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Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture Exome

简要描述:Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture Exome

  • 产品型号:FC-140-1003
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2019-02-17
  • 访  问  量:1558


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Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture Exome

Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture Exome

    美国Illumina公司是的新一代生命科学工具的开发和生产者,并开发大规模分析遗传变异和生物功能的集成工具。我们利用技术,为测序、基因分型和基因表达提供全面的产品和服务,还将进入分子诊断市场。我们的客户包含**的基因研究中心、药厂、研究院、临床研究机构和生物公司。我们的工具有足够的表现力、通量、成本效益和灵活性,使*的研究者能通过遗传实验来得到有价值的信息。我们相信这个信息能使研究者把遗传变异与生物功能关联起来,从而加大药物开发和临床研究,让疾病能更早地检测出来,为患者提供更好的药物。Illumina的目标是用创新的技术以及革命性的检测手段提供基因变异 和功能研究, 这些研究使得个人化医疗成为可能。作为一家性公司,Illumina 以崭新的技术 在创新性,灵活性,可升级性,以及**的服务与支持等方面创新了新的业界标准。illumina于1998年4月创立,2000年7月于Nasdaq上市,总部设在加利福尼亚的圣迭戈。我们利用技术,为测序、基因分型和基因表达提供全面的产品和服务,还将进入分子诊断市场。我们的客户包含**的基因研究中心、药厂、研究院、临床研究机构和生物公司。我们的工具有足够的表现力、通量、成本效益和灵活性,使*的研究者能通过遗传实验来得到有价值的信息。我们相信这个信息能使研究者把遗传变异与生物功能关联起来,从而加大药物开发和临床研究,让疾病能更早的检测出来,为患者提供更好的药物。


  米博·体育科技公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已销售销售 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美*,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。公司成立以来与一大批医药集团建立了长期稳定的合作,价格优势、信誉良好。客户包括清华、北大、中科院、上海交通、复旦、国药等等。产品涵盖了试剂、耗材、小型仪器、原材料等各种实验室使用的材料。





产品特点米博·体育科技公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已销售销售 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova 销售Illumina Immunoway abcam SBA Takara等欧美*,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。


Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit (12 reactions)/EGMK81312/1 EaEGMK81312Illumina产品编号: EGMK81312美  元  价: $1009.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Unlock small samples (50–100 ng DNA input)
CpG, CHH, & CHG regions included for comprehensive, whole-genome results
Fast protocol – five-hour method
Capture full sample diversity
Sequence the entire sample–no loss of information
The process of bisulfite treatment denatures genomic DNA into single stranded DNA. TruSeq DNA Methylation converts single stranded DNA into an Illumina sequencing library. All ssDNA fragments are captured into an Illumina sequencing library, therefore eliminating the loss of diversity associated with other methods.

Supported analysis in the cloud
TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries can be aligned to the human genome and compared for differential methylation with Illumina BaseSpace Apps MethylSeq and MethylKit. These applications are fully supported and were developed specifically for TruSeq DNA Methylation library preparation.

Example data sets for TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries, also available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Central (use the “Methyl Seq” category filter), demonstrate unparalleled quality and seamless analysis.

Deep coverage of critical genomic regions
Depth of coverage is enhanced in genomic areas with BIOLOGical utility. TruSeq DNA Methylation captures full sample diversity of critical areas, including:

Coding region start and end for exons from the canonical transcript of protein coding genes for genes known to be involved in cancer, taken from SOMA and CRUK panels (as well as literature-derived cancer genes)
Genes defined by the American College of Medical Genetics as being medically relevant (ACMG genes)
Exonic coding regions from Ensemble 70
List of 100 promoters defined by the Broad Institute as being of high interest and difficult to sequence
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Set C MiniSeq Kit (1 library prep and 2 MiniSeq reagents)/20005615/1 Ea20005615Illumina产品编号: 20005615美  元  价: $3200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Illumina/MiSeq FGx Reagent Kit/TG-143-1001/1 EaTG-143-1001Illumina产品编号: TG-143-1001美  元  价: $1400.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.簇生成和测序试剂公司分类: Cluster Generation & Sequencing ReagentsProduct Highlights:
This sequencing kit for forensic genomics applications is based on the MiSeq Reagent Kit v3, which enables the highest output of all MiSeq kits. This kit allows forensic genomics laboratories to:

Simultaneously analyze a dense set of forensically relevant Markers at low, medium, or high sample throughput
Extend read lengths
Increase the number of reads to unlock new applications
The MiSeq FGx Reagent Kit uses pre-filled, ready-to-use reagent cartridges, and offers the improved v3 chemistry to increase cluster density and read length as well as improve quality.

MiSeq FGx Reagent Kit components are RFID-encoded and interact intelligently with the MiSeq FGx System to validate compatibility with forensic genomic applications.

Maximum Output 15 Gb
Maximum Reads per Run 14 million
Reagent Type Paired-End Sequencing,Cluster Generation,Sequencing by Synthesis
Technology Sequencing
System Compatibility MiSeq FGx
Illumina/TruSeq Targeted RNA Index Kit D (96 indexes, 384 samples)/RT-402-1004/1 EaRT-402-1004Illumina产品编号: RT-402-1004美  元  价: $1019.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kits enable highly customizable mid- to high-plex gene expression profiling studies.

You can define panels of 12-1,000 assays to target individual exons, isoforms, splice junctions, coding SNPS (cSNPs), gene fusions, and non-coding RNA transcripts, plus multiplex up to 384 samples. Generate the data equivalent of up to 25,000 individual RT-PCR assays in a single run.*

Assays include convenient online panel design and ordering, a rapid and simple workflow starting with as little as 50 ng of RNA, and automated, on-instrument data analysis.

Types of Study Designs
Custom panels—select up to 1000 targets from a database of over 400,000 predesigned assays.
Add-on (supplemental) content—add a second oligo pool of up to 1000 targets to a previously designed TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel.
Start a Custom Project
Order custom panels using DesignStudio, a free, user-friendly, web-based tool. Simply select the assays you need and add them to your order, with no design time.

Log in to DesignStudio

Browse TruSeq Targeted RNA Sample Data
Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR), Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), and human liver RNA samples were prepared using the TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit.

These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 51 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 2.04 Gb with 96.5% of bases at or above Q30.

Note that access to this data requires a BaseSpace Sequence Hub login.

Register for BaseSpace Sequence Hub

View TruSeq Targeted RNA Project Data
(secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)

*Refers to instruments with catalog number SY-410-1001 and upgrade, or catalog number SY-410-1003

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Set B MiniSeq Kit (1 library prep and 2 MiniSeq reagents)/20005614/1 Ea20005614Illumina产品编号: 20005614美  元  价: $3200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit -Set B (24 rxns) (Set B: indexes 13-24)/RS-200-0024/1 EaRS-200-0024Illumina产品编号: RS-200-0024美  元  价: $2450.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep Kit for NeoPrep (16 samples, 24 indexes)/NP-202-1001/1 EaNP-202-1001Illumina产品编号: NP-202-1001美  元  价: $880.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
The TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep Kit for NeoPrep offers a streamlined, cost-efficient, and scalable solution for coding transcriptome analysis. It enables robust interrogation of both standard and low-quality samples.

Simplified and seamless workflow solution – Generate libraries with minimal hands-on time
Unparalleled performance and reproducibility – Interrogate gene expression with TruSeq Stranded mRNA coverage and quality, and reduced user variABIlity
Low input requirement – Begin library prep with as little as 25 ng total RNA
Precise and Accurate
Get precise measurement of mRNA strand orientation for detection of antisense transcription, enhanced transcript annotation, and increased alignment efficiency. High coverage uniformity enhances the discovery of features such as alternative transcripts, gene fusions, and allele-specific expression.

Stranded information identifies from which of the 2 DNA strands a given RNA transcript was derived. This information provides increased confidence in transcript annotation, particularly for nonhuman samples. Identifying strand origin increases the percentage of reads that align, reducing sequencing costs per sample.

NeoPrep System enhances TruSeq Stranded mRNA performance
The NeoPrep System enhances TruSeq Stranded mRNA performance by providing high-quality reproducIBLe results, even with low input amounts of RNA. Digital microfluidics technology precisely manipulates droplets that perform the library prep workflow, within the tightly controlled environment of the NeoPrep library card.

A simple, intuitive workflow delivers 16 libraries, eliminating most manual steps, and reducing hands-on time from ~4.5 hours to just 30 minutes. In addition, digital microfluidics requires less RNA input, enabling excellent performance from as little as 25 ng of total RNA.

Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
System Compatibility Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,NeoPrep,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Species Category Other,Mammalian,Bovine,Mouse,Human,Rat
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Technology Sequencing
Method mRNA Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity NeoPrep Digital Microfluidics
Illumina/TruSeq Targeted RNA Index Kit A (96 indexes, 384 samples)/RT-402-1001/1 EaRT-402-1001Illumina产品编号: RT-402-1001美  元  价: $1019.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kits enable highly customizable mid- to high-plex gene expression profiling studies.

You can define panels of 12-1,000 assays to target individual exons, isoforms, splice junctions, coding SNPS (cSNPs), gene fusions, and non-coding RNA transcripts, plus multiplex up to 384 samples. Generate the data equivalent of up to 25,000 individual RT-PCR assays in a single run.*

Assays include convenient online panel design and ordering, a rapid and simple workflow starting with as little as 50 ng of RNA, and automated, on-instrument data analysis.

Types of Study Designs
Custom panels—select up to 1000 targets from a database of over 400,000 predesigned assays.
Add-on (supplemental) content—add a second oligo pool of up to 1000 targets to a previously designed TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel.
Start a Custom Project
Order custom panels using DesignStudio, a free, user-friendly, web-based tool. Simply select the assays you need and add them to your order, with no design time.

Log in to DesignStudio

Browse TruSeq Targeted RNA Sample Data
Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR), Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), and human liver RNA samples were prepared using the TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit.

These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 51 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 2.04 Gb with 96.5% of bases at or above Q30.

Note that access to this data requires a BaseSpace Sequence Hub login.

Register for BaseSpace Sequence Hub

View TruSeq Targeted RNA Project Data
(secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)

*Refers to instruments with catalog number SY-410-1001 and upgrade, or catalog number SY-410-1003

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit -Set C (24 rxns) (Set C: indexes 25-36)/RS-200-0036/1 EaRS-200-0036Illumina产品编号: RS-200-0036美  元  价: $2450.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit -Set A (24 rxns) (Set A: indexes 1-12)/RS-200-0012/1 EaRS-200-0012Illumina产品编号: RS-200-0012美  元  价: $2450.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Targeted RNA Index Kit C (96 indexes, 384 samples)/RT-402-1003/1 EaRT-402-1003Illumina产品编号: RT-402-1003美  元  价: $1019.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kits enable highly customizable mid- to high-plex gene expression profiling studies.

You can define panels of 12-1,000 assays to target individual exons, isoforms, splice junctions, coding SNPS (cSNPs), gene fusions, and non-coding RNA transcripts, plus multiplex up to 384 samples. Generate the data equivalent of up to 25,000 individual RT-PCR assays in a single run.*

Assays include convenient online panel design and ordering, a rapid and simple workflow starting with as little as 50 ng of RNA, and automated, on-instrument data analysis.

Types of Study Designs
Custom panels—select up to 1000 targets from a database of over 400,000 predesigned assays.
Add-on (supplemental) content—add a second oligo pool of up to 1000 targets to a previously designed TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel.
Start a Custom Project
Order custom panels using DesignStudio, a free, user-friendly, web-based tool. Simply select the assays you need and add them to your order, with no design time.

Log in to DesignStudio

Browse TruSeq Targeted RNA Sample Data
Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR), Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), and human liver RNA samples were prepared using the TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit.

These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 51 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 2.04 Gb with 96.5% of bases at or above Q30.

Note that access to this data requires a BaseSpace Sequence Hub login.

Register for BaseSpace Sequence Hub

View TruSeq Targeted RNA Project Data
(secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)

*Refers to instruments with catalog number SY-410-1001 and upgrade, or catalog number SY-410-1003

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit (96 reactions)/EGMK91396/1 EaEGMK91396Illumina产品编号: EGMK91396美  元  价: $5567.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Unlock small samples (50–100 ng DNA input)
CpG, CHH, & CHG regions included for comprehensive, whole-genome results
Fast protocol – five-hour method
Capture full sample diversity
Sequence the entire sample–no loss of information
The process of bisulfite treatment denatures genomic DNA into single stranded DNA. TruSeq DNA Methylation converts single stranded DNA into an Illumina sequencing library. All ssDNA fragments are captured into an Illumina sequencing library, therefore eliminating the loss of diversity associated with other methods.

Supported analysis in the cloud
TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries can be aligned to the human genome and compared for differential methylation with Illumina BaseSpace Apps MethylSeq and MethylKit. These applications are fully supported and were developed specifically for TruSeq DNA Methylation library preparation.

Example data sets for TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries, also available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Central (use the “Methyl Seq” category filter), demonstrate unparalleled quality and seamless analysis.

Deep coverage of critical genomic regions
Depth of coverage is enhanced in genomic areas with BIOLOGical utility. TruSeq DNA Methylation captures full sample diversity of critical areas, including:

Coding region start and end for exons from the canonical transcript of protein coding genes for genes known to be involved in cancer, taken from SOMA and CRUK panels (as well as literature-derived cancer genes)
Genes defined by the American College of Medical Genetics as being medically relevant (ACMG genes)
Exonic coding regions from Ensemble 70
List of 100 promoters defined by the Broad Institute as being of high interest and difficult to sequence
Illumina/TruSeq Targeted RNA Index Kit (48 indexes, 48 samples)/RT-401-1001/1 EaRT-401-1001Illumina产品编号: RT-401-1001美  元  价: $698.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kits enable highly customizable mid- to high-plex gene expression profiling studies.

You can define panels of 12-1,000 assays to target individual exons, isoforms, splice junctions, coding SNPS (cSNPs), gene fusions, and non-coding RNA transcripts, plus multiplex up to 384 samples. Generate the data equivalent of up to 25,000 individual RT-PCR assays in a single run.*

Assays include convenient online panel design and ordering, a rapid and simple workflow starting with as little as 50 ng of RNA, and automated, on-instrument data analysis.

Types of Study Designs
Custom panels—select up to 1000 targets from a database of over 400,000 predesigned assays.
Add-on (supplemental) content—add a second oligo pool of up to 1000 targets to a previously designed TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel.
Start a Custom Project
Order custom panels using DesignStudio, a free, user-friendly, web-based tool. Simply select the assays you need and add them to your order, with no design time.

Log in to DesignStudio

Browse TruSeq Targeted RNA Sample Data
Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR), Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), and human liver RNA samples were prepared using the TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit.

These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 51 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 2.04 Gb with 96.5% of bases at or above Q30.

Note that access to this data requires a BaseSpace Sequence Hub login.

Register for BaseSpace Sequence Hub

View TruSeq Targeted RNA Project Data
(secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)

*Refers to instruments with catalog number SY-410-1001 and upgrade, or catalog number SY-410-1003

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit (24 reactions)/EGMK91324/1 EaEGMK91324Illumina产品编号: EGMK91324美  元  价: $1787.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Unlock small samples (50–100 ng DNA input)
CpG, CHH, & CHG regions included for comprehensive, whole-genome results
Fast protocol – five-hour method
Capture full sample diversity
Sequence the entire sample–no loss of information
The process of bisulfite treatment denatures genomic DNA into single stranded DNA. TruSeq DNA Methylation converts single stranded DNA into an Illumina sequencing library. All ssDNA fragments are captured into an Illumina sequencing library, therefore eliminating the loss of diversity associated with other methods.

Supported analysis in the cloud
TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries can be aligned to the human genome and compared for differential methylation with Illumina BaseSpace Apps MethylSeq and MethylKit. These applications are fully supported and were developed specifically for TruSeq DNA Methylation library preparation.

Example data sets for TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries, also available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Central (use the “Methyl Seq” category filter), demonstrate unparalleled quality and seamless analysis.

Deep coverage of critical genomic regions
Depth of coverage is enhanced in genomic areas with BIOLOGical utility. TruSeq DNA Methylation captures full sample diversity of critical areas, including:

Coding region start and end for exons from the canonical transcript of protein coding genes for genes known to be involved in cancer, taken from SOMA and CRUK panels (as well as literature-derived cancer genes)
Genes defined by the American College of Medical Genetics as being medically relevant (ACMG genes)
Exonic coding regions from Ensemble 70
List of 100 promoters defined by the Broad Institute as being of high interest and difficult to sequence
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Set D MiniSeq Kit (1 library prep and 2 MiniSeq reagents)/20005616/1 Ea20005616Illumina产品编号: 20005616美  元  价: $3200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq DNA Methylation Index PCR Primers (10 reactions, 12 indexes)/EGIDX81312/1 EaEGIDX81312Illumina产品编号: EGIDX81312美  元  价: $78.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Unlock small samples (50–100 ng DNA input)
CpG, CHH, & CHG regions included for comprehensive, whole-genome results
Fast protocol – five-hour method
Capture full sample diversity
Sequence the entire sample–no loss of information
The process of bisulfite treatment denatures genomic DNA into single stranded DNA. TruSeq DNA Methylation converts single stranded DNA into an Illumina sequencing library. All ssDNA fragments are captured into an Illumina sequencing library, therefore eliminating the loss of diversity associated with other methods.

Supported analysis in the cloud
TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries can be aligned to the human genome and compared for differential methylation with Illumina BaseSpace Apps MethylSeq and MethylKit. These applications are fully supported and were developed specifically for TruSeq DNA Methylation library preparation.

