenTape
5067-5583D1000 Reagents
5067-5584High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape
5067-5585High Sensitivity D1000 Reagents
5067-5586D1000 Ladder
5067-5587High Sensitivity  D1000 Ladder
5067-5576RNA ScreenTape
5067-5577RNA ScreenTape Sample Buffer
5067-5578RNA ScreenTape Ladder
5067-5579High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape
5067-5580High Sens. RNA ScreenTape Sample Buffer
5067-5152Loading Tips (10EA/PK)
G2960-60063Needle Cartridge Assy, twin
G5920ASurePrint G3 CGH/CGH+SNP 1x1M Bundle
G5921ASurePrint G3 CGH/CGH+SNP 2x400K Bundle
G5923ASurePrint G3 CGH/CGH+SNP 8x60K Bundle
G5955ASurePrint G3 ISCA V2 CGH KIT, 8X60K
G4411BHuman Genome CGH microarray kit 244A
G4412AHuman Genome CGH microarray kit 105A
G4413AHuman catalog CGH microarray Kit 4x44K
G4415AMouse Genome CGH microarray kit 244A
G4423ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4423BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4425BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (2X105K)
G4425BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (2X105K)
G4426ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (4x44K)
G4426BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (4x44K)
G4427ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4427BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4430ACustom CGH Microarray Layout Service
G4431ACustom CGH Probe Selection Service
G4447ASurePrint G3 human CGH array 1x1M
G4448ASurePrint G3 human CGH array 2x400K
G4450ASurePrint G3 human CGH array 8x60K
G4453ACyto Custom HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4453ACyto Custom HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4455ACyto Custom HD-CGH Microarray (2x105K)
G4456ACyto Custom HD-CGH Microarray (4x44K)
G4456BCyto Unrestricted HD-CGH Array (4x44K)
G4457ACyto Custom HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4449ASurePrint G3 human CGH array 4x180K
G4506ASurePrint G3 hmn high-res discovery 1x1M
G4507ASurePrint G3 human CNV array 2x400K
G4838ASurePrint G3 Mouse CGH Array Kit 1x1M
G4839ASurePrint G3 Mouse CGH Array Kit 4x180K
G4842ASurePrint G3 CGH +SNP Array Kit 2x400K
G4869ASurePrint G3 Cancer CGH+SNP Kit 4x180K
G4882ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH+SNP 1x1M
G4883ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH+SNP 2x400K
G4884ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH+SNP 4x180K
G4885ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH+SNP 8x60K
G4890ASurePrint G3 CGH+SNP Array Kit 4x180K
G4123ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH Microarray 1x1M
G4124ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH Array 2x400K
G4125ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH Array 4x180K
G4126ASurePrint G3 Custom CGH Microarray 8x60K
G4423ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4423BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (1x244K)
G4425ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (2X105K)
G4425BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (2X105K)
G4426ACustom HD-CGH Microarray (4x44K)
G4426BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (4x44K)
G4427BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4427BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4427BUnrestricted HD-CGH Microarray (8x15K)
G4824ASurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH Array1x1M
G4815ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 1x1M Unrestricted
G4816ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 2x400 Unrestricted
G4817ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 4x180 Unrestricted
G4818ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 8x60K Unrestricted
G4819ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 1x1M Custom
G4820ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 2X400 Custom Array
G4821ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 4X180 Custom Array
G4822ASurePrint G3 ChIP/CH3 8X60K Custom Array
G4825ASurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH (2x400K)
G4827ASurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH (8x60K)
G4826ASurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH (4x180K)
G4828ASurePrint G3 Custom Cyto Array 1x1M
G4829ASurePrint G3 Custom Cyto Array 2x400K
G4830ASurePrint G3 Custom Cyto Array 4x180K
G4831ASurePrint G3 Custom Cyto Array 8x60K
G4842ASurePrint G3 CGH +SNP Array Kit 2x400K
5190-4240SureTag Complete DNA Labeling Kit
5190-3391SureTag Labeling Kit RT Components
5190-3400SureTag DNA Labeling Kit
5190-3393Cot-I Human DNA
5188-5220Oligo aCGH/ChIP-Chip Hybridization Kit
5188-5221Oligo aCGH/ChIP-on-Chip Wash Buffer 1,4L
5188-5222Oligo aCGH/ChIP-on-Chip Wash Buffer 2,4L
5188-5226Oligo aCGH/ChIP-on-Chip Wash Buffer Set
5188-5380Oligo aCGH Hybridization Kit, Large
