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Illumina 簇生成和测序试剂

简要描述:Illumina 销售销售 簇生成和测序试剂
Illumina/TruSeq Nano DNA LT Library Preparation Kit - Set A (12 Set A index tubes, 24 samples)/FC-121-4001/1 Ea

  • 产品型号:Illumina FC-121-4001/1 Ea
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-07-26
  • 访  问  量:1183


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品牌illumina/美国因美纳规格1 kit
供货周期两周主要用途小型全基因组测序 组合试剂 试剂盒

Illumina 销售销售 簇生成和测序试剂


咨询illumina MiSeq测序试剂盒等产品欢迎您致电 米博·体育科技公司:1850 1609 238张经理

"Illumina/Nextera DNA CD Indexes (24 Indexes, 24 Samples)/20018707/1 Ea

" Illumina 产品编号: 20018707美  元  价: $120.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公  ;     司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>二代测序>DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation Kits "Product Highlights:

The Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep Kit offers flexibility for many whole-genome sequencing applications.

Fastest Illumina library prep workflow, with ~3.5 hours total time

Flexibility to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, and application

Optimized library prep performance, generating reliable results

Save Time and Resources

The Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep Kit uses a fast, user-friendly workflow. On-bead tagmentation chemistry reduces total library prep time to ~3.5 hours, from DNA extraction to library normalization.

Simplify Lab Operations

The Nextera DNA Flex workflow supports a broad DNA input range (1–500 ng), multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots*or bacterial colonies*. Gain the flexibility to sequence human or other large, complex genomes as well as amplicons or microbial species, all with a single kit.

Obtain Reliable Results

While accommodating various study requirements, the Nextera DNA Flex workflow delivers consistent insert sizes, uniform coverage, and optimized performance, regardless of DNA input amount or genome size. The bead-based technology minimizes bias and opportunities for error, resulting in highly reproducIBLe sequencing data.

*Demonstrated protocols available.


Assay Time ~3.5 hours total assay time

Hands-On Time 1-1.5 hours

Input Quantity Small Genomes: 1-500 ng DNA; Large Genomes: 100-500 ng

Content Specifications Human Whole Genome, Small Whole Genome, Large Whole Genome

Mechanism of Action Bead-linked transposome

Multiplexing Up to 96 available indexes

Species Category Any Species

System Compatibility MiSeq,HiSeq X Ten,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq X Five,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000

Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Somatic Variants,Chromosomal Abnormalities,Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)

Method Whole-Genome Sequencing

Technology Sequencing

Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots"

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大输出                              8.5 Gb(500个循环数MiSeq Reagent Kit v2)、5.1 Gb(300个循环数MiSeq Reagent Kit v2)、1.2 Gb(300个循环数MiSeq Reagent Micro Kit v2)、0.850 Gb(50个循环数MiSeq Reagent Kit v2)、0.5 Gb(500个循环数MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2)、0.3 Gb(300个循环数MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2)

每次运行获得的大read数    多达1500万

核酸类型                             DNA, RNA

试剂类型                             簇生成, 双端测序, 边合成边测序

技术                                ;   测序

系统兼容性                         研究模式下的MiSeqDx ,研究模式下的MiSeq FGx, MiSeq , MiSeq











该产品也可作为Illumina Advantage(TG)产品提供。Illumina Advantage大规模测序产品具有特定批次的出货和测试,延长的保质期和*的变更通知,可提高实验室效率。


Illumina公司是由David Walt博士、CW 集团的Larry Bock、兽医学博士John Stuelpnagel、 Anthony Czarnik博士及Mark Chee博士于1998年4月共同组建,是遗传变异和生物学功能分析领域的优秀的产品、技术和服务供应商。通过帮助客户加快实现生物信息的采集、分析和应用,来改善人类健康。














测序大型基因组(> 5 Mb),如人类、植物或动物基因组,为疾病和群体遗传学研究提供宝贵信息。


小型基因组测序(≤ 5 Mb)包括测序细菌、病毒或其他微生物的整个基因组。无需培养细菌,研究人员可利用NGS平行测序数千个小生物。

De Novo 测序

De novo测序是指在没有参考序列的情况下,对一个新的基因组进行测序。NGS能实现对任何物种的快速、准确鉴定。



"Illumina/TruSeq Nano DNA LT Library Preparation Kit - Set A (12 Set A index tubes, 24 samples)/FC-121-4001/1 Ea

" Illumina 产品编号: FC-121-4001美  元  价: $735.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>二代测序>DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation Kits "Product Highlights:

The TruSeq Nano DNA Library Preparation Kit enables efficient interrogation of samples with limited available DNA. Based on the industry’s most widely adopted library preparation workflow, this low-input method delivers high coverage quality and reduced bias for virtually any sequencing application.

Designed for low sample input

High coverage quality

Accelerated library preparation

Manual preparation of high-quality libraries in less than a day

The proven TruSeq DNA library preparation workflow has been streamlined by replacing gel-based size selection with bead-based selection, enabling researchers to prepare high-quality libraries in less than a day. It is optimized for a variety of read lengths, from 2 × 101 bp to 2 × 151 bp.

Use with limited DNA samples

The TruSeq Nano DNA protocol offers excellent results with as little as 100 ng input, eliminating the typical requirement for micrograms of DNA. This enables researchers to study samples with limited available DNA (eg, tumor samples) and helps preserve samples for use in future or alternate studies. In addition to accelerating the workflow, bead-based size selection avoids typical sample loss associated with gel-based selection.

Reduce library bias and coverage gaps

TruSeq Nano DNA kits reduce the number and average size of typical PCR-induced gaps in coverage. The enhanced workflow reduces library bias and improves coverage uniformity across the genome. These kits also provide excellent coverage of trADItionally challenging genomic content, including GC-rich regions, promoters, and repetitive regions. This enables researchers to access more information from each sequencing run. TruSeq Nano DNA kits are validated for high-quality genomic coverage for virtually any next-generation sequencing application.

Access flexIBLe throughput options

Kits include reagents, sample purification beads, and indexes, with two options for flexibility:

TruSeq Nano DNA LT Library Preparation Kits support 24-plex manual processing for low-throughput studies.

TruSeq Nano DNA HT Library Preparation Kits are 96-plex for high-throughput studies, and can be automated on liquid handling robots (or processed manually).

TruSeq Nano DNA Library Preparation Kits are also available for use with the automated NeoPrep Library Prep System.

Find an up-to-date list of automation vendors with robotic systems that support the HT library preparation kits


Assay Time 1 day

Hands-On Time 4 hours

Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality

Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.

Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run

Mechanism of Action Amplification

Method Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing,Genotyping by Sequencing

Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Somatic Variants,Chromosomal Abnormalities,Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)

Species Category Mammalian,Mouse,Human,Other,Rat,Plant

System Compatibility NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq X Five,HiSeq 1000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,HiSeq X Ten,NeoPrep,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000

Specialized Sample Types Low Input

Technology Sequencing

Automation CapABIlity NeoPrep Digital Microfluidics,Liquid Handling Robots"



Sequencing Kits/ Microarray Kits/Informatics Products/ Clinical Research Products/In Vitro Diagnostic/ Products/Molecular Biology Reagents/ Accessory Products

Illumina  簇生成和测序试剂


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Illumina 销售销售 簇生成和测序试剂