Example data sets for TruSeq DNA Methylation libraries, also available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub Data Central (use the “Methyl Seq” category filter), demonstrate unparalleled quality and seamless analysis.

Deep coverage of critical genomic regions
Depth of coverage is enhanced in genomic areas with BIOLOGical utility. TruSeq DNA Methylation captures full sample diversity of critical areas, including:

Coding region start and end for exons from the canonical transcript of protein coding genes for genes known to be involved in cancer, taken from SOMA and CRUK panels (as well as literature-derived cancer genes)
Genes defined by the American College of Medical Genetics as being medically relevant (ACMG genes)
Exonic coding regions from Ensemble 70
List of 100 promoters defined by the Broad Institute as being of high interest and difficult to sequence
Illumina/TruSeq Bovine Parentage Kit (96 indexes, 96 samples)/20004795/1 Ea20004795Illumina产品编号: 20004795美  元  价: $960.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
This solution for parentage testing of multiple beef and dairy cattle breeds has added genotyping of relevant traits. By offering more information in a single assay than from parentage testing alone, service labs can use the TruSeq Bovine Parentage Sequencing Panel to make more informed herd management recommendations.

Includes all International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) recommended content, plus disease-associated and economically relevant traits
Content design, high accuracy, and reliABIlity eliminate need for multiple or repeat testing
Analysis software converts sequencing results to genotype calls without the need for bioinformatics expertise
The TruSeq Bovine Parentage Sequencing Panel uses proven Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to deliver accurate genotyping results for SNP-based parentage determination in cattle. The high accuracy and reliABIlity of Illumina sequencing reduces the amount of required testing and shortens the time to answer, leADIng to efficiency gains and cost savings. It features a streamlined workflow that goes from DNA to report in 1.5 days with minimal hands-on time.

Have confidence that the typing result is accurate, the first time. TruSeq Bovine Parentage has been tested with multiple breeds, DNA inputs, and extraction methods. It provides deep sequencing coverage across SNPs.

Input Quantity ≤ 1 ng genomic DNA, or 2 ul crude lysates, or 1.2 mm FTA card punch
Hands-On Time ~1 hour
Assay Time 9 hours
Mechanism of Action PCR
Multiplexing Maximum of 32 casework samples or 96 database or reference samples
System Compatibility MiSeq
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Species Category Bovine
Technology Sequencing
Method Genotyping by Sequencing,Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Ribo Profile for Mammalian (12 reactions, 12 indexes)/RPHMR12126/1 EaRPHMR12126Illumina产品编号: RPHMR12126美  元  价: $1575.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Study active mRNA translation with sequencing
Sequence ribosome-protected mRNA
Predict protein abundance
Investigate translational control
Measure gene expression
Rapid, scalable spin-column method
No ultracentrifuge required
CompatIBLe with yeast and mammalian samples
Sequence actively translated transcripts
Ribosome profiling is a technique for investigating translational control that provides a snapshot of all the ribosomes active in a cell at a specific time. TruSeq Ribo Profile generates RNA-Seq libraries from ribosome-protected fragments of mRNAs that are actively being translated.

Use TruSeq Ribo Profile to sequence mRNA fragments undergoing translation by ribosomes. These mRNA fragments are called "footprinted" or ribosome-protected mRNA fragments.

You can also identify proteins being actively translated from samples prepared with TruSeq Ribo Profile. Samples collected at different times often show changes in translation. Samples treated with different drugs often show different translation patterns.

Input Quantity 0.1 – 1 ug high-quality purified total RNA from blood
Content Specifications Captures coding RNA plus multiple forms of non-coding RNA
Mechanism of Action Bead-based rRNA depletion, CDNA synthesis, and PCR
Multiplexing Low-throughput kits: Pool up to 12 samples. Or pool up to 24 samples with sets A and B together,High-throughput kit version: Prepare 96 uniquely indexed samples
System Compatibility NovaSeq 5000,Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Transcript Variants
Species Category Rat
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit -Set D (24 rxns) (Set D: indices 37-48)/RS-200-0048/1 Ea RS-200-0048Illumina产品编号: RS-200-0048美  元  价: $2450.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Ribo Profile for Yeast (12 reactions, 12 indexes)/RPYSC12116/1 EaRPYSC12116Illumina产品编号: RPYSC12116美  元  价: $1575.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Study active mRNA translation with sequencing
Sequence ribosome-protected mRNA
Predict protein abundance
Investigate translational control
Measure gene expression
Rapid, scalable spin-column method
No ultracentrifuge required
CompatIBLe with yeast and mammalian samples
Sequence actively translated transcripts
Ribosome profiling is a technique for investigating translational control that provides a snapshot of all the ribosomes active in a cell at a specific time. TruSeq Ribo Profile generates RNA-Seq libraries from ribosome-protected fragments of mRNAs that are actively being translated.

Use TruSeq Ribo Profile to sequence mRNA fragments undergoing translation by ribosomes. These mRNA fragments are called "footprinted" or ribosome-protected mRNA fragments.

You can also identify proteins being actively translated from samples prepared with TruSeq Ribo Profile. Samples collected at different times often show changes in translation. Samples treated with different drugs often show different translation patterns.

Input Quantity 0.1 – 1 ug high-quality purified total RNA from blood
Content Specifications Captures coding RNA plus multiple forms of non-coding RNA
Mechanism of Action Bead-based rRNA depletion, CDNA synthesis, and PCR
Multiplexing Low-throughput kits: Pool up to 12 samples. Or pool up to 24 samples with sets A and B together,High-throughput kit version: Prepare 96 uniquely indexed samples
System Compatibility NovaSeq 5000,Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Transcript Variants
Species Category Rat
Illumina/TruSeq Targeted RNA Index Kit B (96 indexes, 384 samples)/RT-402-1002/1 EaRT-402-1002Illumina产品编号: RT-402-1002美  元  价: $1019.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kits enable highly customizable mid- to high-plex gene expression profiling studies.

You can define panels of 12-1,000 assays to target individual exons, isoforms, splice junctions, coding SNPS (cSNPs), gene fusions, and non-coding RNA transcripts, plus multiplex up to 384 samples. Generate the data equivalent of up to 25,000 individual RT-PCR assays in a single run.*

Assays include convenient online panel design and ordering, a rapid and simple workflow starting with as little as 50 ng of RNA, and automated, on-instrument data analysis.

Types of Study Designs
Custom panels—select up to 1000 targets from a database of over 400,000 predesigned assays.
Add-on (supplemental) content—add a second oligo pool of up to 1000 targets to a previously designed TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel.
Start a Custom Project
Order custom panels using DesignStudio, a free, user-friendly, web-based tool. Simply select the assays you need and add them to your order, with no design time.

Log in to DesignStudio

Browse TruSeq Targeted RNA Sample Data
Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR), Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR), and human liver RNA samples were prepared using the TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit.

These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 51 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 2.04 Gb with 96.5% of bases at or above Q30.

Note that access to this data requires a BaseSpace Sequence Hub login.

Register for BaseSpace Sequence Hub

View TruSeq Targeted RNA Project Data
(secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)

*Refers to instruments with catalog number SY-410-1001 and upgrade, or catalog number SY-410-1003

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng RNA,50 ng high-quality total RNA,≥ 200 ng FFPE total RNA; Recommended quantity may vary with expression level, target plexity, and sample quality
Content Specifications Choose from 400,000+ pre-designed targeted RNA-Seq assays. Or add content to a fixed panel or previously designed custom panel.
Multiplexing Up to 384 samples per sequencing run
Mechanism of Action Amplification
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Illumina/HiSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample Loading Kit/CT-403-2001/1 Ea CT-403-2001Illumina产品编号: CT-403-2001美  元  价: $440.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.簇生成和测序试剂公司分类: Cluster Generation & Sequencing ReagentsProduct Highlights:
The HiSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample LoADIng Kit allows maximum indexing freedom in rapid run mode by enabling individually addressable lanes. This kit is an optional accessory for HiSeq Rapid Cluster kits (which require a cBot instrument), and is designed for use in the rapid run workflow of HiSeq 2500 and 1500 sequencers.

Load each flow cell lane independently
Maximize indexing possibilities
Separate precious samples physically
Load different samples in each lane
The HiSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample LoADIng Kit allows each rapid flow cell lane to be loaded with a unique sample template pool. The duo kit accomplishes individual lane loADIng by allowing a cBot instrument to be used for the template hybridization and first extension steps of the cluster generation process. To use the cBot to load 2 libraries onto a rapid flow cell, 1 HiSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample LoADIng Kit is required. Each kit contains sufficient reagents for loADIng 1 flow cell.

A specifically designed duo manifold directs each of the 2 samples into the 2 separate rapid flow cell lanes. The cBot portion takes about an hour, after which the flow cell is moved to the HiSeq 2500 or 1500 for further cluster generation steps using a HiSeq Rapid Cluster Kit.
Illumina/PhiX Control v3/FC-110-3001/1 EaFC-110-3001Illumina产品编号: FC-110-3001美  元  价: $160.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.簇生成和测序试剂公司分类: Cluster Generation & Sequencing Reagents
Size: 1 Ea
Product Highlights:
PhiX Control v3 is a reliable, adapter-ligated library used as a control for Illumina sequencing runs. The library is derived from the small, well-characterized PhiX genome, offering several benefits for sequencing and alignment.

The versatile PhiX Control v3 is provided as a ready-to-use library, and can be utilized in diverse applications to add value to your workflow and increase confidence in your results.

The PhiX library provides a quality control for cluster generation, sequencing, and alignment, and a calibration control for cross-talk matrix generation, phasing, and prephasing. It can be rapidly aligned to estimate relevant sequencing by synthesis (SBS) metrics such as phasing and error rate.

Depending on the application, PhiX Control v3 may also be utilized:

As a high-concentration spike-in control for unbalanced samples (genomes with AT or GC content of less than 40% or greater than 60%)
As a low-concentration spike-in control for alignment calculations and quantification efficiency
As a dedicated control lane alongside low-diversity samples
As a control for troubleshooting cluster generation problems, to help determine whether an error is related to library preparation
System Compatibility MiSeq,Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,HiSeq X Ten,HiScanSQ,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq X Five,HiSeq 1000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,MiSeq FGx in Research Mode,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Reagent Type Sequencing Control
Technology Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Small RNA Set A MiniSeq Kit (1 library prep and 2 MiniSeq reagents)/20005613/1 Ea20005613Illumina产品编号: 20005613美  元  价: $3200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
TruSeq Small RNA Library Preparation Kits provide reagents to generate small RNA libraries directly from total RNA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) generated by Dicer processing are efficiently targeted by the included modified adapters.

These kits enable multiplexed sequencing with the introduction of 48 unique indexes, allowing miRNA and small RNA discovery and profiling throughput to match the unparalleled output of Illumina sequencing. Indexes are added in a universal amplification reaction, greatly reducing ligation bias and ensuring accurate measurement of miRNA expression.

Workflow improvements enable streamlined sample preparation, allowing economical studies covering all small RNA transcripts in any species. CompatIBLe applications include finding novel miRNAs, characterizing variation such as isomers with single-base resolution, and analyzing differential expression without prior assumptions.

TruSeq Small RNA Sample Datasets
The Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) and Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) samples were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using the MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit at a 1 x 36 bp read length configuration. The total yield was 0.91 Gb with 97% of bases at or above Q30.

Browse the Data In BaseSpace Sequence Hub:
View Run (primary analysis and metrics)
View Project (secondary analysis with BaseSpace Apps)
Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~30 minutes
Input Quantity 25 to 100 ng total RNA from species with polyA tails
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
Multiplexing Up to 24-plex pooling with additional NeoPrep runs
Sample Throughput Up to 16 samples per NeoPrep library card
Species Category Drosophila,Any Species,Mouse,Zebrafish,Human,Rat,Plant,Nematode
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Variant Class Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Method miRNA and Small RNA Sequencing
Illumina/Infinium Accessory Starter Kit - Mid Throughput (110V)/WG-15-306/1 EaWG-15-306Illumina产品编号: WG-15-306美  元  价: $78000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium iSelect offers the ABIlity to interrogate virtually any target (e.g. SNP, CNV, INDEL) across any species. Take advantage of the proven Infinium assay technology to create a fully-customized design that is tailored to your unique study needs.

Design a custom genotyping panel that supports up to 700k custom targets (SNPs, indels, and CNVs). The Infinium iSelect can be deployed on either the 24-sample HD (3072 to 90,000 BeadTypes) or 24-sample HTS (90,001 to 700,000 BeadTypes). Creation of these custom assays enables focused, high-throughput genotyping applications tailored to specific project needs.

Keep up-to-date with new discoveries by revising custom content through the Infinium iSelect + (add-on content) option. The Infinium iSelect+ option allows researchers to combine existing Marker sets with new, unique content to create a single BeadChip, thereby increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of custom studies.

Begin custom design and order process

Number of Markers iSelect HD: 3072 to 90,000 custom Markers,iSelect HTS: 90,000 to 700,000 custom Markers
Sample Throughput Up to 5760 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng
Species Category Any Species
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium Multi-Ethnic AMR/AFR-8 v1.0 Kit (48 samples)/20001091/1 Ea20001091Illumina产品编号: 20001091美  元  价: $5232.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Infinium Multi-Ethnic AMRProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Multi-Ethnic AMR/AFR-8 Kit provides a multi-purpose, multi-ethnic genotyping array focused on Hispanic and African American populations. With > 1.4 million expertly selected Markers, it enables identification of genetic associations with common and rare traits, providing insight to epidemiologists, health care researchers, population geneticists, and genomic researchers.

Expert-selected content
This kit combines expertly selected Markers and content from the most popular Illumina commercial arrays with the most current genomic information. Researchers can detect both common and rare variants across Hispanic and African American populations and impute variants in a vast number of subpopulations.

Maximized imputation accuracy
Consortium partners developed content for this multi-ethnic AMR/AFR genotyping array using tagging strategies with the power to perform more effective association studies in Hispanic and African American populations. The novel algorithm selects population-specific and transethnic tag SNPs that maximize imputation accuracy, as imputation has become a standard practice in the interpretation of genotyping data and allows for more accurate statistical inference of genotypes not directly genotyped.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 1,430,141u003cbru003eCustom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 245,000
Sample Throughput ~1067 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/BovineLD v2.0 BeadChip (48 samples)/WG-451-2001/1 EaWG-451-2001Illumina产品编号: WG-451-2001美  元  价: $1200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The BovineLD BeadChip microarray kit enables accurate genotyping to understand the impact of genetics on milk production, reproduction, health, and more. Delivering superior, scalable content at an economical price, it allows you to extend genomic selection to the entire herd. This array offers:

A robust imputation tool to estimate genomic breeding value accurately
High call rates, with demonstrated imputation efficiency of > 98%
Expertly selected content that can be enhanced with up to 80,000 custom Markers
Contains all 200 SNPs on the ISAG panel for bovine parentage (100 core SNPs and 100 additional SNPs)
The ABIlity to interrogate up to 24 samples in parallel
Cost-Effective Genotyping of Herd Animals
The BovineLD v2.0 BeadChip, together with the Infinium BovineSNP50, Infinium BovineHD, and iSelect Custom BeadChips, creates a broad genotyping portfolio that breeders can rely on to characterize genetic variation and accurately estimate genomic breeding value.

While the BovineHD and BovineSNP50 BeadChips provide superior power to interrogate genetic variation in high-value animals and support genome-wide studies, the BovineLD v2.0 BeadChip enables the cost-effective genotyping of lower-value animals.

High Imputation Accuracy
The BeadChip’s strategically selected SNPs possess demonstrated reliABIlity, high average minor allele frequency (MAF), uniform distribution across the bovine genome, and excellent imputation performance for a range of global dairy breeds. The 7,931 SNPs on the BovineLD v2.0 BeadChip were subjected to rigorous functional testing on multiple breeds to ensure strong performance. Illumina ensures that every BovineLD BeadChip offers > 99% average call rate across common dairy and beef cattle breeds.

Superior, Scalable Content
Illumina developed the BovineLD v2.0 BeadChip as part of a BovineLD Consortium in collaboration with global bovine agricultural thought leaders. Illumina scientists and collaborators referenced historical data generated with the BovineSNP50 BeadChip to identify the best SNP content for imputation efficiency among global dairy breeds.1

In silico testing determined that the highest imputation efficiency could be achieved by optimizing MAF among targeted breeds and evenly spacing SNPs across the entire bovine genome with higher Marker densities at the chromosomal ends. Content includes coverage of all chromosomes, including X, known Y haplotypes, and mitochondrial DNA.

High-Throughput Format
The Infinium Assay powers this multi-sample genotyping panel, delivering the industry’s highest call rates and reproducibility. The assay’s PCR-free single-tube sample preparation significantly reduces labor and potential sample handling errors.2,3 A multi-sample format further reduces experimental variABIlity and overall project cost by allowing breeders to interrogate up to 24 samples in parallel.

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Input Quantity 200 ng DNA (at 50 ng/ul)
Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 7931 evenly spaced SNPs across the genomeu003cbru003eCustom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 80,000 (with + kit versions)
Technology Microarray
Species Category Bovine
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium® XT Upgrade Kit (24 Beadchips)/20011101/1 Ea20011101Illumina产品编号: 20011101美  元  价: $27531.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Comprehensive Production-Scale Screening Solution
This solution enables large-scale genetic improvement programs in agrigenomics and supports large-scale screening for biobanks and personalized medicine initiatives. It uses a high-efficiency, flexIBLe workflow.