G2534-60011Pack 5 Backings 4 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60012Pack 20 Backings 4 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60013Pack 100 Backings 4 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60014Pack 5 Backings 8 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60015Pack 20 Backings 8 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60016Pack 100 Backings 8 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60002Pack 5 Backings 2 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60003Pack 5 Backings 1 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60005Pack 100 Backings 1 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60006Pack 100 Backings 2 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60008Pack 20 Backings 1 Arrays per Slide
G2534-60009Pack 20 Backings 2 Arrays per Slide
G2534AHybridization Chamber, Quick Assemble
G2534AHybridization Chamber, Quick Assemble
5190-6208SureSelectXT Human All Exon V5, 16
5190-6209SureSelectXT Human All Exon V5, 96
5190-6210SSEL XT Human All Exon V5, 96, Auto
5190-6211SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V5 Plus, 16
5190-6212SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V5 Plus, 96
5190-6213SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V5+UTRs, 16
5190-6214SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V5+UTRs, 96
5190-6215SSEL XT Hu. AllExon V5+UTRs, 96, Auto
5190-6216SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5, 16
5190-6217SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5, 96
5190-6218SSEL XT2 Hu. AllExon V5, 96, Auto
5190-6219SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5 Plus, 16
5190-6220SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5 Plus, 96
5190-6221SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5+UTRs, 16
5190-6222SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V5+UTRs, 96
5190-6223SSEL XT2 Hu. AllExon V5+UTRs, 96, Auto
5190-6224SureSelectXT Hu.AllExon V5 Plus, 96,auto
5190-6225SureSelectXT2 Hu.AllExon V5 Plus,96,auto
5190-6446SSXT Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 16
5190-6447SSXT Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 96
5190-6448SSXT Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 96, Auto
5190-6449SSXT Human All Exon V5+MHC, 16
5190-6450SSXT Human All Exon V5+MHC, 96
5190-6451SSXT Human All ExonV5+MHC, 96, Auto
5190-6452SSXT2 Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 16
5190-6453SSXT2 Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 96
5190-6454SSXT2 Human All Exon V5+lncRNA, 96, Auto
5190-6455SSXT2 Human All Exon V5+MHC, 16
5190-6456SSXT2 Human All Exon V5+MHC, 96
5190-6457SSXT2 Human All ExonV5+MHC, 96, Auto
5190-7324HaloPlex ILM Prepack, 16 rxns
5190-7325HaloPlex ION Prepack, 16 rxns
5190-7327SureSelectQXT Fast Hyb Buffer, 16 rxn
5190-7330SureSelectQXT Fast Hyb Buffer, 96 Rxn
5190-7338SSELXT Clinical Research Exome, 16
5190-7339SSELXT Clinical Research Exome, 96
5190-7344SSEL Clinical Research Exome, 96 auto
5190-7345SSELXT2 Clinical Research Exome, 16rxn
5190-7346SSELXT2 Clinical Research Exome, 96rxn
5190-7347SSELXT2 Clinical Research Exome, 96 auto
5190-7518SSELXT Inherited Disease, 16
5190-7519SSELXT Inherited Disease, 96
5190-7520SSELXT Inherited Disease, 96 auto
5190-7521SSELXT Inherited Disease Plus, 16
5190-7522SSELXT Inherited Disease Plus, 96
5190-7523SSELXT Inherited Disease Plus, 96 auto
5190-7524SSELXT2 Inherited Disease, 16
5190-7525SSELXT2 Inherited Disease, 96
5190-7526SSELXT2 Inherited Disease, 96 auto
5190-7527SSELXT2 Inherited Disease Plus, 16
5190-7528SSELXT2 Inherited Disease Plus, 96
5190-7529SSELXT2 Inherited Disease Plus, 96 auto
5190-7787SSEL XT Focused Exome, 16 rxn
5190-7788SSEL XT Focused Exome, 96 rxn
5190-7789SSEL XT Focused Exome, 96 rxn, auto
5190-7790SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus, 16rxn
5190-7791SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus, 96rxn
5190-7792SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus, 96 auto
5190-7793SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus 2, 16rxn
5190-7795SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus 2, 96rxn
5190-7796SSEL XT Focused Exome Plus 2, 96 auto
5190-7797SSEL XT2 Focused Exome, 16 rxn
5190-7798SSEL XT2 Focused Exome, 96 rxn
5190-7799SSEL XT2 Focused Exome, 96 rxn, auto
5190-7800SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus, 16rxn
5190-7806SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus, 96rxn
5190-7807SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus, 96 auto
5190-7808SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus 2, 16rxn
5190-7809SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus 2, 96rxn
5190-7810SSEL XT2 Focused Exome Plus 2, 96 auto
5190-7951SureSelectXT Index Set ILM, 96
5190-7950SSEL Pre-capture Indexed Adaptor Set ILM
5190-8011ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer,16, XT
5190-8012ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer,96, XT
5190-8013ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer, 96 auto,
5190-8014ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus,16, X