Production Scale: Optimized assay and 96-sample BeadChip enables processing of 100,000 to upwards of 1,000,000 samples/year per lab
FlexIBLe Content: Targeted single or multispecies assays of 100s to 50,000 SNPs with at least 95% conversion rate guaranteed for custom panels
High Efficiency Workflow: Total assay turnaround time reduced from 3 days to 2 days with less hands-on time
Infinium XT simplifies the custom assay design process, reduces overall hands-on time, and enhances automation robot performance and utilization. The workflow offers an option to reduce the overall turnaround time, if the time to answer is more important than maximum weekly output.

Streamlined Sample Preparation and Data Analysis
A high-throughput solution like Infinium XT needs integrated systems that streamline sample preparation and analysis. The Illumina Automation Control software for the Tecan liquid handling robot has been updated to increase sample processing efficiency. An enhanced data analysis software solution offers real-time data generation and on-demand QC report functionality so production issues can be identified and corrected earlier in the process.

Updated software for GenomeStudio speeds up genotype cluster generation, reducing overall analysis turnaround time. Also, a genotyping module for agricultural and other applications involving polyploid species is now included.

After a cluster file is created, production-level analysis can be transitioned to Beeline Software. This software significantly reduces the time needed to observe quality performance specifications, generate genotyping reports, and analyze polyploid data, without removing the flexibility for manual intervention.

Sample Throughput 100,000 to u003e 1,000,000 samples/year
Number of Markers 100s to 50,000 Markers of interest
Species Category Any Species
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium® Omni5Exome-4 v1.3 Kit (16 samples)/20005140/1 Ea20005140Illumina产品编号: 20005140美  元  价: $4448.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Infinium Omni5Exome-4 BeadChip delivers comprehensive coverage of the genome, providing functional exonic content for whole-genome genotyping and copy number variation (CNV) analysis. The BeadChips include optimized tag SNPs targeting genetic variation down to 1% minor allele frequency (MAF).

Using the proven iScan array scanner and integrated analysis software, these BeadChips offer optimized tag SNPs, exonic content, and fully supported CNV analysis. Combined with convenient packaging and a streamlined PCR-free protocol, these kits provide a comprehensive DNA analysis solution.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 4,548,474
Sample Throughput ~460 samples per week
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium ImmunoArray-24 v2 BeadChip Kit (1152 samples)/WG-357-1003/1 EaWG-357-1003Illumina产品编号: WG-357-1003美  元  价: $49536.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium ImmunoArray-24 v2 BeadChip is the next-generation genotyping array for detecting genetic variation in the human immune system. This BeadChip includes the most valuable content from the HumanImmuno v1 BeadChip, supplemented with newly selected content produced by the immunology research community. This new content includes the majority of the loci currently published in the GWAS catalog for major autoimmune and inflammatory disorders1 as well as published ancestry informative Markers.

Valuable Content
Infinium ImmunoArray-24 v2 BeadChip content highlights:

Over 250,000 immune specific Markers
Over 85,000 new Markers
Includes most valuable content from HumanImmuno v1 BeadChip
Focused on 17 major autoimmune disorders
FlexIBLe Format
The Infinium ImmunoArray-24 v2 can be tailored to incorporate up to ~390,000 custom beadtypes. This BeadChip is available as a standalone version as well as an add-on to several standard Illumina genotyping BeadChips.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: ~253,702,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 390,000 (with + kit versions)
Sample Throughput ~5760 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Method Targeted Genotyping Array
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium OmniZhongHua-8 v1.3 Kit (96 samples)/20004339/1 Ea20004339Illumina产品编号: 20004339美  元  价: $10560.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium OmniZhongHua-8 BeadChip delivers exceptional coverage of common, intermediate, and rare variation found within Chinese populations for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Optimized tag SNP content from all three HapMap phases and the 1000 Genomes Project (1kGP) has been strategically selected to create a population-focused array for the discovery of novel disease and trait associations in Chinese populations.

The Infinium OmniZhongHua-8 BeadChip allows profiling of > 890,000 Markers per sample. The assay is deployed with proprietary BeadArray technology, delivering exceptionally high data quality with regards to call rates (average > 99%), reproducibility (> 99.9%), and low sample repeat rates. High signal-to-noise ratios and low overall noise levels allow for precise, reliable calls and copy number analyses.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 878,291,Custom Marker add-on capacity: None
Sample Throughput ~960 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium® Omni5Exome-4 v1.3 Kit (48 samples)/20005141/1 Ea20005141Illumina产品编号: 20005141美  元  价: $13344.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Infinium Omni5Exome-4 BeadChip delivers comprehensive coverage of the genome, providing functional exonic content for whole-genome genotyping and copy number variation (CNV) analysis. The BeadChips include optimized tag SNPs targeting genetic variation down to 1% minor allele frequency (MAF).

Using the proven iScan array scanner and integrated analysis software, these BeadChips offer optimized tag SNPs, exonic content, and fully supported CNV analysis. Combined with convenient packaging and a streamlined PCR-free protocol, these kits provide a comprehensive DNA analysis solution.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 4,548,474
Sample Throughput ~460 samples per week
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium® Omni5-4 v1.2 Kit (384 samples)/20005153/1 Ea20005153Illumina产品编号: 20005153美  元  价: $104832.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Omni5-4 BeadChip delivers comprehensive coverage of the genome, leveraging powerful tagSNPs selected from the International HapMap and 1000 Genomes Projects that target genetic variation down to 1% minor allele frequency (MAF).

Using the proven iScan System, this four-sample BeadChip offers high-throughput sample processing, and optimized content for whole-genome genotyping and CNV applications.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 4,284,426
Sample Throughput u003e460 samples per week
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium Multi-Ethnic EUR/EAS/SAS-8 v1.0 Kit (96 samples)/20001102/1 Ea20001102Illumina产品编号: 20001102美  元  价: $10464.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Infinium Multi-Ethnic EURProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Multi-Ethnic EUR/EAS/SAS-8 Kit provides a multi-purpose, multi-ethnic genotyping array focused on European, East Asian, and South Asian populations. With > 1.4 million expertly selected Markers, it enables identification of genetic associations with common and rare traits, providing insight to epidemiologists, health care researchers, population geneticists, and genomic researchers.

Expert-selected content
This kit combines expertly selected Markers and content from the most popular Illumina commercial arrays with the most current genomic information. Researchers can detect both common and rare variants across European, East Asian, and South Asian populations and impute variants in a vast number of subpopulations.

Maximized imputation accuracy
Consortium partners developed content for this multi-ethnic EUR/EAS/SAS genotyping array using tagging strategies with the power to perform more effective association studies in European, East Asian, and South Asian populations. The novel algorithm selects population-specific and transethnic tag SNPs that maximize imputation accuracy, as imputation has become a standard practice in the interpretation of genotyping data and allows for more accurate statistical inference of genotypes not directly genotyped.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 1,475,140u003cbru003eCustom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 245,000
Sample Throughput ~1067 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium Exome-24 v1.1 Kit (48 samples)/20015246/1 Ea20015246Illumina产品编号: 20015246美  元  价: $2256.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip delivers exceptional coverage of putative functional exonic variants selected from over 12,000 individual exome and whole-genome sequences. Markers were identified through a close collaboration with leADIng geneticists with the goal of developing an extensive catalog of exome variants.

The exonic content consists of >240,000 Markers representing diverse populations - including European, African, Chinese, and Hispanic individuals - and a range of common conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, metabolic, and psychiatric disorders.

Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip delivers focused coverage of exonic regions, but does not include coverage outside of coding regions. For greater flexibility, the Infinium Exome-24+ version of the BeadChip can be customized to include up to 400,000 additional Markers.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 244,883,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 400,000 (with + kit versions)
Sample Throughput ~2304 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/MaizeSNP50 BeadChip (288 samples)/WG-500-1002/1 EaWG-500-1002Illumina产品编号: WG-500-1002美  元  价: $14400.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The MaizeSNP50 DNA Analysis Kit enables the interrogation of genetic variation across maize lines. Illumina developed this BeadChip array in collaboration with TraitGenetics, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), and Syngenta, with the SNP content selected from several public and private sources. This BeadChip contains more than 50,000 validated Markers derived from the B73 reference sequence.

The highly polymorphic SNP content on the MaizeSNP50 BeadChip was subjected to rigorous functional testing across over 30 diverse maize lines to ensure strong performance. Importantly, this BeadChip presents an average of greater than 25 Markers per megabase (Mb), providing ample SNP density for robust whole-genome genotyping studies. In addition, the MaizeSNP50 Marker set increases the ABIlity to perform corn genetic mapping and Marker assisted breeding.

The MaizeSNP50 BeadChip provides high call rates and allows for flexIBLe content deployment.

The assay's single-tube sample preparation without PCR or ligation steps significantly reduces labor and potential sample handling errors
The BeadChip further reduces experimental variABIlity by allowing researchers to interrogate up to 24 samples in parallel
For a low-density option, see the MaizeLD BeadChip Kit.

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Input Quantity 200 ng at 50 ng/µl
Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 56,110 evenly distributed SNPs across the genomeu003cbru003eCustom Marker add-on capacity: None
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array
Technology Microarray
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Species Category Maize
Illumina/Infinium CoreExome-24 v1.2 Kit (1152 samples)/20015264/1 Ea20015264Illumina产品编号: 20015264美  元  价: $62208.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The customizable Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChip offers an economical way to perform and support large genetic studies, especially large-scale genotyping studies. They can also be used to quickly and easily obtain baseline sample data sets for a variety of downstream applications, including common variant, sex confirmation, mtDNA, ancestry, loss-of-variant, indel, and CNV studies.

Developed in collaboration with several leADIng research institutions, the Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChip includes all the tag SNPs found on the Infinium Core-24 BeadChip, plus over 240,000 Markers from the Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip. For greater flexibility, the Infinium CoreExome-24+ version of the BeadChip can be customized to include up to 100,000 additional Markers.

The Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChips use the Infinium high-throughput screening (HTS) 24-sample format, enabling high content flexibility, throughput capacity, and genotyping accuracy. When combined with the proven iScan System, these BeadChips deliver affordable, high-quality, genome-wide information across diverse world populations.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 550,601,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 100,000 (with + kit versions)
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium Core-24 Kit v1.1 (48 samples)/20015254/1 Ea20015254Illumina产品编号: 20015254美  元  价: $2352.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The customizable Infinium Core-24 BeadChip offers an economical way to perform and support large genetic studies. Developed in collaboration with several leADIng research institutions, the Infinium Core-24 BeadChip contains highly-informative genome-wide tag SNPs found across diverse world populations, additional high-value Markers (including indels and updated exome-focused content), and has capacity to include up to 300,000 semi-custom Markers.

In addition to cost-effectively performing large-scale genotyping studies, this BeadChip can be used to quickly and easily obtain baseline sample datasets for a variety of downstream applications, including common variant, mtDNA, ancestry, sex confirmation, loss-of-variant, indel, and CNV detection studies.

The Infinium Core-24 BeadChip is based upon the trusted Infinium assay. Using the proven iScan System, this 24-sample BeadChip combines affordABIlity with high-throughput sample processing to deliver high-quality, genome-wide information.

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Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 307,342,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 300,000 (with + kit versions)
Sample Throughput 2304 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/CanineHD BeadChip (1152 samples)/WG-440-1003/1 Ea WG-440-1003Illumina产品编号: WG-440-1003美  元  价: $97920.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Featuring highly polymorphic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) content and providing uniform genomic coverage, the CanineHD BeadChip array enables the interrogation of genetic variation in any domestic dog breed.

Importantly, this BeadChip presents an average of greater than 70 Markers per megabase (Mb), providing ample SNP density for robust within-breed association and copy number variation (CNV) studies.

This BeadChip contains more than 170,000 Markers placed on the CanFam2.0 reference sequence. Illumina developed this array in collaboration with the LUPA Consortium, which includes 22 European universities and other partners such as the Broad Institute.

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Input Quantity 200 ng DNA (at 50 ng/ul)
Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 172,115 evenly spaced SNPs across the genome
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array
Technology Microarray
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Canine
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium OncoArray-500K BeadChip Kit (1152 samples) 500,000 loci. Each package contains 48 BeadChips, along witWG-355-1003Illumina产品编号: WG-355-1003美  元  价: $74880.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium OncoArray-500K contains 500,000 SNPs with a genome-wide backbone of 250,000 tag SNPs. Additional SNPs include genetic variants associated with breast, colorectal, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancers plus SNPs covering ancestry, quantitative traits, pharmacogenetics, and fine-mapping of common cancer susceptibility loci. To support additional research requirements, the Infinium OncoArray-500K can be tailored to incorporate up to 120,000 custom beadtypes.*

The Infinium OncoArray-500K was developed in collaboration with leADIng experts from the OncoArray consortium†, and draws on many of the features of the successful Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study (iCOGS) array1. Designed with candidate SNPs identified by the consortium, the OncoArray provides a cost-effective means to assess candidate variants potentially associated with cancer risk.

The Infinium OncoArray-500K uses a 24-sample high-throughput screening (HTS) BeadChip to enable maximum throughput, productivity, and genotyping accuracy. Using the proven iScan System, the Infinium OncoArray-500K is designed to combine affordABIlity with high-density content, providing insight into the relationship between gene variants and cancer predisposition in five of the most prevalent cancers.

* For additional information about custom add-on content, contact your Illumina account manager or sales specialist.

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Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Sample Throughput ~2,304 samples per week
Number of Markers Fixed Markers: ~500,000u003cbru003e Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 120,000 (with + kit versions)
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/PorcineSNP60v2 BeadChip (1152 samples)/WG-410-2003/1 EaWG-410-2003Illumina产品编号: WG-410-2003美  元  价: $57600.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The PorcineSNP60 DNA Analysis Kit v2 features 65,000 evenly spaced probes, offering more than sufficient SNP density for whole-genome association studies, determination of genetic merit, identification of quantitative trait loci, and comparative genetic studies.

This 24-sample BeadChip presents a solution for interrogating genetic variation in multiple porcine breeds, including Duroc, Landrace, Pietran, and Large White. A semi-custom version of the BeadChip, the PorcineSNP60+ DNA Analysis Kit v2, allows researchers to include up to 25,000 additional custom probes for targeted studies.

The Porcine SNP Chip Consortium made the final selection of the highest quality Markers from more than 510,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), after combining novel discovered SNPs with several other existing databases and study results.

The panel was optimized using multiple criteria for Marker selection, including minor allele frequency determined from representative sample sequencing, allele count, quality score, spacing, location, and validation status.

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Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 64,232u003cbru003eCustom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 25,000 (with + kit versions)
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array
Technology Microarray
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Porcine
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium® Omni5Exome-4 v1.3 Kit (96 samples)/20005142/1 Ea20005142Illumina产品编号: 20005142美  元  价: $26688.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Infinium Omni5Exome-4 BeadChip delivers comprehensive coverage of the genome, providing functional exonic content for whole-genome genotyping and copy number variation (CNV) analysis. The BeadChips include optimized tag SNPs targeting genetic variation down to 1% minor allele frequency (MAF).

Using the proven iScan array scanner and integrated analysis software, these BeadChips offer optimized tag SNPs, exonic content, and fully supported CNV analysis. Combined with convenient packaging and a streamlined PCR-free protocol, these kits provide a comprehensive DNA analysis solution.

Learn More About Human Genotyping

Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 4,548,474
Sample Throughput ~460 samples per week
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium Exome-24 v1.1 Kit (288 samples)/20015247/1 Ea20015247Illumina产品编号: 20015247美  元  价: $13536.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip delivers exceptional coverage of putative functional exonic variants selected from over 12,000 individual exome and whole-genome sequences. Markers were identified through a close collaboration with leADIng geneticists with the goal of developing an extensive catalog of exome variants.

The exonic content consists of >240,000 Markers representing diverse populations - including European, African, Chinese, and Hispanic individuals - and a range of common conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, metabolic, and psychiatric disorders.

Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip delivers focused coverage of exonic regions, but does not include coverage outside of coding regions. For greater flexibility, the Infinium Exome-24+ version of the BeadChip can be customized to include up to 400,000 additional Markers.

Learn More About Human Genotyping

Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 244,883,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 400,000 (with + kit versions)
Sample Throughput ~2304 samples per week
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/Infinium CoreExome-24 v1.2 Kit (288 samples)/20015263/1 Ea20015263Illumina产品编号: 20015263美  元  价: $15552.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Microarray KitsProduct Highlights:
The customizable Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChip offers an economical way to perform and support large genetic studies, especially large-scale genotyping studies. They can also be used to quickly and easily obtain baseline sample data sets for a variety of downstream applications, including common variant, sex confirmation, mtDNA, ancestry, loss-of-variant, indel, and CNV studies.

Developed in collaboration with several leADIng research institutions, the Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChip includes all the tag SNPs found on the Infinium Core-24 BeadChip, plus over 240,000 Markers from the Infinium Exome-24 BeadChip. For greater flexibility, the Infinium CoreExome-24+ version of the BeadChip can be customized to include up to 100,000 additional Markers.

The Infinium CoreExome-24 BeadChips use the Infinium high-throughput screening (HTS) 24-sample format, enabling high content flexibility, throughput capacity, and genotyping accuracy. When combined with the proven iScan System, these BeadChips deliver affordable, high-quality, genome-wide information across diverse world populations.

Learn More About Human Genotyping

Number of Markers Fixed Markers: 550,601,Custom Marker add-on capacity: Up to 100,000 (with + kit versions)
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots,Autoloader 2.x Array Loader
System Compatibility iScan
Illumina/BaseSpace Sequence Hub Enterprise Annual Subscription/SW-411-1003/1 EaSW-411-1003Illumina产品编号: SW-411-1003美  元  价: $29995.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Informatics ProductsProduct Highlights:
As a key component of the BaseSpace Suite, BaseSpace Sequence Hub is a direct extension of your Illumina instruments. Data flows directly from the instrument into BaseSpace Sequence Hub, which enables you to manage and analyze data using a curated set of analysis apps. BaseSpace Sequence Hub:

Enables you to set up and monitor instrument runs in real-time
Promotes efficiency by converting sequencing data to a standard format and directly streaming them to the cloud
Provides a more economical solution than assembling infrastructures and tools in-house
Increases productivity with easy access and execution of a multitude of genomic analysis apps (provided by you, Illumina, or third-parties). As a result, specialized staff members, such as bioinformaticians are free to work on more complicated analyses
Fosters collaboration and innovation with simplified data sharing
Provides multiple layers of security and supports Health Insurance PortABIlity and AccountABIlity Act (HIPAA) compliance using robust Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure
Scales to accommodate the need for more storage and computing with a tiered pricing structure
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Illumina/SureRef Reference Female DNA (128 μl)/PR-40-415204-00/1 Ea PR-40-415204-00Illumina产品编号: PR-40-415204-00美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The SureRef Pack contains both SureRef Reference Male DNA and SureRef Reference Female DNA, each sufficient for 16 reference labeling reactions. The individual DNAs are also available separately.

SureRef DNA products are matched, in terms of quality and size of DNA fragment to a single cell or a few cells. Extracted DNA should be amplified with the SurePlex DNA Amplification System and used as part of 24sure laboratory product protocols.
Illumina/VeriSeq™ PGS Kit - MiSeq®/RH-101-1001/1 EaRH-101-1001Illumina产品编号: RH-101-1001美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The VeriSeq PGS Kit takes advantage of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to provide comprehensive, accurate screening of all 24 chromosomes for selection of embryos most likely to be euploid. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) results generated using VeriSeq PGS are comparable to those achieved with the widely used array-based 24sure technology. In addition, NGS offers the opportunity for improved assay workflow, higher throughput, and enhanced performance.1

Industry-leADIng data quality: More than 90% of the world’s sequencing data is generated by Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry*
Fast, streamlined workflow: Sample to answer in approximately 12 hours
High-throughput analysis: Screen up to 24 samples per run
Ultra-Low Input
NGS offers a highly sensitive method for screening embryos, requiring as little as 1 ng of DNA from a SurePlex DNA amplification reaction. DNA can be obtained from a blastomere biopsy, from a day 3 embryo, or from a trophectodermal (TE) biopsy from a blastocyst.

*Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015.

Assay Time 11 hours
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 30 to 300 ng depending on QC results
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode
Method PGS Sequencing
Technology Sequencing
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities,Structural Variants,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Illumina/Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip Kit (48 samples)/WG-322-1103/1 Ea WG-322-1103Illumina产品编号: WG-322-1103美  元  价: $12000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip is the first SNP-based human microarray to leverage the latest input from the international community for cytogenomics studies. The gene list was defined based on content from the International Collaboration for Clinical Genomics (ICCG)1 and the Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC)2, providing a comprehensive view of cytogenomic activity.* This enhanced SNP coverage enables copy number calls as small as 10 kb in regions associated with genetic disease.

Thorough Coverage for Constitutional and Cancer Applications
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip provides comprehensive coverage of cytogenetically relevant genes on a proven platform, helping researchers find valuable information that may be missed by other technologies. It contains approximately 850,000 empirically selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the entire genome with enriched coverage for 3,262 genes of known cytogenetics relevance in both constitutional and cancer applications.

High Detection Sensitivity for Low-level Mosaics
A unique attribute of the Infinium array technology is the use of long 50-mer probes that have high specificity to the SNP target. This increases sensitivity for low-level mosaics3 and offers high resolution for copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH). In addition, each SNP is represented in at least 15x redundancy to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for making accurate copy number variation (CNV) and absence of heterozygosity (AOH) calls across the genome. As few as 10 consecutive probes are necessary to make accurate CNV calls, demonstrating the high performance level of the Infinium assay.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip Kit (96 samples)/WG-322-1104/1 EaWG-322-1104Illumina产品编号: WG-322-1104美  元  价: $24000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip is the first SNP-based human microarray to leverage the latest input from the international community for cytogenomics studies. The gene list was defined based on content from the International Collaboration for Clinical Genomics (ICCG)1 and the Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC)2, providing a comprehensive view of cytogenomic activity.* This enhanced SNP coverage enables copy number calls as small as 10 kb in regions associated with genetic disease.

Thorough Coverage for Constitutional and Cancer Applications
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip provides comprehensive coverage of cytogenetically relevant genes on a proven platform, helping researchers find valuable information that may be missed by other technologies. It contains approximately 850,000 empirically selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the entire genome with enriched coverage for 3,262 genes of known cytogenetics relevance in both constitutional and cancer applications.

High Detection Sensitivity for Low-level Mosaics
A unique attribute of the Infinium array technology is the use of long 50-mer probes that have high specificity to the SNP target. This increases sensitivity for low-level mosaics3 and offers high resolution for copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH). In addition, each SNP is represented in at least 15x redundancy to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for making accurate copy number variation (CNV) and absence of heterozygosity (AOH) calls across the genome. As few as 10 consecutive probes are necessary to make accurate CNV calls, demonstrating the high performance level of the Infinium assay.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/24sure Microarray Pack (16 hybridizations, up to 32 samples)/PR-10-408702-PK/1 EaPR-10-408702-PKIllumina产品编号: PR-10-408702-PK美  元  价: $3530.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) with 24sure microarrays provides a comprehensive and accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes from an embryo biopsy. The arrays can be used to screen for aneuploidy in first and second polar bodies, blastomere biopsies, and trophectoderm biopsies. The 24sure assay is objective, ensuring a high degree of confidence in the results and subsequent selection of embryos least likely to have aneuploidy for transfer.

Widely used, proven PGS – Method of choice for many of the world’s reference laboratories
Fast, reliable results – Comprehensive, accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes in 12 hours
Straightforward workflow – Optimized protocols include minimal tube transfers, documented quality control (QC) stages, and flexIBLe stopping points
Straightforward Workflow Is Complete in 12 Hours
The straightforward 24sure protocol used standard laboratory techniques, providing a fast, accurate method for chromosome screening with minimal sensitivity to technical errors and designed to fit into existing workflows. Screening can be completed in 12 hours, and therefore does not interfere with tight schedules of a fresh IVF cycle.

Assay Time ~12 hours
Hands-On Time ~2.5 hours
Input Quantity Single cell or multi-cell samples
Technology Microarray
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities,Structural Variants,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Method PGS Array
Significantly Higher Rate of Pregnancy May Be PossIBLe with PGS:
The pregnancy rate shown for embryos analyzed using preimplantation genetic screening and morphology is 69.1%, much higher than the 41.7% achieved using morphology screening alone.1 Pilot study of young, good prognosis patients (age < 35, first-time IVF, no history of prior miscarriage, n = 103).
PGS with 24sure Arrays Reduces the Effect of Maternal Age on Implantation and Pregnancy Rates:
Although aneuploidy risk increases with maternal age, PGS using 24sure arrays on either day 3 or day 5 embryos diminishes the effect of maternal age on implantation and pregnancy rates.2
24Sure Laboratory Workflow:
The 24sure laboratory workflow is a straightforward procedure that is completed in <12 hours.
BlueFuse Multi Software Delivers a Complete Data Analysis and Information Management System:
BlueFuse Multi Software provides a complete solution for analyzing, storing, and reporting 24sure results. A. Sample database displays experimental information. B. Array images imported directly from the scanner. C. Profiles for sample and reference chromosomes. D. Automated cycle reports.
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP FFPE-12 v2.1 DNA Analysis BeadChip Kit (24 samples) 250,000 loci. Each package contains 2 BeadChipWG-321-1003Illumina产品编号: WG-321-1003美  元  价: $3720.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The HumanCytoSNP FFPE-12 BeadChip interrogates >262,000 genomic Markers. The content consists of intelligently selected tag SNPs that provide comprehensive genomic coverage.

With dense and even Marker spacing, the BeadChip content can also be used to precisely detect structural aberrations, allowing researchers to accurately identify structural differences between paired-normal and tumor samples.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,2 hours 10 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/24sure+ Pack (16 samples)/PR-10-408602-PK/1 EaPR-10-408602-PKIllumina产品编号: PR-10-408602-PK美  元  价: $4460.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The 24sure+ microarray is designed to improve the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by detecting subchromosomal imbalances in embryos of reciprocal translocation carriers. 24sure+ includes increased coverage of pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions to ensure the identification and reporting of small derived chromosome fragments from single cells.

24sure+ microarrays offer several key advantages:
24sure+ can more accurately determine balanced or euploid embryos for selection compared to trADItional fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) methods1
Rapid workflow enables sample results and reporting within 12 hours
Every 24sure+ purchase includes BlueFuse Multi software for the fully automated analysis, interpretation, and reporting of 24sure+ investigations
24sure+ analysis is ideally offered to couples undergoing IVF due to recurrent miscarriages sUSPected to be caused by the presence of a balanced translocation in either parent. Balanced translocation carriers may not present with a phenotype. However, segregation of the translocated chromosomes during gamete formation can produce a range of normal, balanced, and unbalanced gametes, with unbalanced products expected to represent 50% of gametes.2 Resulting embryos with large structural imbalances are likely to be non-viable. As a result, the balanced carrier may present with infertility or a history of recurrent miscarriage/spontaneous abortion.3

Couples presenting with recurrent miscarriage can be karyotyped, which is a low-resolution analysis that may determine whether the problems they are experiencing are due to a balanced rearrangement. If this is the case, such carriers of balanced translocations may seek 24sure+ analysis of embryos.

Assay Time ~12 hours
Hands-On Time ~3.5 hours
Input Quantity SurePlex whole-genome-amplified single cells from embryo biopsies
Technology Microarray
Method PGD Array
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip Kit (12 samples)/WG-320-2101/1 EaWG-320-2101Illumina产品编号: WG-320-2101美  元  价: $1860.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The 12-sample HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is a powerful, whole-genome scanning panel designed for efficient, high-throughput analysis of genetic and structural variations that are most relevant to human disease. This scalable, proven solution offers substantially better resolution to detect smaller regions than fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).1

Complete panel of genome-wide tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and Markers targeting all regions of known cytogenetic importance, incorporating ~300,000 “best of the best” SNPs with the highest tagging power
Average SNP call rates and reproducibility of > 99.9%, and low noise for copy number measurements
Detect many types and sizes of structural variation in the human genome that affect phenotypes, including duplications, deletions, amplifications, copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and mosaicism
Process up to 12 samples in parallel, increasing sample throughput and decreasing experimental variABIlity
Process samples using the single-tube, PCR-free Infinium HD Assay that requires only 200ng DNA per sample
Comprehensive data analysis with intuitive BlueFuse Multi Software streamlines copy number assessment and results reporting
The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is optimized to detect cytogenetic abnormalities most relevant to human disease.1-2 Content includes ~300,000 SNPs targeting regions shown to be important for cytogenetic analysis. The result is dense coverage of ~250 disease regions, including subtelomeric regions, pericentromeric regions, and sex chromosomes, commonly screened in cytogenetics labs. Sufficient SNP coverage is provided to determine dosage sensitivity of > 800 genes.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip Kit (8 samples)/WG-322-1101/1 EaWG-322-1101Illumina产品编号: WG-322-1101美  元  价: $2000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip is the first SNP-based human microarray to leverage the latest input from the international community for cytogenomics studies. The gene list was defined based on content from the International Collaboration for Clinical Genomics (ICCG)1 and the Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC)2, providing a comprehensive view of cytogenomic activity.* This enhanced SNP coverage enables copy number calls as small as 10 kb in regions associated with genetic disease.

Thorough Coverage for Constitutional and Cancer Applications
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip provides comprehensive coverage of cytogenetically relevant genes on a proven platform, helping researchers find valuable information that may be missed by other technologies. It contains approximately 850,000 empirically selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the entire genome with enriched coverage for 3,262 genes of known cytogenetics relevance in both constitutional and cancer applications.

High Detection Sensitivity for Low-level Mosaics
A unique attribute of the Infinium array technology is the use of long 50-mer probes that have high specificity to the SNP target. This increases sensitivity for low-level mosaics3 and offers high resolution for copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH). In addition, each SNP is represented in at least 15x redundancy to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for making accurate copy number variation (CNV) and absence of heterozygosity (AOH) calls across the genome. As few as 10 consecutive probes are necessary to make accurate CNV calls, demonstrating the high performance level of the Infinium assay.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip Kit (16 samples)/WG-322-1102/1 Ea WG-322-1102Illumina产品编号: WG-322-1102美  元  价: $4000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip is the first SNP-based human microarray to leverage the latest input from the international community for cytogenomics studies. The gene list was defined based on content from the International Collaboration for Clinical Genomics (ICCG)1 and the Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC)2, providing a comprehensive view of cytogenomic activity.* This enhanced SNP coverage enables copy number calls as small as 10 kb in regions associated with genetic disease.

Thorough Coverage for Constitutional and Cancer Applications
The Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip provides comprehensive coverage of cytogenetically relevant genes on a proven platform, helping researchers find valuable information that may be missed by other technologies. It contains approximately 850,000 empirically selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning the entire genome with enriched coverage for 3,262 genes of known cytogenetics relevance in both constitutional and cancer applications.

High Detection Sensitivity for Low-level Mosaics
A unique attribute of the Infinium array technology is the use of long 50-mer probes that have high specificity to the SNP target. This increases sensitivity for low-level mosaics3 and offers high resolution for copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH). In addition, each SNP is represented in at least 15x redundancy to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for making accurate copy number variation (CNV) and absence of heterozygosity (AOH) calls across the genome. As few as 10 consecutive probes are necessary to make accurate CNV calls, demonstrating the high performance level of the Infinium assay.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP FFPE-12 v2.1 DNA Analysis BeadChip Kit (48 samples) 250,000 loci. Each package contains 4 BeadChipWG-321-1004Illumina产品编号: WG-321-1004美  元  价: $6960.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The HumanCytoSNP FFPE-12 BeadChip interrogates >262,000 genomic Markers. The content consists of intelligently selected tag SNPs that provide comprehensive genomic coverage.

With dense and even Marker spacing, the BeadChip content can also be used to precisely detect structural aberrations, allowing researchers to accurately identify structural differences between paired-normal and tumor samples.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,2 hours 10 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/HumanKaryomap-12 DNA Analysis Kit (24 samples)/RH-103-1001/1 EaRH-103-1001Illumina产品编号: RH-103-1001美  元  价: $3758.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The HumanKaryomap-12 DNA Analysis Kit is a comprehensive genome-wide test available at the single-cell level. It provides insight into the inheritance of single-gene defects.

This BeadChip array targets ~300,000 of the most informative Markers in the genome for efficient genome-wide coverage. Karyomapping uses bioMarkers within the genome to assess the likelihood of an embryo carrying a gene variant involved in a single-gene disorder.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) with karyomapping enables screening of embryos for the likelihood of carrying the defective gene prior to transfer to the uterus. This method uses SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) array technology to confirm the presence or absence of a specific allele.

Assay Time ~2 days (shortened Infinium protocol)
Hands-on Time ~4 hours
Input Quantity 400 ng genomic DNA from parent and reference samples + SureMDA whole-genome-amplified single cells from embryo biopsy samples
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Method PGD Array
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Illumina/SureRef Reference Male DNA (128 ?l)/PR-40-415203-00/1 EaPR-40-415203-00Illumina产品编号: PR-40-415203-00美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The SureRef Pack contains both SureRef Reference Male DNA and SureRef Reference Female DNA, each sufficient for 16 reference labeling reactions. The individual DNAs are also available separately.

SureRef DNA products are matched, in terms of quality and size of DNA fragment to a single cell or a few cells. Extracted DNA should be amplified with the SurePlex DNA Amplification System and used as part of 24sure laboratory product protocols.
Illumina/SurePlex DNA Amplification System (50 reactions)/PR-40-415101-00/1 Ea PR-40-415101-00Illumina产品编号: PR-40-415101-00美  元  价: $1380.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) with 24sure microarrays provides a comprehensive and accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes from an embryo biopsy. The arrays can be used to screen for aneuploidy in first and second polar bodies, blastomere biopsies, and trophectoderm biopsies. The 24sure assay is objective, ensuring a high degree of confidence in the results and subsequent selection of embryos least likely to have aneuploidy for transfer.

Widely used, proven PGS – Method of choice for many of the world’s reference laboratories
Fast, reliable results – Comprehensive, accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes in 12 hours
Straightforward workflow – Optimized protocols include minimal tube transfers, documented quality control (QC) stages, and flexIBLe stopping points
Straightforward Workflow Is Complete in 12 Hours
The straightforward 24sure protocol used standard laboratory techniques, providing a fast, accurate method for chromosome screening with minimal sensitivity to technical errors and designed to fit into existing workflows. Screening can be completed in 12 hours, and therefore does not interfere with tight schedules of a fresh IVF cycle.