5190-8015ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus,96, X
5190-8016ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus, 96 a
5190-8017ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer,16, XT2
5190-8018ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer,96, XT2
5190-8019ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer, 96 auto,
5190-8020ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus,16, X
5190-8021ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus,96, X
5190-8022ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus, 96 a
5190-8065HaloPlex Prepack Reagents, ILMN, 16rxn
5190-4806SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 16
5190-4807SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 96
5190-4808SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 96, Auto
5190-4809SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 480
5190-4810SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 480, Auto
5190-4811SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 16, RO
5190-4812SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 96, RO
5190-4813SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4814SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb, 480, RO
5190-4815SureSelectXT Custom 1Kb-499kb,480,Aut,RO
5190-4816SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 16
5190-4817SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96
5190-4818SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4819SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 480
5190-4820SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4821SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4822SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4823SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4824SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb,480,RO
5190-4825SureSelectXT Custom 0.5-2.9Mb,480,Aut,RO
5190-4826SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 16
5190-4827SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96
5190-4828SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4829SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480
5190-4830SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4831SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4832SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96,  RO
5190-4833SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96, Aut, RO
5190-4834SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480, RO
5190-4835SureSelectXT Custom 3-5.9Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4836SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 16
5190-4837SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96
5190-4838SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4839SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480
5190-4840SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4841SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4842SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4843SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4844SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480, RO
5190-4845SureSelectXT Custom 6-11.9Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4846SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 16
5190-4847SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 96
5190-4848SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb,96, Auto
5190-4849SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 480
5190-4850SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb,480, Auto
5190-4851SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 16, RO
5190-4852SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 96, RO
5190-4853SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb,96,Aut,RO
5190-4854SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb, 480, RO
5190-4855SureSelectXT2 Custom 1kb-499kb,480,Au,RO
5190-4856SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 16
5190-4857SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96
5190-4858SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4859SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 480
5190-4860SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 480,Auto
5190-4861SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4862SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4863SureSelectXT2 Custom0.5-2.9Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4864SureSelectXT2 Custom 0.5-2.9Mb,480,RO
5190-4865SureSelectXT2 Custom0.5-2.9Mb,480,Aut,RO
5190-4866SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 16
5190-4867SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96
5190-4868SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4869SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480
5190-4870SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4871SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4872SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 96,  RO
5190-4873SureSelectXT2 Custom3-5.9Mb, 96, Aut, RO
5190-4874SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb, 480, RO
5190-4875SureSelectXT2 Custom 3-5.9Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4876SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 16
5190-4877SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96
5190-4878SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4879SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480
5190-4880SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4881SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4882SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4883SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4884SureSelectXT2 Custom 6-11.9Mb, 480, RO
5190-4885SureSelectXT2 Custom6-11.9Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4886SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 16
5190-4887SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 96
5190-4888SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4889SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 480
5190-4890SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4891SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 16, RO
5190-4892SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 96, RO
5190-4893SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4894SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb, 480, RO
5190-4895SureSelectXT2 Custom 12-24Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4896SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 16
5190-4897SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 96
5190-4898SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4899SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 480
5190-4900SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 480, Auto
5190-4901SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 16, RO
5190-4902SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 96, RO
5190-4903SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb,96,Auto,RO
5190-4904SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb, 480, RO
5190-4905SureSelectXT Custom 12-24Mb,480,Auto,RO
5190-4934SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb, 16
5190-4935SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb, 96
5190-4937SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb, 480
5190-4939SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb,16,RO
5190-4940SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb,96, RO
5190-4942SureSelect RNA 1Kb-499kb,480,RO
5190-4944SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb,16
5190-4945SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb, 96
5190-4947SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb, 480
5190-4949SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb,16,RO
5190-4950SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4952SureSelect RNA 0.5-2.9Mb,480,RO
5190-4954SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 16
5190-4955SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 96
5190-4957SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 480
5190-4959SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 16, RO
5190-4960SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 96, RO
5190-4962SureSelect RNA 3-5.9Mb, 480, RO
5190-4626SureSelectXT HumanAllExon 50Mb, 16
5190-4627SureSelectXT HumanAllExon 50Mb, 96
5190-4629SureSelectXT HumanAllExon 50Mb, 480
5190-4628SureSelectXT HumanAllExon 50Mb, 96, Auto
5190-4630SureSelectXT HumanAllExon 50Mb, 480,Auto
5190-4631SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4, 16
5190-4632SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4, 96
5190-4633SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4, 96, Auto
5190-4634SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4, 480
5190-4635SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4, 480, Auto
5190-4636SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4+UTRs, 16
5190-4637SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4+UTRs, 96
5190-4638SureSelectXT HumanAllExonV4+UTRs,96,Auto
5190-4639SureSelectXT HumanAllExon V4+UTRs, 480
5190-4640SureSelectXT HumanAllExonV4+UTRs,480,Aut
5190-4641SureSelectXT Mouse All Exon, 16
5190-4642SureSelectXT Mouse All Exon, 96
5190-4643SureSelectXT Mouse All Exon, 96, Auto
5190-4644SureSelectXT Mouse All Exon, 480
5190-4645SureSelectXT Mouse All Exon, 480, Auto
5190-4646SureSelectXT DNA Kinome, 16
5190-4647SureSelectXT DNA Kinome, 96
5190-4648SureSelectXT DNA Kinome, 96, Auto
5190-4649SureSelectXT DNA Kinome, 480
5190-4650SureSelectXT DNA Kinome, 480,Auto
5190-4651SureSelectXT X-Chromosome, 16
5190-4652SureSelectXT X-Chromosome, 96
5190-4653SureSelectXT X-Chromosome, 480
5190-4661SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq, 16
5190-4662SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq, 96
5190-4663SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq, 480