Assay Time ~12 hours
Hands-On Time ~2.5 hours
Input Quantity Single cell or multi-cell samples
Technology Microarray
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities,Structural Variants,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Method PGS Array
Significantly Higher Rate of Pregnancy May Be PossIBLe with PGS:
The pregnancy rate shown for embryos analyzed using preimplantation genetic screening and morphology is 69.1%, much higher than the 41.7% achieved using morphology screening alone.1 Pilot study of young, good prognosis patients (age < 35, first-time IVF, no history of prior miscarriage, n = 103).
PGS with 24sure Arrays Reduces the Effect of Maternal Age on Implantation and Pregnancy Rates:
Although aneuploidy risk increases with maternal age, PGS using 24sure arrays on either day 3 or day 5 embryos diminishes the effect of maternal age on implantation and pregnancy rates.2
24Sure Laboratory Workflow:
The 24sure laboratory workflow is a straightforward procedure that is completed in <12 hours.
BlueFuse Multi Software Delivers a Complete Data Analysis and Information Management System:
BlueFuse Multi Software provides a complete solution for analyzing, storing, and reporting 24sure results. A. Sample database displays experimental information. B. Array images imported directly from the scanner. C. Profiles for sample and reference chromosomes. D. Automated cycle reports.
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip Kit (288 samples)/WG-320-2104/1 EaWG-320-2104Illumina产品编号: WG-320-2104美  元  价: $41760.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The 12-sample HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is a powerful, whole-genome scanning panel designed for efficient, high-throughput analysis of genetic and structural variations that are most relevant to human disease. This scalable, proven solution offers substantially better resolution to detect smaller regions than fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).1

Complete panel of genome-wide tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and Markers targeting all regions of known cytogenetic importance, incorporating ~300,000 “best of the best” SNPs with the highest tagging power
Average SNP call rates and reproducibility of > 99.9%, and low noise for copy number measurements
Detect many types and sizes of structural variation in the human genome that affect phenotypes, including duplications, deletions, amplifications, copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and mosaicism
Process up to 12 samples in parallel, increasing sample throughput and decreasing experimental variABIlity
Process samples using the single-tube, PCR-free Infinium HD Assay that requires only 200ng DNA per sample
Comprehensive data analysis with intuitive BlueFuse Multi Software streamlines copy number assessment and results reporting
The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is optimized to detect cytogenetic abnormalities most relevant to human disease.1-2 Content includes ~300,000 SNPs targeting regions shown to be important for cytogenetic analysis. The result is dense coverage of ~250 disease regions, including subtelomeric regions, pericentromeric regions, and sex chromosomes, commonly screened in cytogenetics labs. Sufficient SNP coverage is provided to determine dosage sensitivity of > 800 genes.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/SureMDA DNA Amplification System (96 reactions)/PR-40-405102-00/1 EaPR-40-405102-00Illumina产品编号: PR-40-405102-00美  元  价: $2920.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The HumanKaryomap-12 DNA Analysis Kit is a comprehensive genome-wide test available at the single-cell level. It provides insight into the inheritance of single-gene defects.

This BeadChip array targets ~300,000 of the most informative Markers in the genome for efficient genome-wide coverage. Karyomapping uses bioMarkers within the genome to assess the likelihood of an embryo carrying a gene variant involved in a single-gene disorder.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) with karyomapping enables screening of embryos for the likelihood of carrying the defective gene prior to transfer to the uterus. This method uses SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) array technology to confirm the presence or absence of a specific allele.

Assay Time ~2 days (shortened Infinium protocol)
Hands-on Time ~4 hours
Input Quantity 400 ng genomic DNA from parent and reference samples + SureMDA whole-genome-amplified single cells from embryo biopsy samples
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Method PGD Array
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip Kit (24 samples)/WG-320-2102/1 EaWG-320-2102Illumina产品编号: WG-320-2102美  元  价: $3720.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The 12-sample HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is a powerful, whole-genome scanning panel designed for efficient, high-throughput analysis of genetic and structural variations that are most relevant to human disease. This scalable, proven solution offers substantially better resolution to detect smaller regions than fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).1

Complete panel of genome-wide tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and Markers targeting all regions of known cytogenetic importance, incorporating ~300,000 “best of the best” SNPs with the highest tagging power
Average SNP call rates and reproducibility of > 99.9%, and low noise for copy number measurements
Detect many types and sizes of structural variation in the human genome that affect phenotypes, including duplications, deletions, amplifications, copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and mosaicism
Process up to 12 samples in parallel, increasing sample throughput and decreasing experimental variABIlity
Process samples using the single-tube, PCR-free Infinium HD Assay that requires only 200ng DNA per sample
Comprehensive data analysis with intuitive BlueFuse Multi Software streamlines copy number assessment and results reporting
The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is optimized to detect cytogenetic abnormalities most relevant to human disease.1-2 Content includes ~300,000 SNPs targeting regions shown to be important for cytogenetic analysis. The result is dense coverage of ~250 disease regions, including subtelomeric regions, pericentromeric regions, and sex chromosomes, commonly screened in cytogenetics labs. Sufficient SNP coverage is provided to determine dosage sensitivity of > 800 genes.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/TruSight Cardio Sequencing Kit for NextSeq (48 indexes, 48 samples, 4 enrichments)/FC-141-1011/1 EaFC-141-1011Illumina产品编号: FC-141-1011美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Expertly defined genes selected in collaboration with the Imperial College of London
99% of the targeted regions covered at a depth of at least 20×*
Cost to sequence is ~ $1 US per gene; fully supported on Illumina sequencing and informatics platforms
The TruSight Cardio Kit uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to provide comprehensive coverage of 174 genes with known associations to 17 ICCs, including cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, aortopathies, and more. Genes were expertly selected with researchers at the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Imperial College of London. Content includes genes known to be associated with hereditary heart disease and emerging genes found in the literature.1

Input Quantity 50 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/MiSeq® Reagent Kit v3 - PGS/RH-102-1001/1 EaRH-102-1001Illumina产品编号: RH-102-1001美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The VeriSeq PGS Kit takes advantage of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to provide comprehensive, accurate screening of all 24 chromosomes for selection of embryos most likely to be euploid. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) results generated using VeriSeq PGS are comparable to those achieved with the widely used array-based 24sure technology. In addition, NGS offers the opportunity for improved assay workflow, higher throughput, and enhanced performance.1

Industry-leADIng data quality: More than 90% of the world’s sequencing data is generated by Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry*
Fast, streamlined workflow: Sample to answer in approximately 12 hours
High-throughput analysis: Screen up to 24 samples per run
Ultra-Low Input
NGS offers a highly sensitive method for screening embryos, requiring as little as 1 ng of DNA from a SurePlex DNA amplification reaction. DNA can be obtained from a blastomere biopsy, from a day 3 embryo, or from a trophectodermal (TE) biopsy from a blastocyst.

*Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015.

Assay Time 11 hours
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 30 to 300 ng depending on QC results
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode
Method PGS Sequencing
Technology Sequencing
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities,Structural Variants,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Illumina/TruSight Cardio Sequencing Kit for MiSeq and MiSeqDx (12 indexes, 12 samples, 1 enrichment)/FC-141-1010/1 EaFC-141-1010Illumina产品编号: FC-141-1010美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Expertly defined genes selected in collaboration with the Imperial College of London
99% of the targeted regions covered at a depth of at least 20×*
Cost to sequence is ~ $1 US per gene; fully supported on Illumina sequencing and informatics platforms
The TruSight Cardio Kit uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to provide comprehensive coverage of 174 genes with known associations to 17 ICCs, including cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, aortopathies, and more. Genes were expertly selected with researchers at the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Imperial College of London. Content includes genes known to be associated with hereditary heart disease and emerging genes found in the literature.1

Input Quantity 50 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/SureRef Pack (16 reference hybridizations)/PR-40-415205-PK/1 EaPR-40-415205-PKIllumina产品编号: PR-40-415205-PK美  元  价: $349.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) with 24sure microarrays provides a comprehensive and accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes from an embryo biopsy. The arrays can be used to screen for aneuploidy in first and second polar bodies, blastomere biopsies, and trophectoderm biopsies. The 24sure assay is objective, ensuring a high degree of confidence in the results and subsequent selection of embryos least likely to have aneuploidy for transfer.

Widely used, proven PGS – Method of choice for many of the world’s reference laboratories
Fast, reliable results – Comprehensive, accurate assessment of all 24 chromosomes in 12 hours
Straightforward workflow – Optimized protocols include minimal tube transfers, documented quality control (QC) stages, and flexIBLe stopping points
Straightforward Workflow Is Complete in 12 Hours
The straightforward 24sure protocol used standard laboratory techniques, providing a fast, accurate method for chromosome screening with minimal sensitivity to technical errors and designed to fit into existing workflows. Screening can be completed in 12 hours, and therefore does not interfere with tight schedules of a fresh IVF cycle.

Assay Time ~12 hours
Hands-On Time ~2.5 hours
Input Quantity Single cell or multi-cell samples
Technology Microarray
Specialized Sample Types Single Cells
Species Category Human
Variant Class Chromosomal Abnormalities,Structural Variants,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Method PGS Array
Significantly Higher Rate of Pregnancy May Be PossIBLe with PGS:
The pregnancy rate shown for embryos analyzed using preimplantation genetic screening and morphology is 69.1%, much higher than the 41.7% achieved using morphology screening alone.1 Pilot study of young, good prognosis patients (age < 35, first-time IVF, no history of prior miscarriage, n = 103).
PGS with 24sure Arrays Reduces the Effect of Maternal Age on Implantation and Pregnancy Rates:
Although aneuploidy risk increases with maternal age, PGS using 24sure arrays on either day 3 or day 5 embryos diminishes the effect of maternal age on implantation and pregnancy rates.2
24Sure Laboratory Workflow:
The 24sure laboratory workflow is a straightforward procedure that is completed in <12 hours.
BlueFuse Multi Software Delivers a Complete Data Analysis and Information Management System:
BlueFuse Multi Software provides a complete solution for analyzing, storing, and reporting 24sure results. A. Sample database displays experimental information. B. Array images imported directly from the scanner. C. Profiles for sample and reference chromosomes. D. Automated cycle reports.
Illumina/HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip Kit (48 samples)/WG-320-2103/1 Ea WG-320-2103Illumina产品编号: WG-320-2103美  元  价: $6960.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The 12-sample HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is a powerful, whole-genome scanning panel designed for efficient, high-throughput analysis of genetic and structural variations that are most relevant to human disease. This scalable, proven solution offers substantially better resolution to detect smaller regions than fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).1

Complete panel of genome-wide tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and Markers targeting all regions of known cytogenetic importance, incorporating ~300,000 “best of the best” SNPs with the highest tagging power
Average SNP call rates and reproducibility of > 99.9%, and low noise for copy number measurements
Detect many types and sizes of structural variation in the human genome that affect phenotypes, including duplications, deletions, amplifications, copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and mosaicism
Process up to 12 samples in parallel, increasing sample throughput and decreasing experimental variABIlity
Process samples using the single-tube, PCR-free Infinium HD Assay that requires only 200ng DNA per sample
Comprehensive data analysis with intuitive BlueFuse Multi Software streamlines copy number assessment and results reporting
The HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip is optimized to detect cytogenetic abnormalities most relevant to human disease.1-2 Content includes ~300,000 SNPs targeting regions shown to be important for cytogenetic analysis. The result is dense coverage of ~250 disease regions, including subtelomeric regions, pericentromeric regions, and sex chromosomes, commonly screened in cytogenetics labs. Sufficient SNP coverage is provided to determine dosage sensitivity of > 800 genes.

Assay Time 3 days
Hands-On Time 1 hour 5 min. for automated 8-beadchip workflow,6 hours 15 min. for manual 8-beadchip workflow
Input Quantity 200 ng DNA
Method Genome-Wide Genotyping Array,Cytogenomic Array
Technology Microarray
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH),Chromosomal Abnormalities,Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,iScan
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological,Solid Tumor
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Bacteria) 24 reactions 99% of rRNA from Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial RMRZB12424Illumina产品编号: MRZB12424美  元  价: $2066.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from intact and partially degraded mixtures of Gram (+) and Gram (–) bacteria in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact and partially degraded samples in 2 hours.
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with the Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Bacteria) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants and isoforms.

This kit offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) rRNA from bacterial mixtures prior to sequencing.
Illumina/Globin-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit 6 reactions 99% of rRNA and >99% of globin mRNA from 1 µg - 5 µg of blood toGZG1206Illumina产品编号: GZG1206美  元  价: $567.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Remove globin mRNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Blood is an important sample for research into thousands of rare diseases and other disorders. The sequencing data from samples treated with Globin-Zero are focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms. Globin-Zero removes unwanted globin mRNA, as well as cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA, from mammalian blood RNA samples before sequencing library construction.

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Gold Kit (Blood): Recommended for sequencing low input samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA)

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs

Globin-Zero Gold removes globin mRNA, as well as rRNA from nuclear and mitochondrial regions:
Globin-Zero Gold depletes unwanted globin mRNA and ribosomal RNA from total RNA extracted from blood. Removal of these unwanted subunits produces sequencing results that are heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genomic regions.
Globin-Zero Gold efficiently removes both globin mRNA and rRNA:
Removal of these unwanted subunits allows generation of sequencing libraries that produce data heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genetic regions.
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Positive Bacteria) 6 reactions 99% of rRNA from 1-5 µg of Gram-positive bacter MRZGP126Illumina产品编号: MRZGP126美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from intact and partially degraded Gram (+) bacteria
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Nuclear rRNA removed: 23S, 16S, 5S
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with the Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Positive Bacteria) are focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

The Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Positive Bacteria) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. The kit removes rRNA from both intact and partially degraded samples.

Removes all major rRNA subunits
The Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Positive Bacteria) depletes unwanted rRNA from total RNA. Removal of these unwanted subunits produces sequencing results that are heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genomic regions.
Illumina/Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) 6 reactions/MRZE706/1 EaMRZE706Illumina产品编号: MRZE706美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes cytoplasmic and mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from samples composed of human/mouse/rat, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial RNA (see table)
Requires 500 ng to 2.5 μg total RNA per sample
rRNA removal from both intact and partially degraded RNA
Single-pass, 90- to 120-minute process
Recovers all fragments of human and bacterial non-ribosomal RNAs
Applicable to a broad spectrum of bacteria
The Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) combines Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) and Ribo-Zero (Bacteria) rRNA removal reagents into a single solution that effectively removes rRNA, including human mitochondrial RNA, from samples composed of both human/mouse/rat and bacterial RNA.

Hypothesis-free NGS is more sensitive to diversity than 16S profiling
Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) has increased sensitivity to BIOLOGical diversity because it captures all metatranscriptomic information (instead of directed capture with 16S profiling).

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Related Information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs

Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human,Mouse,Rat,Bacteria
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Plant Leaf) 6 reactions/MRZPL116/1 EaMRZPL116Illumina产品编号: MRZPL116美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact and partially degraded samples in 2 hours.
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for plant research. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) offer informative sequencing results by removing unwanted cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast rRNA prior to sequencing. In order to achieve maximum depletion of rRNA, the Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) kit contains a higher percentage of probes to deplete chloroplast rRNA compared to Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root).

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Kit (Plant): Recommended for low input plant samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Negative Bacteria) 6 reactions 99% of rRNA from 1- 5 µg of Gram-negative bacteMRZGN126Illumina产品编号: MRZGN126美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Remove ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from intact and partially degraded Gram (-) bacteria
Sequencing data contain complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Nuclear rRNA removed: 23S, 16S, 5S
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with the Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Negative Bacteria) are focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

The Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Negative Bacteria) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. The kit removes rRNA from intact and partially degraded samples.

Removes all major rRNA subunits
The Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Negative Bacteria) depletes unwanted rRNA from total RNA. Removal of these unwanted subunits produces sequencing results that are heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genomic regions.
Illumina/Globin-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit 24 reactions 99% of rRNA and >99% of globin mRNA from 1 µg - 5 µg of blood tGZG1224Illumina产品编号: GZG1224美  元  价: $2016.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Remove globin mRNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Blood is an important sample for research into thousands of rare diseases and other disorders. The sequencing data from samples treated with Globin-Zero are focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms. Globin-Zero removes unwanted globin mRNA, as well as cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA, from mammalian blood RNA samples before sequencing library construction.

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Gold Kit (Blood): Recommended for sequencing low input samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA)

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs

Globin-Zero Gold removes globin mRNA, as well as rRNA from nuclear and mitochondrial regions:
Globin-Zero Gold depletes unwanted globin mRNA and ribosomal RNA from total RNA extracted from blood. Removal of these unwanted subunits produces sequencing results that are heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genomic regions.
Globin-Zero Gold efficiently removes both globin mRNA and rRNA:
Removal of these unwanted subunits allows generation of sequencing libraries that produce data heavily focused on BIOLOGically informative genetic regions.
Illumina/Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Yeast) 24 reactions/MRZY1324/1 EaMRZY1324Illumina产品编号: MRZY1324美  元  价: $2016.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Depletes ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Sequencing results contain entire transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small samples – only 1 μg of total RNA required
The yeast transcriptome is more complex than previously thought. RNA-Seq of yeast is a valuable approach for mapping the transcriptome to characterize novel and low abundance transcripts. The Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Yeast) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA before sequencing.

Gene coverage is enhanced following depletion by Ribo-Zero Gold (Yeast). Subsequent library construction and sequencing produces reads focused on informative genomic regions.
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Plant Leaf) 24 reactions 99% of nuclear-encoded and chloroplast rRNA from 1-5 µg ofMRZPL1224Illumina产品编号: MRZPL1224美  元  价: $2066.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact and partially degraded samples in 2 hours.
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for plant research. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) offer informative sequencing results by removing unwanted cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast rRNA prior to sequencing. In order to achieve maximum depletion of rRNA, the Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) kit contains a higher percentage of probes to deplete chloroplast rRNA compared to Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root).