5190-4666SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4, 16
5190-4667SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4, 96
5190-4668SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4, 96, Auto
5190-4669SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4, 480
5190-4670SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4, 480, Auto
5190-4671SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExon V4+UTRs, 16
5190-4672SureSelectXT2 HumanAll Exon V4+UTRs, 96
5190-4673SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExonV4+UTRs,96,Aut
5190-4674SureSelectXT2 Human All Exon V4+UTRs,480
5190-4675SureSelectXT2 HumanAllExonV4+UTRs,480,Au
5190-4676SureSelectXT2 DNA Kinome, 16
5190-4677SureSelectXT2 DNA Kinome, 96
5190-4678SureSelectXT2 DNA Kinome, 96, Auto
5190-4679SureSelectXT2 DNA Kinome, 480
5190-4680SureSelectXT2 DNA Kinome, 480, Auto
5190-4681SureSelectXT2 Mouse All Exon, 16
5190-4682SureSelectXT2 Mouse All Exon, 96
5190-4684SureSelectXT2 Mouse All Exon, 480
5190-4801SureSelect RNA Kinome, 16
5190-4802SureSelect RNA Kinome, 96
5190-4803SureSelect RNA Kinome, 480
G9601ASureSelect TE RNA Reagent kit, HSQ, 16
G9601BSureSelect TE RNA Reagent kit, HSQ, 96
G9601CSureSelect TE RNA Reagent kit, HSQ, 480
G9605ASureSelect TE Reagent Kit, PTN, 16
G9605BSureSelect TE Reagent Kit, PTN, 96
G9607ASureSelect TE Reagent kit, RCH, 16
G9607BSureSelect TE Reagent kit, RCH, 96
G9607CSureSelect TE Reagent kit, RCH, 480
G9611ASureSelectXT Reagent kit, HSQ, 16
G9611BSureSelectXT Reagent kit, HSQ, 96
G9611CSureSelect XT Reagent kit, HSQ, 480
G9612ASureSelectXT Reagent kit, MSQ, 16
G9612BSureSelectXT Reagent kit, MSQ, 96
G9612CSureSelectXT Reagent kit, MSQ, 480
G9615ASureSelectXT Reagent Kit, 5500, 16
G9615BSureSelectXT Reagent Kit, 5500, 96
G9621ASureSelectXT2 Reagent kit, HSQ, 16
G9621BSureSelectXT2 Reagent kit, HSQ, 96
G9621CSureSelectXT2 Reagent kit, HSQ, 480
G9641BSureSelect XT Reagent kit, HSQ, 96, Auto
G9641CSureSelectXT Reagent Kit, HSQ, 480,Auto
G9642BSureSelectXT Reagent kit, MSQ, 96, Auto
G9642CSureSelectXT Reagent Kit, MSQ, 480,Auto
G9651ASureSelectXT Methyl Reagent kit, HSQ,16
G9651BSureSelectXT Methyl Reagent kit, HSQ,96
G9651CSureSelectXT Methyl Reagent kit,HSQ,480
G9661BSureSelectXT2 Reagent kit, HSQ, 96,Auto
G9661CSureSelectXT2 Reagent Kit, HSQ,480,Auto
G9662BSureSelectXT2 Reagent kit, MSQ, 96,Auto
G9662CSureSelectXT2 Reagent Kit, MSQ,480,Auto
G9681ASureSelectQXT Reagent Kit, ILM, 16
G9681BSureSelectQXT Reagent Kit, ILM, 96
G9682ASureSelectQXT Library Prep Kit, ILM, 16
G9682BSureSelectQXT Library Prep Kit, ILM, 96
G9683ASureSelectQXT Reagent Kit NSQ, 16
G9683BSureSelectQXT Reagent Kit NSQ, 96
G9684ASureSelectQXT Library Prep Kit NSQ, 16
G9684BSureSelectQXT Library Prep Kit NSQ, 96
G9691ASureSelect SS RNA Library Prep, ILM, 16
G9691BSureSelect SS RNA Library Prep, ILM, 96
G9692ASureSelectXT RNA Reagent kit, ILM, 16
G9692BSureSelectXT RNA Reagent Kit, ILM, 96
G100000G-8SureFISH 1q21.2 BCL9 GR
G100000R-8SureFISH 1q21.2 BCL9 RD
G100001G-8SureFISH 15q11.2 UBE3A GR
G100001R-8SureFISH 15q11.2 UBE3A RD
G100002G-8SureFISH 22q13.2 EP300 GR
G100002R-8SureFISH 22q13.2 EP300 RD
G100003G-8SureFISH 1q21.1 RBM8A GR
G100003R-8SureFISH 1q21.1 RBM8A RD
G100004G-8SureFISH 15q13.3-CHRNA7 GR
G100004R-8SureFISH 15q13.3-CHRNA7 RD
G100005G-8SureFISH 15q13.3-OTUD7A GR
G100005R-8SureFISH 15q13.3-OTUD7A RD
G100006G-8SureFISH 15q11.2 SNRPN GR
G100006R-8SureFISH 15q11.2 SNRPN RD
G100007G-8SureFISH 15q12 GABRB3-GABRG3 GR
G100009G-8SureFISH 16p11.2 SNP-CORO1A GR
G100009R-8SureFISH 16p11.2 SNP-CORO1A RD
G100010G-8SureFISH 16p11.2 ATXN2L-LAT GR
G100010R-8SureFISH 16p11.2 ATXN2L-LAT RD
G100011G-8SureFISH 16p13.3 CREBBP GR
G100011R-8SureFISH 16p13.3 CREBBP RD
G100012G-8SureFISH 1q21.1 CD160 GR
G100012R-8SureFISH 1q21.1 CD160 RD
G100013G-8SureFISH 22q11.21 HIRA/TUPLE1 GR
G100013R-8SureFISH 22q11.21 HIRA/TUPLE1 RD
G100014G-8SureFISH 22q11.21 TBX1 GR
G100014R-8SureFISH 22q11.21 TBX1 RD
G100015G-8SureFISH 22q11.21 CRKL GR
G100015R-8SureFISH 22q11.21 CRKL RD
G100016G-8SureFISH 22q11.21  COMT GR
G100017G-8SureFISH 17p12 PMP22 GR
G100017R-8SureFISH 17p12 PMP22 RD
G100018G-8SureFISH 17p12 TEKT3 GR
G100018R-8SureFISH 17p12 TEKT3 RD
G100019G-8SureFISH 17p12 CORT4 GR
G100020G-8SureFISH 17p11.2 RAI1 GR
G100020R-8SureFISH 17p11.2 RAI1 RD
G100021G-8SureFISH 2q37.3 HDAC4 GR
G100021R-8SureFISH 2q37.3 HDAC4 RD
G100022G-8SureFISH 1p12 NOTCH2 GR
G100022R-8SureFISH 1p12 NOTCH2 RD
G100023R-8SureFISH H chr20:39274728-39354396 RD
G100027G-8SureFISH 13q12.11 MPHOSPH8 GR
G100027R-8SureFISH 13q12.11 MPHOSPH8 RD
G100029G-8SureFISH 17q11.1 WSB1 GR
G100029R-8SureFISH 17q11.1 WSB1 RD
G100035G-8SureFISH ZNF423-3'BA-416kb GR
G100036R-8SureFISH ZNF423-5'BA-169kb RD
G100038G-8SureFISH UBR5-5'BA-278kb GR
G100038R-8SureFISH UBR5-5'BA-278kb RD
G100046G-8SureFISH 17q12 ERBB2/HER2 GR
G100046R-8SureFISH 17q12 ERBB2/HER2 RD
G100047R-8SureFISH 2q23.1 MBD5 RD
G100048G-8SureFISH 17p13.3 PAFAH1B1/LIS1 GR
G100048R-8SureFISH 17p13.3 PAFAH1B1/LIS1 RD
G100049G-8SureFISH 17q21.31 MAPT GR
G100049R-8SureFISH 17q21.31 MAPT RD
G100050G-8SureFISH 17p13.1 TP53 GR
G100050R-8SureFISH 17p13.1 TP53 RD
G100051G-8SureFISH Chr1p omere GR
G100051R-8SureFISH Chr1p omere RD
G100052G-8SureFISH Chr2p omere GR
G100052R-8SureFISH Chr2p omere RD
G100053G-8SureFISH Chr2q omere GR
G100053R-8SureFISH Chr2q omere RD
G100054G-8SureFISH Chr3p omere GR
G100054R-8SureFISH Chr3p omere RD
G100055G-8SureFISH Chr3q omere GR
G100055R-8SureFISH Chr3q omere RD
G100056G-8SureFISH Chr4p omere GR
G100056R-8SureFISH Chr4p omere RD
G100058G-8SureFISH Chr5p omere GR
G100058R-8SureFISH Chr5p omere RD
G100059G-8SureFISH Chr5q omere GR
G100059R-8SureFISH Chr5q omere RD
G100061R-8SureFISH Chr6q omere RD
G100062G-8SureFISH Chr7p omere GR
G100062R-8SureFISH Chr7p omere RD
G100063G-8SureFISH Chr7q omere GR
G100063R-8SureFISH Chr7q omere RD
G100064R-8SureFISH Chr8p omere RD
G100065G-8SureFISH Chr8q omere GR
G100065R-8SureFISH Chr8q omere RD
G100066G-8SureFISH Chr9p omere GR
G100066R-8SureFISH Chr9p omere RD
G100067R-8SureFISH Chr9q omere RD
G100068G-8SureFISH Chr10p omere GR
G100068R-8SureFISH Chr10p omere RD
G100069G-8SureFISH Chr10q omere GR
G100069R-8SureFISH Chr10q omere RD
G100071G-8SureFISH Chr11q omere GR
G100071R-8SureFISH Chr11q omere RD
G100072G-8SureFISH Chr12p omere GR
G100072R-8SureFISH Chr12p omere RD
G100073G-8SureFISH Chr13q omere GR
G100073R-8SureFISH Chr13q omere RD
G100074G-8SureFISH Chr15q omere GR
G100074R-8SureFISH Chr15q omere RD
G100075G-8SureFISH Chr16p omere GR
G100075R-8SureFISH Chr16p omere RD
G100076G-8SureFISH Chr16q omere GR
G100076R-8SureFISH Chr16q omere RD
G100077G-8SureFISH Chr17p omere GR
G100077R-8SureFISH Chr17p omere RD
G100078G-8SureFISH Chr17q omere GR
G100078R-8SureFISH Chr17q omere RD
G100079G-8SureFISH Chr18p omere GR
G100079R-8SureFISH Chr18p omere RD
G100080G-8SureFISH Chr18q omere GR
G100080R-8SureFISH Chr18q omere RD
G100081G-8SureFISH Chr19p omere GR
G100081R-8SureFISH Chr19p omere RD
G100082G-8SureFISH Chr19q omere GR
G100082R-8SureFISH Chr19q omere RD
G100083G-8SureFISH Chr20p omere GR
G100083R-8SureFISH Chr20p omere RD
G100084G-8SureFISH Chr20q omere GR
G100084R-8SureFISH Chr20q omere RD
G100085G-8SureFISH Chr21q omere GR
G100085R-8SureFISH Chr21q omere RD
G100086G-8SureFISH Chr22q omere GR
G100086R-8SureFISH Chr22q omere RD
G100087B-8SureFISH ChrY CEP BL
G100087G-8SureFISH ChrY CEP GR
G100087R-8SureFISH ChrY CEP RD
G100088R-8SureFISH 17q12 ACACA RD
G100089G-8SureFISH 22q11.21  CLTCL1 GR
G100090G-8SureFISH Chr14q omere GR
G100090R-8SureFISH Chr14q omere RD
G100092G-8SureFISH 17p11.2 SPECC1/HCMOGT-1 GR
G100093G-8SureFISH H chr21:39626934-40110202 GR
G100095G-8SureFISH Chr1q omere GR
G100095R-8SureFISH Chr1q omere RD
G100096G-8SureFISH 14q32.33  GR
G100096R-8SureFISH 14q32.33  RD
G100097G-8SureFISH 10q11.21 RET GR
G100097R-8SureFISH 10q11.21 RET RD
G100098R-8SureFISH 7q11.23 ELN-LIMK1 RD
G100099G-8SureFISH 2q36.1 PAX3-CN GR
G100100G-8SureFISH 2q31.1 HOXD1-HOXD13 GR
G100101G-8SureFISH H chr17:38311680-38465844 GR
G100102G-8SureFISH H chr17:38515010-38638362 GR
G100102R-8SureFISH H chr17:38515010-38638362 RD
G100104G-8SureFISH H chr11:69469393-69569406 GR
G100104R-8SureFISH H chr11:69469393-69569406 RD
G100107R-8SureFISH 10p14 GATA3 RD
G100108G-8SureFISH 2p24.3 MYCN-277kb GR
G100108R-8SureFISH 2p24.3 MYCN-277kb RD
G100109R-8SureFISH 2p16.1 VRK2-FANCL1 RD
G100110G-8SureFISH H chr14:105770135-107279295 GR
G100110R-8SureFISH H chr14:105770135-107279295 RD
G100113G-8SureFISH H chr12:11721569-11919214 GR
G100113R-8SureFISH H chr12:11721569-11919214 RD
G100115R-8SureFISH H chr21:36008510-36208656 RD
G100116R-8SureFISH H chr21:36314817-36532495 RD
G100117G-8SureFISH H chr15:74166270-74507560 GR
G100118R-8SureFISH H chr3:187303468-187440021 RD
G100119G-8SureFISH H chr3:187463209-187601004 GR
G100122G-8SureFISH H chr3:12185524-12330709 GR
G100123G-8SureFISH H chr3:12477952-12624253 GR
G100125R-8SureFISH MYC-3'BA 152kb RD
G100127R-8SureFISH H chr12:57689323-57900393 RD
G100128G-8SureFISH H chr13:40936821-41127927 GR
G100128R-8SureFISH H chr13:40936821-41127927 RD
G100129R-8SureFISH TMPRSS2-3'BA 533kb RD
G100130G-8SureFISH TMPRSS2-5'BA 620kb GR
G100131G-8SureFISH H chr21:40078938-40557531 GR
G100131R-8SureFISH H chr21:40078938-40557531 RD
G100132R-8SureFISH H chr21:39246610-39734017 RD
G100133G-8SureFISH H chr14:21942434-22218303 GR
G100133R-8SureFISH H chr14:21942434-22218303 RD
G100134G-8SureFISH H chr14:22975873-23139115 GR
G100134R-8SureFISH H chr14:22975873-23139115 RD
G100135G-8SureFISH H chr16:31071076-31182573 GR
G100136R-8SureFISH H chr16:66932767-67062949 RD
G100138R-8SureFISH H chr16:31332044-31454688 RD
G100141G-8SureFISH H chr18:23430254-23599116 GR
G100143G-8SureFISH H chr22:29539982-29664249 GR
G100145G-8SureFISH H chr2:223165581-223299633 GR
G100146G-8SureFISH H chr3:168601362-168801115 GR
G100148R-8SureFISH H chr11:3626561-3714554 RD
G100149G-8SureFISH H chr11:3817380-3907318 GR
G100150G-8SureFISH 22q13.33 SHANK3 GR