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Kit (Plant): Recommended for low input plant samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) 24 reactions/MRZE724/1 EaMRZE724Illumina产品编号: MRZE724美  元  价: $2066.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes cytoplasmic and mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from samples composed of human/mouse/rat, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial RNA (see table)
Requires 500 ng to 2.5 μg total RNA per sample
rRNA removal from both intact and partially degraded RNA
Single-pass, 90- to 120-minute process
Recovers all fragments of human and bacterial non-ribosomal RNAs
Applicable to a broad spectrum of bacteria
The Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) combines Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) and Ribo-Zero (Bacteria) rRNA removal reagents into a single solution that effectively removes rRNA, including human mitochondrial RNA, from samples composed of both human/mouse/rat and bacterial RNA.

Hypothesis-free NGS is more sensitive to diversity than 16S profiling
Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Epidemiology) has increased sensitivity to BIOLOGical diversity because it captures all metatranscriptomic information (instead of directed capture with 16S profiling).

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Related Information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs

Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human,Mouse,Rat,Bacteria
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
System Compatibility Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (H/M/R) 6 reactions/MRZH116/1 EaMRZH116Illumina产品编号: MRZH116美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (HumanProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small samples – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero (Human/Mouse/Rat) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero (Human/Mouse/Rat) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. This kit removes cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) rRNAs.

Ribo-Zero retains the complete transcriptome
Ribo-Zero removes rRNA in order to retain the regulatory regions of noncoding RNA, even from low-quality samples. Other methods, such as Poly(A) depletion, do not retain noncoding, regulatory information.

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact, degraded, and badly degraded (FFPE) samples in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kit versions
The Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) rRNA Removal Kit removes both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNAs, and is compatIBLe with low input samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (H/M/R) (24 reactions) 99% of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA from human, moMRZG12324Illumina产品编号: MRZG12324美  元  价: $2066.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (HumanProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. This kit removes both cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) and mitochondrial rRNAs.

Ribo-Zero retains the complete transcriptome
Ribo-Zero removes rRNA in order to retain the regulatory regions of noncoding RNA, even from low-quality samples. Other methods, such as Poly(A) depletion, do not retain noncoding, regulatory information.

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact, degraded, and badly degraded (FFPE) samples in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat): Removes cytoplasmic rRNA only.
Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Plant Seed/Root) 6 reactions/MRZSR116/1 EaMRZSR116Illumina产品编号: MRZSR116美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact and partially degraded samples in 2 hours.
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for plant research. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) and Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root) offer informative sequencing results by removing unwanted cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast rRNA prior to sequencing. In order to achieve maximum depletion of rRNA, the Ribo-Zero (Plant Leaf) kit contains a higher percentage of probes to deplete chloroplast rRNA compared to Ribo-Zero (Plant Seed/Root).

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Kit (Plant): Recommended for low input plant samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (H/M/R) 24 reactions/MRZH11124/1 Ea MRZH11124Illumina产品编号: MRZH11124美  元  价: $2066.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (HumanProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small samples – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero (Human/Mouse/Rat) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero (Human/Mouse/Rat) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. This kit removes cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) rRNAs.

Ribo-Zero retains the complete transcriptome
Ribo-Zero removes rRNA in order to retain the regulatory regions of noncoding RNA, even from low-quality samples. Other methods, such as Poly(A) depletion, do not retain noncoding, regulatory information.

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact, degraded, and badly degraded (FFPE) samples in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kit versions
The Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) rRNA Removal Kit removes both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNAs, and is compatIBLe with low input samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (H/M/R) (6 reactions)/MRZG126/1 EaMRZG126Illumina产品编号: MRZG126美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (HumanProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants, and isoforms.

Ribo-Zero Gold (Human/Mouse/Rat) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA prior to sequencing. This kit removes both cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) and mitochondrial rRNAs.

Ribo-Zero retains the complete transcriptome
Ribo-Zero removes rRNA in order to retain the regulatory regions of noncoding RNA, even from low-quality samples. Other methods, such as Poly(A) depletion, do not retain noncoding, regulatory information.

Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact, degraded, and badly degraded (FFPE) samples in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat): Removes cytoplasmic rRNA only.
Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs

Technology Sequencing
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Species Category Human,Mouse,Rat
System Compatibility MiSeq,Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Illumina/Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Bacteria) 6 reactions/MRZMB126/1 EaMRZMB126Illumina产品编号: MRZMB126美  元  价: $582.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from intact and partially degraded mixtures of Gram (+) and Gram (–) bacteria in a single pass
Sequencing data contains complete transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for small sample quantities – only 1 μg of total RNA required
Virtually all rRNA is depleted from intact and partially degraded samples in 2 hours.
Sequencing is an important discovery tool for research into disease, development, and more. The sequencing data from samples treated with the Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Bacteria) is focused on valuable RNA species, to facilitate discovery of relevant genes, splice variants and isoforms.

This kit offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) rRNA from bacterial mixtures prior to sequencing.
Overview of the Ribo-Zero process
Virtually all rRNA is depleted in 2 hours.

Step 1: Wash the magnetic beads
Step 2: Treat samples with rRNA Removal Solution
Step 3: Remove rRNA
Step 4: Purify rRNA-depleted samples, and proceed with library preparation

Alternative kits
ScriptSeq Complete Kit (Bacteria): Recommended for sequencing low input samples (e.g. 100 ng of total RNA).

Related information
rRNA Removal Kit Selection Guide
Ribo-Zero Kit Species Compatibility
Ribo-Zero Kit FAQs
Illumina/Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Yeast) 6 reactions/MRZY1306/1 EaMRZY1306Illumina产品编号: MRZY1306美  元  价: $567.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>核酸提取纯化>RNA提取纯化试剂公司分类: Molecular Biology ReagentsProduct Highlights:
Depletes ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Sequencing results contain entire transcriptome of coding and noncoding RNA species
Good for intact and partially degraded small samples – only 1 μg of total RNA required
The yeast transcriptome is more complex than previously thought. RNA-Seq of yeast is a valuable approach for mapping the transcriptome to characterize novel and low abundance transcripts. The Ribo-Zero Gold rRNA Removal Kit (Yeast) offers informative sequencing results by removing unwanted rRNA before sequencing.

Gene coverage is enhanced following depletion by Ribo-Zero Gold (Yeast). Subsequent library construction and sequencing produces reads focused on informative genomic regions.
Illumina/Tip Depth Gauge/A1-99-102/1 EaA1-99-102Illumina产品编号: A1-99-102美  元  价: $150.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Tip Depth Gauge calibrates the probe depth for the Tecan Genesis Freedom EVO or Freedom EVO-2 liquid-handling robot used during automation of array-based assays such as the Infinium Assay.
Illumina/Infinium Te-Flow Thermometer Assembly/A1-99-109/1 EaA1-99-109Illumina产品编号: A1-99-109美  元  价: $680.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium TeFlow Thermometer Assembly, which includes the Thermometer and a temperature probe, reads the temperature in the TeFlow rack during Infinium Whole-Genome Genotyping Assays and Infinium HD Assays.
Illumina/Infinium Multi-Sample Alignment Fixture (1)/WG-15-310/1 Ea WG-15-310Illumina产品编号: WG-15-310美  元  价: $650.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Alignment Fixture allows correct assembly of the TeFlow Chamber, HD or LCG BeadChip array, and spacer to ensure optimal processing during the Infinium Assay.
以下是已发布的 上面都是未发到化工网 绿图 黑图 桔图 Illumina   
Illumina/cBot 2 Barcoded Strip Tubes (8 well)/20005160/1 Ea20005160Illumina产品编号: 20005160美  元  价: $500.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The cBot 2 barcoded 8-well strip tube enables sample tracking though the sequencing workflow. The keyed strip tube minimizes sample mix-ups by single orientation loADIng and a unique barcode that is read by an onboard barcode scanner on the cBot 2 System.

Each strip tube has two barcodes enabling sample tracking on liquid handling robots and the cBot 2 System. Each strip tube box contains 100 strip tubes.

This item is an accessory for the cBot 2 System, which automates cluster generation on HiSeq sequencing systems.

Technology Sequencing
System Compatibility HiSeq 4000,HiSeq X Ten,HiScanSQ,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq X Five,HiSeq 2500
Illumina/Infinium MIDI Heatblock Insert/BD-60-601/1 EaBD-60-601Illumina产品编号: BD-60-601美  元  价: $160.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory Products 160.00
Illumina/Infinium BeadChip Glass Tray (1)/BD-60-460/1 EaBD-60-460Illumina产品编号: BD-60-460美  元  价: $62.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The BeadChip Wash Rack and Glass Tray (purchased separately) are used to handle BeadChip arrays following hybridization during Direct Hybridization and Infinium Assays.
Illumina/Infinium Hybridization Chamber Inserts (8)/WG-15-301/1 EaWG-15-301Illumina产品编号: WG-15-301美  元  价: $1200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory Products 1,200.00
Illumina/Infinium Hybridization Chamber Inserts (8)/WG-15-301/1 Ea WG-15-301Illumina产品编号: WG-15-301美  元  价: $1200.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Hybridization Chambers are used for BeadChip array hybridization during Infinium Assays. Each Infinium Hybridization Chamber processes four Infinium BeadChip arrays per day.

A gasket fits inside the chamber to ensure proper BeadChip retention and optimal exposure to reagents. One gasket is included in the package, and replacement gaskets are available for purchase separately.
Illumina/Replacement Infinium Hybridization Chamber Gasket (1)/BD-60-403/1 EaBD-60-403Illumina产品编号: BD-60-403美  元  价: $7.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Hybridization Chambers are used for BeadChip array hybridization during Infinium Assays. Each Infinium Hybridization Chamber processes four Infinium BeadChip arrays per day.

A gasket fits inside the chamber to ensure proper BeadChip retention and optimal exposure to reagents. One gasket is included in the package, and replacement gaskets are available for purchase separately.
Illumina/Infinium Hybridization Chamber (1)/BD-60-402/1 EaBD-60-402Illumina产品编号: BD-60-402美  元  价: $840.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
The Infinium Hybridization Chambers are used for BeadChip array hybridization during Infinium Assays. Each Infinium Hybridization Chamber processes four Infinium BeadChip arrays per day.

A gasket fits inside the chamber to ensure proper BeadChip retention and optimal exposure to reagents. One gasket is included in the package, and replacement gaskets are available for purchase separately.
Illumina/Infinium BeadChip Boxes (10)/BD-60-500/1 EaBD-60-500Illumina产品编号: BD-60-500美  元  价: $40.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
Store BeadChips used in Illumina array-based assays. Each BeadChip storage box holds 25 BeadChips.
Illumina/Infinium BeadChip Expansion Package/WG-10-201/1 EaWG-10-201Illumina产品编号: WG-10-201美  元  价: $7000.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
Store BeadChips used in Illumina array-based assays. Each BeadChip storage box holds 25 BeadChips.
Illumina/Teflon-coated replacement probes for Tecan Robot (1)/A1-99-101/1 EaA1-99-101Illumina产品编号: A1-99-101美  元  价: $70.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>配件>常用设备公司分类: Accessory ProductsProduct Highlights:
Store BeadChips used in Illumina array-based assays. Each BeadChip storage box holds 25 BeadChips.
Illumina/MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay (20 runs, 960 samples)/DX-102-1003/1 EaDX-102-1003Illumina产品编号: DX-102-1003美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>临床研究公司分类: In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) ProductsProduct Highlights:
Compared to the current ACMG recommended cystic fibrosis variant panel, the MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay offers:

Improved Detection Rates of Cystic Fibrosis-Causing Variants
Detection of couples at risk increased from 72% to ~91%1
Reduced Additional Testing
Highly accurate and reproducIBLe sequencing technology delivers dependable results
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay is an FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic (IVD) next-generation sequencing test designed to detect 139 CFTR variants as defined in the CFTR2 database. Other methods test only for those variants most commonly found in Caucasians, potentially missing CF-causing variants across broader ethnic groups. The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay offers the largest CF variant panel to overcome this bias and provide comprehensive detection across diverse demographics.2

Widely adopted next-generation sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay provides a fully integrated molecular CF testing solution on the MiSeqDx instrument. Simply prepare libraries from 250 ng gDNA, load on to the MiSeqDx for sequencing using Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, and analyze with the user-friendly software. The automated workflow is quick and easy to perform, potentially minimizing human error.

A complete kit for library preparation and sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay includes all index primers and reagents needed for library preparation, sample multiplexing, and sequencing in a single kit. MiSeqDx sequencing reagents are packaged in a convenient ready-to-use format, minimizing hands-on time and increasing uniformity in all tests. To accommodate a broad spectrum of testing needs, from small to large volumes, the assay is available in two kit configurations (2 or 20 runs).

Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 250 ng genomic DNA
System Compatibility MiSeqDx
Technology Sequencing
Illumina/MiSeqDx Universal Kit (2 runs, up to 96 samples)/DX-103-1001/1 EaDX-103-1001Illumina产品编号: DX-103-1001美  元  价: $12410.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>临床研究公司分类: In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) ProductsProduct Highlights:
FlexIBLe Assay Design - Develop assays to meet the specific needs of your customers
Validated Kit – Verified performance standards for supplied library preparation and sequencing reagents
Fast Results - Go from genomic DNA to fully analyzed data in < 2 days
High Assay Reproducibility - Consistent results between multiple operators and systems
The MiSeqDx Universal Kit is a validated, FDA-cleared amplicon sequencing solution that enables clinical laboratories to develop their own next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays for use on the FDA-cleared MiSeqDx instrument. Together, the MiSeqDx Universal Kit and instrument offer molecular diagnostics labs the accuracy and reliABIlity needed to bring NGS capABIlities into their facilities.

Customized assay design
With the MiSeqDx Universal Kit, molecular diagnostics labs develop assays using oligonucleotide probes they have designed on their own. This provides users with the flexibility to target specific regions of interest and better meet the needs of their customers.

Streamlined workflow
Prepare libraries, load on to the MiSeqDx for sequencing using the Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, and analyze with the user-friendly software. The automated workflow is quick and easy to perform, potentially minimizing human error.

Assay Time 1 day
Hands-On Time 2.5 hours
Input Quantity 250 ng genomic DNA
System Compatibility MiSeqDx
Technology Sequencing
Illumina/MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Sequencing Assay (6 runs, 48 samples)/DX-102-1001/1 EaDX-102-1001Illumina产品编号: DX-102-1001美  元  价: $9504.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>临床研究公司分类: In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) ProductsProduct Highlights:
Complete View of the CFTR Gene
Capture all variants in the protein coding regions and intron/exon boundaries of the CFTR gene
Accurate Results
Deep coverage (> 3,000×) allows detection accuracy with a Positive Agreement (PA) of 99.66%*
No Demographic Bias
Sequencing the CFTR gene removes the bias inherent in existing genotyping panels1
* PA includes polyTG/polyT variants

The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Sequencing Assay is the first FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic (IVD) next-generation sequencing (NGS) test designed to sequence all protein coding regions and intron/exon boundaries of the CFTR gene, including two large deletions, two deep intronic mutations, and indels in homopolymeric regions such as the 2184delA deletion. The assay also automatically detects polyTG/polyT variants. Viewing the CFTR sequence eliminates any bias inherent in existing cystic fibrosis (CF) panels. As a result, the MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Sequencing Assay can uncover rare mutations not accounted for in standard tests.

Widely adopted next-generation sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Sequencing Assay provides a fully integrated molecular CF testing solution on the MiSeqDx instrument. Amplify 27 CFTR gene target regions in a single PCR step, and multiplex samples to streamline your workflow. Simply prepare libraries from 250 ng gDNA, load on to the MiSeqDx for sequencing using the Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, and analyze with the user-friendly software.

A complete kit for library preparation and sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Sequencing Assay includes all index primers and reagents needed for library preparation, sample multiplexing, and sequencing in a single kit. MiSeqDx sequencing reagents are packaged in a convenient ready-to-use format, minimizing hands-on time, and increasing uniformity in all tests.

Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 250 ng genomic DNA
System Compatibility MiSeqDx
Technology Sequencing
Illumina/MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay (2 runs, 96 samples)/DX-102-1004/1 EaDX-102-1004Illumina产品编号: DX-102-1004美  元  价: $5760.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>临床研究公司分类: In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) ProductsProduct Highlights:
Compared to the current ACMG recommended cystic fibrosis variant panel, the MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay offers:

Improved Detection Rates of Cystic Fibrosis-Causing Variants
Detection of couples at risk increased from 72% to ~91%1
Reduced Additional Testing
Highly accurate and reproducIBLe sequencing technology delivers dependable results
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay is an FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic (IVD) next-generation sequencing test designed to detect 139 CFTR variants as defined in the CFTR2 database. Other methods test only for those variants most commonly found in Caucasians, potentially missing CF-causing variants across broader ethnic groups. The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay offers the largest CF variant panel to overcome this bias and provide comprehensive detection across diverse demographics.2

Widely adopted next-generation sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay provides a fully integrated molecular CF testing solution on the MiSeqDx instrument. Simply prepare libraries from 250 ng gDNA, load on to the MiSeqDx for sequencing using Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, and analyze with the user-friendly software. The automated workflow is quick and easy to perform, potentially minimizing human error.

A complete kit for library preparation and sequencing
The MiSeqDx Cystic Fibrosis 139-Variant Assay includes all index primers and reagents needed for library preparation, sample multiplexing, and sequencing in a single kit. MiSeqDx sequencing reagents are packaged in a convenient ready-to-use format, minimizing hands-on time and increasing uniformity in all tests. To accommodate a broad spectrum of testing needs, from small to large volumes, the assay is available in two kit configurations (2 or 20 runs).

Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 250 ng genomic DNA
System Compatibility MiSeqDx
Technology Sequencing
以下未发布 Illumina   
Illumina/TruSight RNA Fusion Panel Set A (48 samples)/RS-304-1002/1 EaRS-304-1002Illumina产品编号: RS-304-1002美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
This targeted RNA sequencing panel is a cost-effective solution to detect gene fusions in multiple cancer types, regardless of origin. Covering 507 fusion-associated genes, a single assay enables researchers to assess most known cancer-related fusions in blood, bone marrow, and FFPE samples, with the power to identify novel fusion gene partners.

Industry-validated content for a comprehensive view of cancer-related fusion genes, detecting common and novel fusions
From RNA to results in 4 days including on-instrument software that displays fusion calls
Compatibility with desktop sequencers to maximize lab budgets
Optimized RNA sequencing for all sample types, including FFPE tissues
Simple Fusion Report for Customers New to NGS
On-instrument fusion calling provides NGS-based fusion detection to labs without additional bioinformatics support. The analysis provides a list of detected fusions, relevant disease associations (as identified by the Mitelman database), and evidence of fusion-supporting reads.

Robust, ReproducIBLe, and Low-Input Fusion Assay
This assay accommodates as little input as 20 ng FFPE RNA or 10 ng fresh-frozen total RNA. The TruSight RNA Fusion Panel provides a sensitive, reproducIBLe, and economical solution for studies of gene fusions in cancer research.

Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 11 hours
Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA, 20–100 ng FFPE RNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics
Variant Class Gene Fusions
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (4 indexes, 16 samples, 4 enrichments)/FC-140-1103/1 EaFC-140-1103Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1103美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight HLA v2 Sequencing Panel (24 samples, automated)/20005170/1 Ea20005170Illumina产品编号: 20005170美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight HLA v2 Sequencing Panel provides clinical researchers with a broad-coverage, ultra-high–resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing solution for simple, rapid assessment of the HLA region in a single assay. It features:

High-resolution sequencing of 11 HLA loci
Workflow with library preparation, sequencing and data analysis/reporting
Accurate and high-resolution HLA typing for unambiguous results
Capture Full HLA Gene Sequences
TruSight HLA v2 covers all commonly typed HLA loci, plus those with emerging relevance. This panel enables sequencing of Class I HLA-A, B, and C; Class II HLA-DRB1/3/4/5, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DPB1. This expands coverage beyond the classic loci, with full gene coverage, enabling discovery of new alleles without the need to design new primers.

Sample-to-Report Workflow with Optimized Data Analysis
The comprehensive solution includes reagents and software optimized for HLA analysis. A simplified workflow enables turnaround time of less than 48 hours and increased efficiency with less than 4.5 hours of hands-on time. On-instrument software analyzes sequence data; TruSight HLA Assign Software provides flexIBLe options for post-analysis reporting of results.

High-Accuracy HLA Typing
The expanded coverage of TruSight HLA v2 provides high resolution, eliminating the need for follow-up testing to obtain a confident typing result. View HLA Loci.

How TruSight HLA v2 Works
TruSight HLA v2 amplifies HLA loci with long-range PCR. After amplification, Nextera tagmentation fragments the DNA and leaves behind a sequence tag. An additional PCR then adds sequence adapters and indexing primers to generate sequencing-ready DNA libraries. Prepared libraries are then loaded directly onto a MiniSeq, MiSeq or NextSeq System for sequencing.

Analysis Software Highlights
The Assign 2.0 TruSight HLA analysis software assists with the assignment of a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. The software is designed to analyze data from libraries prepared with Illumina TruSight HLA Sequencing Panels and then sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. Use Assign 2.0 to import sequence data, perform base calling, edit sequences, and compare a sample consensus sequence with the IMGT/HLA database of alleles.

Assay Time 48 hours
Hands-On Time 4.5 hours
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method HLA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 170 Kit plus Watson for Genomics/20018622/1 Ea20018622Illumina产品编号: 20018622美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 170, a next-generation sequencing assay designed to cover 170 genes associated with common solid tumors, is an enrichment-based targeted panel that simultaneously analyzes DNA and RNA, covering a wide range of genes and variant types. The comprehensive nature provides laboratories with a deep view into the genetics of cancer.

Comprehensive Coverage of Cancer-Related Variants
Assessment of fusions, splice variants, insertions/deletions and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and amplifications in one assay using DNA and RNA creates efficiencies in sample usage, time, and cost.
Accurate Results from Low-Quality Samples1
Variant detection with as little as 40 ng DNA and RNA input, and as low as 5% mutant allele frequency, maximizes the results from precious formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.
Integrated, Streamlined Workflow
DNA and RNA are prepared in parallel with an integrated workflow following DNA shearing/CDNA synthesis.
Assay Time ~2 days (Library Prep)
Hands-On Time ~10.5 hours
Input Quantity 40 ng DNA and/or RNA
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Scientific Posters:
AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Tumor Mutational Burden
Results of analysis indicate that TruSight Tumor 170, with comprehensive coverage of cancer-related genes, shows high concordance with whole exome sequencing for accurate assessment of tumor mutational burden.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Solid Tumor Profiling Analytical Performance with FFPE Samples
Standard extractions from FFPE embedded samples provide sufficient material (40ng) in >95% of samples that were extracted by Illumina. This data shows that the TruSight Tumor 170 panel is a robust assay that generates passing sample QC data in >85% of samples with varying quality, and in >95% of samples that have quality metrics that fall within the recommendations for the kit.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Small Nucleotide Variations and Gene Amplifications in FFPE DNA Samples
TruSight Tumor 170 can achieve high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of somatic variants (small variants and CNVs) from DNA extracted from FFPE tissues.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Fusions and Splice Variants in FFPE RNA Tumor Samples
Through examining limit of detection in the context of RNA expression, this study shows that TruSight Tumor 170 provides high sensitivity and specificity in RNA variant calling down to 5 copies of transcript per ng of input.

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Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (24 indexes, 48 samples, 4 enrichments)/FC-140-1104/1 EaFC-140-1104Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1104美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight One Expanded Sequencing Panel (36 samples)/FC-141-2007/1 EaFC-141-2007Illumina产品编号: FC-141-2007美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight One Sequencing Panels enable labs to expand and streamline their sequencing portfolio, while managing costs.

Two panels offer options to target up to 6700 genes associated with human disease, with high coverage
Single assay includes multiple genes of interest, replacing iterative testing
Easy, flexIBLe gene filtering and annotation options simplify BIOLOGical interpretation and reporting
These panels provide clinical research labs with an affordable solution for managing a diverse assay portfolio. The TruSight One Sequencing Panel provides comprehensive coverage of > 4800 disease-associated genes, while the TruSight One Expanded Sequencing Panel targets ~1900 additional genes with recent disease associations in the scientific literature. Investigators can choose to analyze all of the genes on the panel or focus on a specific subset. With a single assay, labs can expand existing menus, streamline workflows, or create an entire portfolio of sequencing options.

Input Quantity 50 ng
Content Specifications ~12 Mb genomic content for TruSight One; ~16.5 Mb genomic content for TruSight One Expanded
Multiplexing Up to 96-plex
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (24 indexes, 96 samples, 8 enrichments)/FC-140-1105/1 EaFC-140-1105Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1105美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel Set B/RS-303-1003/1 EaRS-303-1003Illumina产品编号: RS-303-1003美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel provides a comprehensive analysis of the cancer transcriptome. It offers:

Gene expression information, variant calling, and fusion detection with known and novel gene fusion partners
Optimized, low-input protocol for a wide range of sample types including FFPE
A comprehensive view of cancer pathways
Economical RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on a desktop sequencer
Highly Sensitive and Economical Targeted Sequencing
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel enables the quantitative measurement of gene expression as well as the detection of gene fusions with both known and novel gene fusion partners. The panel accommodates as little as 10 ng of total RNA input (or 20 ng from FFPE samples). The focus on a subset of relevant genes enables RNA-Seq with high sensitivity at 8 samples per run on a desktop sequencer, allowing cost-effective access to NGS for any lab.

Intuitive Cloud-based Data Analysis
Analysis can be performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment BaseSpace App. This intuitive tool performs fusion calling andvariant detection, and provides gene expression profiles, offering a comprehensive solution to all cancer researchers.

TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Sample Datasets
MiSeq Data
10 ng of human reference RNA (UHR), human reference brain RNA (Brain), cell line RNA (MCF7), and 20 ng of breast tumor FFPE RNA (BT) were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel and sequenced on the MiSeq System. Read mapping and fusion calling were performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment App with STAR aligner on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

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MiniSeq Data
Human reference RNA (HBRR and UHRR), cell line RNA (MCF7), and breast tumor RNA samples were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel, and 8 samples were sequenced on the MiniSeq System at a 2x76bp read length with single indexing. The total yield was 4.2 Gb with 96.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 11 hours
Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA,20 - 100 ng FFPE RNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics
Variant Class Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Illumina/TruSight HLA v2 Sequencing Panel (24 samples)/20000215/1 Ea20000215Illumina产品编号: 20000215美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight HLA v2 Sequencing Panel provides clinical researchers with a broad-coverage, ultra-high–resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing solution for simple, rapid assessment of the HLA region in a single assay. It features:

High-resolution sequencing of 11 HLA loci
Workflow with library preparation, sequencing and data analysis/reporting
Accurate and high-resolution HLA typing for unambiguous results
Capture Full HLA Gene Sequences
TruSight HLA v2 covers all commonly typed HLA loci, plus those with emerging relevance. This panel enables sequencing of Class I HLA-A, B, and C; Class II HLA-DRB1/3/4/5, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DPB1. This expands coverage beyond the classic loci, with full gene coverage, enabling discovery of new alleles without the need to design new primers.

Sample-to-Report Workflow with Optimized Data Analysis
The comprehensive solution includes reagents and software optimized for HLA analysis. A simplified workflow enables turnaround time of less than 48 hours and increased efficiency with less than 4.5 hours of hands-on time. On-instrument software analyzes sequence data; TruSight HLA Assign Software provides flexIBLe options for post-analysis reporting of results.

High-Accuracy HLA Typing
The expanded coverage of TruSight HLA v2 provides high resolution, eliminating the need for follow-up testing to obtain a confident typing result. View HLA Loci.

How TruSight HLA v2 Works
TruSight HLA v2 amplifies HLA loci with long-range PCR. After amplification, Nextera tagmentation fragments the DNA and leaves behind a sequence tag. An additional PCR then adds sequence adapters and indexing primers to generate sequencing-ready DNA libraries. Prepared libraries are then loaded directly onto a MiniSeq, MiSeq or NextSeq System for sequencing.

Analysis Software Highlights
The Assign 2.0 TruSight HLA analysis software assists with the assignment of a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. The software is designed to analyze data from libraries prepared with Illumina TruSight HLA Sequencing Panels and then sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. Use Assign 2.0 to import sequence data, perform base calling, edit sequences, and compare a sample consensus sequence with the IMGT/HLA database of alleles.

Assay Time 48 hours
Hands-On Time 4.5 hours
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method HLA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 15 MiniSeq Kit/20005610/1 Ea20005610Illumina产品编号: 20005610美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 15 uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to provide a comprehensive assessment of 15 genes that are commonly mutated in solid tumors. It accurately detects low-frequency variants from 20 ng of starting DNA and is optimized for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue.

View the Gene List

Featuring a rapid workflow that can be easily integrated into lab procedures, this panel offers a single assay for accurate, economical, and rapid analysis of solid tumors.

This TruSight Tumor panel offers:

Comprehensive workflow: Assess 15 genes with one simple workflow instead of single, iterative gene testing with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Efficient: Rapid turnaround with only 3.5 hours of hands-on time, going from DNA to data in approximately 36 hours
Relevant gene content for solid tumors: Somatic variants selected from relevant industry guidelines1,2, key opinion leaders3,4, and pharmaceutical research
Sensitive variant detection from low DNA input: Accurate somatic variant detection of 5% allele frequency using 20 ng DNA from FFPE tissue samples
TruSight Tumor 15 Sample Datasets
3 human reference samples and 5 FFPE-exacted DNA samples from lung, colon, melanoma, and breast tumors were prepared using TruSight Tumor 15. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 150 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 7.6 Gb with 94.9% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 7 hours
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 20 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Set A MiniSeq Kit/20005611/1 Ea20005611Illumina产品编号: 20005611美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel provides a comprehensive analysis of the cancer transcriptome. It offers:

Gene expression information, variant calling, and fusion detection with known and novel gene fusion partners
Optimized, low-input protocol for a wide range of sample types including FFPE
A comprehensive view of cancer pathways
Economical RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on a desktop sequencer
Highly Sensitive and Economical Targeted Sequencing
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel enables the quantitative measurement of gene expression as well as the detection of gene fusions with both known and novel gene fusion partners. The panel accommodates as little as 10 ng of total RNA input (or 20 ng from FFPE samples). The focus on a subset of relevant genes enables RNA-Seq with high sensitivity at 8 samples per run on a desktop sequencer, allowing cost-effective access to NGS for any lab.

Intuitive Cloud-based Data Analysis
Analysis can be performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment BaseSpace App. This intuitive tool performs fusion calling andvariant detection, and provides gene expression profiles, offering a comprehensive solution to all cancer researchers.

TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Sample Datasets
MiSeq Data
10 ng of human reference RNA (UHR), human reference brain RNA (Brain), cell line RNA (MCF7), and 20 ng of breast tumor FFPE RNA (BT) were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel and sequenced on the MiSeq System. Read mapping and fusion calling were performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment App with STAR aligner on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

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MiniSeq Data
Human reference RNA (HBRR and UHRR), cell line RNA (MCF7), and breast tumor RNA samples were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel, and 8 samples were sequenced on the MiniSeq System at a 2x76bp read length with single indexing. The total yield was 4.2 Gb with 96.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 11 hours
Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA,20 - 100 ng FFPE RNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics
Variant Class Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Illumina/TG TruSight Inherited Disease Sequencing Panel (48 Samples)/TG-141-1005/1 EaTG-141-1005Illumina产品编号: TG-141-1005美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Developed in collaboration with Dr. Stephen Kingsmore and team during his tenure at Children's Mercy Hospital (CMH) for Pediatric Genomic Medicine, Dr. Carol Saunders at CMH, and Dr. Hilger Ropers at the Max Planck Institute
Targets 552 genes, including coding exons, intron-exon boundaries, and regions known to harbor pathogenic mutations
TruSight Inherited Disease was initially based on a 448 disease panel designed for preconception carrier testing for severe, recessive childhood diseases published by Dr. Kingsmore and team in Science Translational Medicine1.

The original content was revised by Dr. Saunders, FACMG, at CMH (following ACMG guidelines for testing ultra-rare genetic diseases) to reflect the needs of medical geneticists with a primary focus on severe recessive diseases with childhood onset. Intellectual disABIlity genes were added by Dr. Ropers.

The TruSight Inherited Disease sequencing panel set includes custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions.

Input Quantity 50 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Index Plate Fixture Kit (2 fixtures)/FC-130-1005/1 EaFC-130-1005Illumina产品编号: FC-130-1005美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight HLA v2 Sequencing Panel provides clinical researchers with a broad-coverage, ultra-high–resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing solution for simple, rapid assessment of the HLA region in a single assay. It features:

High-resolution sequencing of 11 HLA loci
Workflow with library preparation, sequencing and data analysis/reporting
Accurate and high-resolution HLA typing for unambiguous results
Capture Full HLA Gene Sequences
TruSight HLA v2 covers all commonly typed HLA loci, plus those with emerging relevance. This panel enables sequencing of Class I HLA-A, B, and C; Class II HLA-DRB1/3/4/5, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DPB1. This expands coverage beyond the classic loci, with full gene coverage, enabling discovery of new alleles without the need to design new primers.

Sample-to-Report Workflow with Optimized Data Analysis
The comprehensive solution includes reagents and software optimized for HLA analysis. A simplified workflow enables turnaround time of less than 48 hours and increased efficiency with less than 4.5 hours of hands-on time. On-instrument software analyzes sequence data; TruSight HLA Assign Software provides flexIBLe options for post-analysis reporting of results.

High-Accuracy HLA Typing
The expanded coverage of TruSight HLA v2 provides high resolution, eliminating the need for follow-up testing to obtain a confident typing result. View HLA Loci.

How TruSight HLA v2 Works
TruSight HLA v2 amplifies HLA loci with long-range PCR. After amplification, Nextera tagmentation fragments the DNA and leaves behind a sequence tag. An additional PCR then adds sequence adapters and indexing primers to generate sequencing-ready DNA libraries. Prepared libraries are then loaded directly onto a MiniSeq, MiSeq or NextSeq System for sequencing.

Analysis Software Highlights
The Assign 2.0 TruSight HLA analysis software assists with the assignment of a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. The software is designed to analyze data from libraries prepared with Illumina TruSight HLA Sequencing Panels and then sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. Use Assign 2.0 to import sequence data, perform base calling, edit sequences, and compare a sample consensus sequence with the IMGT/HLA database of alleles.

Assay Time 48 hours
Hands-On Time 4.5 hours
Input Quantity 400 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method HLA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 170 Kit (24 Samples)/OP-101-1004/1 EaOP-101-100Illumina产品编号: OP-101-1004美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 170, a next-generation sequencing assay designed to cover 170 genes associated with common solid tumors, is an enrichment-based targeted panel that simultaneously analyzes DNA and RNA, covering a wide range of genes and variant types. The comprehensive nature provides laboratories with a deep view into the genetics of cancer.