G100150R-8SureFISH 22q13.33 SHANK3 RD
G100151R-8SureFISH 4p16.3 WHSC1 RD
G100152G-8SureFISH 4q12 PDGFRA-CN GR
G100152R-8SureFISH 4q12 PDGFRA-CN RD
G100153G-8SureFISH 5p15.33 TERT GR
G100153R-8SureFISH 5p15.33 TERT RD
G100154G-8SureFISH 11p13 WT1 GR
G100154R-8SureFISH 11p13 WT1 RD
G100155G-8SureFISH 21q22.12 RUNX1-CN GR
G100155R-8SureFISH 21q22.12 RUNX1-CN RD
G100156G-8SureFISH 5q35.1 TLX3 GR
G100156R-8SureFISH 5q35.1 TLX3 RD
G100157G-8SureFISH 5q35.1 NPM1-CN GR
G100157R-8SureFISH 5q35.1 NPM1-CN RD
G100158G-8SureFISH 11p15.5 IGF2-TH GR
G100158R-8SureFISH 11p15.5 IGF2-TH RD
G100159G-8SureFISH 11p13 PAX6 GR
G100160R-8SureFISH 17q25.3 ASPSCR1 RD
G100161R-8SureFISH 17q25.3 RNF213 RD
G100162G-8SureFISH 22q13.1 MKL1 GR
G100162R-8SureFISH 22q13.1 MKL1 RD
G100163R-8SureFISH 15q26.1 CHD2 RD
G100164G-8SureFISH 11p11.2 EXT2 GR
G100164R-8SureFISH 11p11.2 EXT2 RD
G100165R-8SureFISH 13q14.2 D13S319 RD
G100167G-8SureFISH 14q12 FOXG1 GR
G100167R-8SureFISH 14q12 FOXG1 RD
G100168G-8SureFISH 15q26.3 IGF1R GR
G100168R-8SureFISH 15q26.3 IGF1R RD
G100170G-8SureFISH 1p36.32 PRDM16-3' GR
G100170R-8SureFISH 1p36.32 PRDM16-3' RD
G100171G-8SureFISH H chr4:1662646-1927090 GR
G100171R-8SureFISH H chr4:1662646-1927090 RD
G100172G-8SureFISH 13q14.2 RB1 GR
G100172R-8SureFISH 13q14.2 RB1 RD
G100175G-8SureFISH 1p36 MORN1-TNFRSF14 GR
G100175R-8SureFISH 1p36 MORN1-TNFRSF14 RD
G100176G-8SureFISH 1p36 AJAP1 GR
G100176R-8SureFISH 1p36 AJAP1 RD
G100178R-8SureFISH H chr21:42646053-43087520 RD
G100179R-8SureFISH 15q11.2 D15S11 RD
G100180R-8SureFISH 22q11.21 DGCR2 RD
G100181G-8SureFISH H chr22:29539982-29795049 GR
G100181R-8SureFISH H chr22:29539982-29795049 RD
G100183R-8SureFISH 3q26.2 MECOM/EVI1 RD
G100184G-8SureFISH H chr5:170687747-170917983 GR
G100188G-8SureFISH 4q24 TET2 GR
G100188R-8SureFISH 4q24 TET2 RD
G100189G-8SureFISH 7q36.3 SHH GR
G100189R-8SureFISH 7q36.3 SHH RD
G100190R-8SureFISH 2q13 NPHP1 RD
G100191R-8SureFISH 12q24.21 BCL7A RD
G100197G-8SureFISH 8q13.3 EYA1 GR
G100198G-8SureFISH 7q31.2 MET GR
G100198R-8SureFISH 7q31.2 MET RD
G100199G-8SureFISH 9p13.3 PAX5 GR
G100199R-8SureFISH 9p13.3 PAX5 RD
G100200R-8SureFISH 8p11.23 WHSC1L1 RD
G100201R-8SureFISH Xq28 MTCP1 RD
G100203G-8SureFISH 19q13.2 LYPD4-ARHGEF1 GR
G100204G-8SureFISH 19p13.3 FSTL3 GR
G100205G-8SureFISH 1p13.2 NRAS GR
G100205R-8SureFISH 1p13.2 NRAS RD
G100208G-8SureFISH 22q12.2 PATZ1/ZNF278 GR
G100208R-8SureFISH 22q12.2 PATZ1/ZNF278 RD
G100209G-8SureFISH 22q13.1 PDGFB GR
G100209R-8SureFISH 22q13.1 PDGFB RD
G100212G-8SureFISH 22q12.3 MYH9 GR
G100212R-8SureFISH 22q12.3 MYH9 RD
G100213G-8SureFISH 11q22.3 ATM GR
G100213R-8SureFISH 11q22.3 ATM RD
G100214R-8SureFISH H chr11:102052356-102352697 RD
G100215G-8SureFISH 10q23.31 ACTA2-FAS GR
G100216G-8SureFISH 7q21.3 SHFM1 GR
G100217R-8SureFISH 15q24.1 CYP1A1-SCAMP2 RD
G100218G-8SureFISH 11q13 FGF4-FGF3 GR
G100219G-8SureFISH 18q21.2 TCF4 GR
G100219R-8SureFISH 18q21.2 TCF4 RD
G100220G-8SureFISH 3p26.2 CNTN4 GR
G100220R-8SureFISH 3p26.2 CNTN4 RD
G100221G-8SureFISH 16p13.3 RBFOX1 GR
G100221R-8SureFISH 16p13.3 RBFOX1 RD
G100224R-8SureFISH 19q13.2 TMEM145 RD
G100226G-8SureFISH 17q21.31 DHX8-ETV4 GR
G100228G-8SureFISH 7q34 KIAA1549 GR
G100228R-8SureFISH 7q34 KIAA1549 RD
G100229R-8SureFISH 7q11.23 HIP1 RD
G100232G-8SureFISH Xq13.1 FOXO4-NLGN3 GR
G100232R-8SureFISH Xq13.1 FOXO4-NLGN3 RD
G100233G-8SureFISH 9q33.3 LMX1B GR
G100235G-8SureFISH 16q24.1 FOXF1-FOXL1 GR
G100235R-8SureFISH 16q24.1 FOXF1-FOXL1 RD
G100237G-8SureFISH 10q24.32 FBXW4 GR
G100237R-8SureFISH 10q24.32 FBXW4 RD
G100238G-8SureFISH 20q13.33 SS18L1 GR
G100239G-8SureFISH 12q13.11 COL2A1 GR
G100239R-8SureFISH 12q13.11 COL2A1 RD
G100240G-8SureFISH H chr11:69366828-69571074 GR
G100242G-8SureFISH H chr17:38330748-38630976 GR
G100242R-8SureFISH H chr17:38330748-38630976 RD
G100243G-8SureFISH H chr16:79483700-79754340 GR
G100243R-8SureFISH H chr16:79483700-79754340 RD
G100245G-8SureFISH 12p13.33 ERC1/ELKS GR
G100249G-8SureFISH 16q12.1 SALL1 GR
G100249R-8SureFISH 16q12.1 SALL1 RD
G100250G-8SureFISH H chrX:136575356-136683228 GR
G100250R-8SureFISH H chrX:136575356-136683228 RD
G100251G-8SureFISH Xq23 DCX GR
G100251R-8SureFISH Xq23 DCX RD
G100252R-8SureFISH H chrX:110328703-110465672 RD
G100253G-8SureFISH BCR-DF 1388kb GR
G100253R-8SureFISH BCR-DF 1388kb RD
G100254G-8SureFISH ABL1-DF 640kb GR
G100254R-8SureFISH ABL1-DF 640kb RD
G100256G-8SureFISH H chr8:128620190-128878049 GR
G100256R-8SureFISH H chr8:128620190-128878049 RD
G100257R-8SureFISH 2p16.1 BCL11A RD
G100258R-8SureFISH 2p16.1 REL RD
G100259G-8SureFISH 5q22.2 APC GR
G100259R-8SureFISH 5q22.2 APC RD
G100260G-8SureFISH H chr2:42326616-42624593 GR
G100260R-8SureFISH H chr2:42326616-42624593 RD
G100261R-8SureFISH H chr18:60740861-61038813 RD
G100262R-8SureFISH 7q31.2 D7S486 RD
G100263G-8SureFISH 20q12 D20S108 GR
G100263R-8SureFISH 20q12 D20S108 RD
G100264G-8SureFISH 9p21.3 CDKN2A GR
G100264R-8SureFISH 9p21.3 CDKN2A RD
G100266G-8SureFISH 12q15 MDM2 GR
G100266R-8SureFISH 12q15 MDM2 RD
G100268G-8SureFISH 17q11.2 NF1 GR
G100268R-8SureFISH 17q11.2 NF1 RD
G100269R-8SureFISH 13q14.3 D13S25 RD
G100271G-8SureFISH 17p13.3 YWHAE-CRK GR
G100271R-8SureFISH 17p13.3 YWHAE-CRK RD
G100275R-8SureFISH H chr17:35247295-35428791 RD
G100276R-8SureFISH 17q11.2 RAB11FIP4 RD
G100277G-8SureFISH 17q24.3 SOX9 GR
G100277R-8SureFISH 17q24.3 SOX9 RD
G100279G-8SureFISH 2q23.1 ORC4 GR
G100279R-8SureFISH 2q23.1 ORC4 RD
G100280R-8SureFISH 17p11.2 LLGL1-SHMT1 RD
G100281G-8SureFISH 19q13.33 GLTSCR1-GLTSCR2 GR
G100281R-8SureFISH 19q13.33 GLTSCR1-GLTSCR2 RD
G100282G-8SureFISH Xq12 AR  GR
G100282R-8SureFISH Xq12 AR  RD
G100283G-8SureFISH Xq13.2 XIST GR
G100283R-8SureFISH Xq13.2 XIST RD
G100284R-8SureFISH 2p24.3 MYCN-49kb RD
G100285G-8SureFISH 2q31.1 HOXD Reg EVX2-HOXD11 GR
G100285R-8SureFISH 2q31.1 HOXD Reg EVX2-HOXD11 RD
G100287G-8SureFISH 2q31.1 HOXD R3 HOXD3-HOXD1 GR
G100287R-8SureFISH 2q31.1 HOXD R3 HOXD3-HOXD1 RD
G100288R-8SureFISH 2q37.3 HDAC4-Region4 RD
G100289G-8SureFISH 2q37.3 HDAC4-Region3 GR
G100289R-8SureFISH 2q37.3 HDAC4-Region3 RD
G100293G-8SureFISH 19p13.2 SMARCA4 GR
G100294G-8SureFISH 11q24.3 SNX19 GR
G100294R-8SureFISH 11q24.3 SNX19 RD
G100298G-8SureFISH 3p13 FOXP1 GR
G100298R-8SureFISH 3p13 FOXP1 RD
G100299G-8SureFISH 10p12.31 MLLT10 GR
G100301G-8SureFISH H chr11:118207529-118506917 GR
G100302G-8SureFISH H chr8:38116094-38441060 GR
G100302R-8SureFISH H chr8:38116094-38441060 RD
G100303G-8SureFISH H chr3:185642756-185930138 GR
G100307G-8SureFISH 14q21.3 SOS2-CDKL1 GR
G100307R-8SureFISH 14q21.3 SOS2-CDKL1 RD
G100308G-8SureFISH 14q22.1 PTGDR-PTGER2 GR
G100310G-8SureFISH H chr15:31437257-31573373 GR
G100310R-8SureFISH H chr15:31437257-31573373 RD
G100311G-8SureFISH 22q12.2 NF2 GR
G100311R-8SureFISH 22q12.2 NF2 RD
G100312G-8SureFISH 22q13.33 SBF1-CHKB GR
G100312R-8SureFISH 22q13.33 SBF1-CHKB RD
G100313G-8SureFISH 22q13.33 SubomereRegion GR
G100314G-8SureFISH H chr22:23141060-23303913 GR
G100314R-8SureFISH H chr22:23141060-23303913 RD
G100315R-8SureFISH H chr22:24021632-24193195 RD
G100316R-8SureFISH 5p15.31 NSUN2 RD
G100317G-8SureFISH 5p15.2 FAM173B-MARCH6 GR
G100319R-8SureFISH 17p13.2 USP6 RD
G100320G-8SureFISH H chr10:22033597-22348313 GR
G100321R-8SureFISH 14q22.2 SAMD4A RD
G100322R-8SureFISH 16p13.3 SubomereRegion RD
G100323G-8SureFISH 16q24.3 SubomereRegion GR
G100323R-8SureFISH 16q24.3 SubomereRegion RD
G100324R-8SureFISH 19q13.11 CEBPA RD
G100325G-8SureFISH 9p24.1 JAK2-CN GR
G100325R-8SureFISH 9p24.1 JAK2-CN RD
G100326G-8SureFISH 16p13.13 TNFRSF17 GR
G100326R-8SureFISH 16p13.13 TNFRSF17 RD
G100328R-8SureFISH H chr16:31083363-31375436 RD
G100329G-8SureFISH 9q34.3 NOTCH1 GR
G100329R-8SureFISH 9q34.3 NOTCH1 RD
G100332G-8SureFISH 11p15.5 SubomereRegion GR
G100332R-8SureFISH 11p15.5 SubomereRegion RD
G100333G-8SureFISH 11q25 JAM3- ACAD8 GR
G100333R-8SureFISH 11q25 JAM3- ACAD8 RD
G100334R-8SureFISH 21q22.3 PCBP3-COL6A1 RD
G100336R-8SureFISH 20q13.33 SubomereRegion RD
G100337R-8SureFISH 19q13.43 NLRP8-ZNF444 RD
G100338R-8SureFISH 18p11.32 ADCYAP1 RD
G100340G-8SureFISH 12q24.13 PTPN11 GR
G100340R-8SureFISH 12q24.13 PTPN11 RD
G100341G-8SureFISH 12p12.1 KRAS GR
G100341R-8SureFISH 12p12.1 KRAS RD
G100342R-8SureFISH 5q32 TCOF1-CD74 RD
G100343G-8SureFISH 7p15.2 HOXA6-HOXA13 GR
G100343R-8SureFISH 7p15.2 HOXA6-HOXA13 RD
G100344G-8SureFISH H chr5:88016894-88179011 GR
G100344R-8SureFISH H chr5:88016894-88179011 RD
G100346G-8SureFISH Xq28 MECP2 GR
G100346R-8SureFISH Xq28 MECP2 RD
G100347G-8SureFISH 20p12.2 JAG1 GR
G100347R-8SureFISH 20p12.2 JAG1 RD
G100348R-8SureFISH Xq28 AVPR2-RENBP RD
G100350G-8SureFISH 10q26.13 FGFR2 GR
G100350R-8SureFISH 10q26.13 FGFR2 RD
G100351G-8SureFISH 6q27 MLLT4-CN GR
G100351R-8SureFISH 6q27 MLLT4-CN RD
G100353G-8SureFISH 1q43 FH GR
G100353R-8SureFISH 1q43 FH RD
G100354R-8SureFISH H chr9:132646716-132806485 RD
G100355R-8SureFISH Xp11.23 GATA1 RD
G100357G-8SureFISH Xq28 FAM58A GR
G100357R-8SureFISH Xq28 FAM58A RD
G100358R-8SureFISH Xp11.23 RP2 RD
G100359R-8SureFISH 3q29 PAK2-DLG1 RD
G100360G-8SureFISH 8q12.2 CHD7 GR
G100360R-8SureFISH 8q12.2 CHD7 RD
G100362G-8SureFISH 16p13.13 TSC2-PKD1 GR
G100362R-8SureFISH 16p13.13 TSC2-PKD1 RD
G100363R-8SureFISH H chr16:88940217-89044840 RD
G100364G-8SureFISH 9q34.3 EHMT1 GR
G100364R-8SureFISH 9q34.3 EHMT1 RD
G100366G-8SureFISH 16p13.1 NDE1-MYH11 GR
G100366R-8SureFISH 16p13.1 NDE1-MYH11 RD
G100367G-8SureFISH 6p25.3 FOXC1 GR
G100367R-8SureFISH 6p25.3 FOXC1 RD
G100368G-8SureFISH 7q34 BRAF-CN GR
G100368R-8SureFISH 7q34 BRAF-CN RD
G100369G-8SureFISH 6p21.33 CDSN-POU5F1 GR
G100370G-8SureFISH Xq28 GDI1 GR
G100370R-8SureFISH Xq28 GDI1 RD
G100371G-8SureFISH 14q32.33 AKT1 GR
G100371R-8SureFISH 14q32.33 AKT1 RD
G100372G-8SureFISH 16p13.13 CIITA/MHC2TA GR
G100372R-8SureFISH 16p13.13 CIITA/MHC2TA RD
G100373G-8SureFISH Xq28 FLNA-EMD GR
G100373R-8SureFISH Xq28 FLNA-EMD RD
G100375G-8SureFISH Xq28 L1CAM GR
G100375R-8SureFISH Xq28 L1CAM RD
G100376R-8SureFISH Xp22.31 STS RD
G100377G-8SureFISH 7p11.2 EGFR GR
G100377R-8SureFISH 7p11.2 EGFR RD
G100378G-8SureFISH 8q23.3 TRPS1 GR