Comprehensive Coverage of Cancer-Related Variants
Assessment of fusions, splice variants, insertions/deletions and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and amplifications in one assay using DNA and RNA creates efficiencies in sample usage, time, and cost.
Accurate Results from Low-Quality Samples1
Variant detection with as little as 40 ng DNA and RNA input, and as low as 5% mutant allele frequency, maximizes the results from precious formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.
Integrated, Streamlined Workflow
DNA and RNA are prepared in parallel with an integrated workflow following DNA shearing/CDNA synthesis.
Assay Time ~2 days (Library Prep)
Hands-On Time ~10.5 hours
Input Quantity 40 ng DNA and/or RNA
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Scientific Posters:
AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Tumor Mutational Burden
Results of analysis indicate that TruSight Tumor 170, with comprehensive coverage of cancer-related genes, shows high concordance with whole exome sequencing for accurate assessment of tumor mutational burden.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Solid Tumor Profiling Analytical Performance with FFPE Samples
Standard extractions from FFPE embedded samples provide sufficient material (40ng) in >95% of samples that were extracted by Illumina. This data shows that the TruSight Tumor 170 panel is a robust assay that generates passing sample QC data in >85% of samples with varying quality, and in >95% of samples that have quality metrics that fall within the recommendations for the kit.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Small Nucleotide Variations and Gene Amplifications in FFPE DNA Samples
TruSight Tumor 170 can achieve high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of somatic variants (small variants and CNVs) from DNA extracted from FFPE tissues.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Fusions and Splice Variants in FFPE RNA Tumor Samples
Through examining limit of detection in the context of RNA expression, this study shows that TruSight Tumor 170 provides high sensitivity and specificity in RNA variant calling down to 5 copies of transcript per ng of input.

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Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (1 index, 8 samples, 8 enrichments)/FC-140-1101/1 EaFC-140-1101Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1101美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 26/FC-130-2001/1 EaFC-130-2001Illumina产品编号: FC-130-2001美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 26 takes a deeper view of variation in solid tumors including lung, colon, melanoma, gastric and ovarian. This enables clinical researchers to identify low-frequency variation across 26 genes for a more comprehensive view of somatic variation.

Highly accurate variant analysis at limit of detection below 5% variant allele frequency across 174 amplicons, with 1000x minimum coverage of each region
Exceptional sample success rates with minimal DNA input for accurate base calling, even in degraded FFPE samples
Coverage of complete exons for analysis of molecular heterogeneity in highly relevant content selected from CAP1 and NCCN2 guidelines, and late stage clinical trials3
This panel provides amplicon-based library preparation reagents, DNA QC, sample indexes, and oligos targeting identified regions of interest.

Genes in TruSight Tumor 26
See which solid tumor-related genes are represented in TruSight Tumor 26. View Gene List

Assay Time 11 hours
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 30 to 300 ng depending on QC results
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 170 Kit, For Use with NextSeq (24 Samples)/OP-101-1003/1 EaOP-101-1003Illumina产品编号: OP-101-1003美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 170, a next-generation sequencing assay designed to cover 170 genes associated with common solid tumors, is an enrichment-based targeted panel that simultaneously analyzes DNA and RNA, covering a wide range of genes and variant types. The comprehensive nature provides laboratories with a deep view into the genetics of cancer.

Comprehensive Coverage of Cancer-Related Variants
Assessment of fusions, splice variants, insertions/deletions and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and amplifications in one assay using DNA and RNA creates efficiencies in sample usage, time, and cost.
Accurate Results from Low-Quality Samples1
Variant detection with as little as 40 ng DNA and RNA input, and as low as 5% mutant allele frequency, maximizes the results from precious formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.
Integrated, Streamlined Workflow
DNA and RNA are prepared in parallel with an integrated workflow following DNA shearing/CDNA synthesis.
Assay Time ~2 days (Library Prep)
Hands-On Time ~10.5 hours
Input Quantity 40 ng DNA and/or RNA
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Scientific Posters:
AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Tumor Mutational Burden
Results of analysis indicate that TruSight Tumor 170, with comprehensive coverage of cancer-related genes, shows high concordance with whole exome sequencing for accurate assessment of tumor mutational burden.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Solid Tumor Profiling Analytical Performance with FFPE Samples
Standard extractions from FFPE embedded samples provide sufficient material (40ng) in >95% of samples that were extracted by Illumina. This data shows that the TruSight Tumor 170 panel is a robust assay that generates passing sample QC data in >85% of samples with varying quality, and in >95% of samples that have quality metrics that fall within the recommendations for the kit.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Small Nucleotide Variations and Gene Amplifications in FFPE DNA Samples
TruSight Tumor 170 can achieve high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of somatic variants (small variants and CNVs) from DNA extracted from FFPE tissues.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Fusions and Splice Variants in FFPE RNA Tumor Samples
Through examining limit of detection in the context of RNA expression, this study shows that TruSight Tumor 170 provides high sensitivity and specificity in RNA variant calling down to 5 copies of transcript per ng of input.

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Illumina/TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel (96 samples)/FC-130-1010/1 EaFC-130-1010Illumina产品编号: FC-130-1010美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel uses expert-defined content and proven next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to identify somatic variants in myeloid malignancies.

The panel content was designed by a consortium of recognized experts in blood cancer disorders and targets genes frequently mutated in:

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN)
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML)
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)
The TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel covers 15 full genes (exons only) and 39 additional genes where oncogenic hotspots are covered, providing a comprehensive assessment of the key genes known to be involved in myeloid malignancies in a single test. The result is an accurate, cost-effective solution that enables researchers to profile liquid tumors.

View the gene list

TruSight Myeloid libraries are ideally suited to run on a desktop sequencer and perform alignment and variant calling with the MiSeq Reporter or Local Run Manager Amplicon workflow with Somatic Variant Caller. Filtering and annotation can then be performed using the following Illumina annotation and filtering tools: BaseSpace Variant Interpreter or VariantStudio.

Assay Time 8 hours
Hands-On Time 3 hours
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Hematological
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Amplicon - Cancer Panel (96 samples)/FC-130-1008/1 EaFC-130-1008Illumina产品编号: FC-130-1008美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSeq Amplicon - Cancer Panel enables highly sensitive mutation detection studies of important cancer-related genes, including BRAF, KRAS, and EGFR. Mutations in these genes are linked to many cancers, including melanoma, colorectal, ovarian, and lung cancer.

This cancer sequencing panel provides:

A streamlined workflow including an integrated quality control assay for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) DNA
Simple sample normalization
Automated cluster generation and paired-end sequencing
On-instrument data analysis
The unique ABIlity of this assay to screen precious FFPE samples for these important variants will unlock a wealth of genomic information for many tumor types.

Genes in the TruSeq Amplicon - Cancer Panel
See which cancer-related genes are represented in this panel.

View Gene List

Assay Time 8 hours
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 150 ng high-quality genomic DNA,250 ng FFPE genomic DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq
Specialized Sample Types FFPE
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (2 indexes, 8 samples, 4 enrichments)/FC-140-1102/1 Ea FC-140-1102Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1102美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 170 Kit, For Use with NextSeq plus Watson for Genomics/20018621/1 Ea20018621Illumina产品编号: 20018621美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 170, a next-generation sequencing assay designed to cover 170 genes associated with common solid tumors, is an enrichment-based targeted panel that simultaneously analyzes DNA and RNA, covering a wide range of genes and variant types. The comprehensive nature provides laboratories with a deep view into the genetics of cancer.

Comprehensive Coverage of Cancer-Related Variants
Assessment of fusions, splice variants, insertions/deletions and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), and amplifications in one assay using DNA and RNA creates efficiencies in sample usage, time, and cost.
Accurate Results from Low-Quality Samples1
Variant detection with as little as 40 ng DNA and RNA input, and as low as 5% mutant allele frequency, maximizes the results from precious formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.
Integrated, Streamlined Workflow
DNA and RNA are prepared in parallel with an integrated workflow following DNA shearing/CDNA synthesis.
Assay Time ~2 days (Library Prep)
Hands-On Time ~10.5 hours
Input Quantity 40 ng DNA and/or RNA
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels),Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
System Compatibility NextSeq 550,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Scientific Posters:
AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Tumor Mutational Burden
Results of analysis indicate that TruSight Tumor 170, with comprehensive coverage of cancer-related genes, shows high concordance with whole exome sequencing for accurate assessment of tumor mutational burden.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 and Solid Tumor Profiling Analytical Performance with FFPE Samples
Standard extractions from FFPE embedded samples provide sufficient material (40ng) in >95% of samples that were extracted by Illumina. This data shows that the TruSight Tumor 170 panel is a robust assay that generates passing sample QC data in >85% of samples with varying quality, and in >95% of samples that have quality metrics that fall within the recommendations for the kit.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Small Nucleotide Variations and Gene Amplifications in FFPE DNA Samples
TruSight Tumor 170 can achieve high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of somatic variants (small variants and CNVs) from DNA extracted from FFPE tissues.

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AACR 2017: TruSight Tumor 170 for Fusions and Splice Variants in FFPE RNA Tumor Samples
Through examining limit of detection in the context of RNA expression, this study shows that TruSight Tumor 170 provides high sensitivity and specificity in RNA variant calling down to 5 copies of transcript per ng of input.

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Illumina/TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel Set A/RS-303-1002/1 EaRS-303-1002Illumina产品编号: RS-303-1002美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel provides a comprehensive analysis of the cancer transcriptome. It offers:

Gene expression information, variant calling, and fusion detection with known and novel gene fusion partners
Optimized, low-input protocol for a wide range of sample types including FFPE
A comprehensive view of cancer pathways
Economical RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on a desktop sequencer
Highly Sensitive and Economical Targeted Sequencing
The TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel enables the quantitative measurement of gene expression as well as the detection of gene fusions with both known and novel gene fusion partners. The panel accommodates as little as 10 ng of total RNA input (or 20 ng from FFPE samples). The focus on a subset of relevant genes enables RNA-Seq with high sensitivity at 8 samples per run on a desktop sequencer, allowing cost-effective access to NGS for any lab.

Intuitive Cloud-based Data Analysis
Analysis can be performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment BaseSpace App. This intuitive tool performs fusion calling andvariant detection, and provides gene expression profiles, offering a comprehensive solution to all cancer researchers.

TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Sample Datasets
MiSeq Data
10 ng of human reference RNA (UHR), human reference brain RNA (Brain), cell line RNA (MCF7), and 20 ng of breast tumor FFPE RNA (BT) were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Panel and sequenced on the MiSeq System. Read mapping and fusion calling were performed using the RNA-Seq Alignment App with STAR aligner on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

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MiniSeq Data
Human reference RNA (HBRR and UHRR), cell line RNA (MCF7), and breast tumor RNA samples were prepared using the TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer panel, and 8 samples were sequenced on the MiniSeq System at a 2x76bp read length with single indexing. The total yield was 4.2 Gb with 96.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 11 hours
Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA,20 - 100 ng FFPE RNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics
Variant Class Gene Fusions,Somatic Variants,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Illumina/TruSight Inherited Disease Sequencing Panel (48 samples)/FC-121-0205/1 EaFC-121-0205Illumina产品编号: FC-121-0205美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Developed in collaboration with Dr. Stephen Kingsmore and team during his tenure at Children's Mercy Hospital (CMH) for Pediatric Genomic Medicine, Dr. Carol Saunders at CMH, and Dr. Hilger Ropers at the Max Planck Institute
Targets 552 genes, including coding exons, intron-exon boundaries, and regions known to harbor pathogenic mutations
TruSight Inherited Disease was initially based on a 448 disease panel designed for preconception carrier testing for severe, recessive childhood diseases published by Dr. Kingsmore and team in Science Translational Medicine1.

The original content was revised by Dr. Saunders, FACMG, at CMH (following ACMG guidelines for testing ultra-rare genetic diseases) to reflect the needs of medical geneticists with a primary focus on severe recessive diseases with childhood onset. Intellectual disABIlity genes were added by Dr. Ropers.

The TruSight Inherited Disease sequencing panel set includes custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions.

Input Quantity 50 ng DNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 15 (Library Prep Only)/OP-101-1002/1 EaOP-101-1002Illumina产品编号: OP-101-1002美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 15 uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to provide a comprehensive assessment of 15 genes that are commonly mutated in solid tumors. It accurately detects low-frequency variants from 20 ng of starting DNA and is optimized for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue.

View the Gene List

Featuring a rapid workflow that can be easily integrated into lab procedures, this panel offers a single assay for accurate, economical, and rapid analysis of solid tumors.

This TruSight Tumor panel offers:

Comprehensive workflow: Assess 15 genes with one simple workflow instead of single, iterative gene testing with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Efficient: Rapid turnaround with only 3.5 hours of hands-on time, going from DNA to data in approximately 36 hours
Relevant gene content for solid tumors: Somatic variants selected from relevant industry guidelines1,2, key opinion leaders3,4, and pharmaceutical research
Sensitive variant detection from low DNA input: Accurate somatic variant detection of 5% allele frequency using 20 ng DNA from FFPE tissue samples
TruSight Tumor 15 Sample Datasets
3 human reference samples and 5 FFPE-exacted DNA samples from lung, colon, melanoma, and breast tumors were prepared using TruSight Tumor 15. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 150 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 7.6 Gb with 94.9% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 7 hours
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 20 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight RNA Fusion Panel Set B (48 samples)/RS-304-1003/1 EaRS-304-1003Illumina产品编号: RS-304-1003美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
This targeted RNA sequencing panel is a cost-effective solution to detect gene fusions in multiple cancer types, regardless of origin. Covering 507 fusion-associated genes, a single assay enables researchers to assess most known cancer-related fusions in blood, bone marrow, and FFPE samples, with the power to identify novel fusion gene partners.

Industry-validated content for a comprehensive view of cancer-related fusion genes, detecting common and novel fusions
From RNA to results in 4 days including on-instrument software that displays fusion calls
Compatibility with desktop sequencers to maximize lab budgets
Optimized RNA sequencing for all sample types, including FFPE tissues
Simple Fusion Report for Customers New to NGS
On-instrument fusion calling provides NGS-based fusion detection to labs without additional bioinformatics support. The analysis provides a list of detected fusions, relevant disease associations (as identified by the Mitelman database), and evidence of fusion-supporting reads.

Robust, ReproducIBLe, and Low-Input Fusion Assay
This assay accommodates as little input as 20 ng FFPE RNA or 10 ng fresh-frozen total RNA. The TruSight RNA Fusion Panel provides a sensitive, reproducIBLe, and economical solution for studies of gene fusions in cancer research.

Assay Time 2.5 days
Hands-On Time 11 hours
Input Quantity 10 ng total RNA, 20–100 ng FFPE RNA
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Method Targeted RNA Sequencing,Sequencing for Cytogenomics
Variant Class Gene Fusions
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Illumina/TruSight Tumor 15 MiSeq Kit/OP-101-1001/1 Ea OP-101-1001Illumina产品编号: OP-101-1001美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight Tumor 15 uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to provide a comprehensive assessment of 15 genes that are commonly mutated in solid tumors. It accurately detects low-frequency variants from 20 ng of starting DNA and is optimized for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue.

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Featuring a rapid workflow that can be easily integrated into lab procedures, this panel offers a single assay for accurate, economical, and rapid analysis of solid tumors.

This TruSight Tumor panel offers:

Comprehensive workflow: Assess 15 genes with one simple workflow instead of single, iterative gene testing with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Efficient: Rapid turnaround with only 3.5 hours of hands-on time, going from DNA to data in approximately 36 hours
Relevant gene content for solid tumors: Somatic variants selected from relevant industry guidelines1,2, key opinion leaders3,4, and pharmaceutical research
Sensitive variant detection from low DNA input: Accurate somatic variant detection of 5% allele frequency using 20 ng DNA from FFPE tissue samples
TruSight Tumor 15 Sample Datasets
3 human reference samples and 5 FFPE-exacted DNA samples from lung, colon, melanoma, and breast tumors were prepared using TruSight Tumor 15. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 150 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 7.6 Gb with 94.9% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 7 hours
Hands-On Time 3.5 hours
Input Quantity 20 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq
Specialized Sample Types FFPE,Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Variant Class Somatic Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Species Category Human
Cancer Type Solid Tumor
Method Amplicon Sequencing,Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Cancer MiniSeq Kit/20005612/1 Ea20005612Illumina产品编号: 20005612美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight Rapid Capture (96 indexes, 288 samples, 24 enrichments)/FC-140-1106/1 Ea FC-140-1106Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1106美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
Targeting genes previously linked to a predisposition towards cancer.

Developed in collaboration with Professor Nazneen Rahman and team at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Targets 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with a predisposition towards cancer
TruSight Cancer includes genes associated with both common (e.g., breast, colorectal) and rare cancers. In addition, the set includes 284 SNPs found to correlate with cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Content selection was based on expert curation of the scientific literature and other high-quality resources.

The TruSight Cancer sequencing panel provides custom oligos targeting identified regions of interest. Sufficient product is supplied for four enrichment reactions. TruSight Cancer is compatIBLe with TruSight Rapid Capture.

TruSight Cancer Sample Datasets
6 human reference samples were prepared using the TruSight Cancer sequencing panel. These libraries were sequenced on the MiniSeq System using a high output kit at a 2 x 100 bp read length configuration with dual indexing. The total yield was 5.2 Gb with 95.8% of bases at or above Q30.

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Assay Time 1.5 days
Input Quantity 50 ng
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Variant Class Germline Variants
Cancer Type Pan-Cancer
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight One Sequencing Kit (9 samples)/FC-141-1006/1 Ea FC-141-1006Illumina产品编号: FC-141-1006美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight One Sequencing Panels enable labs to expand and streamline their sequencing portfolio, while managing costs.

Two panels offer options to target up to 6700 genes associated with human disease, with high coverage
Single assay includes multiple genes of interest, replacing iterative testing
Easy, flexIBLe gene filtering and annotation options simplify BIOLOGical interpretation and reporting
These panels provide clinical research labs with an affordable solution for managing a diverse assay portfolio. The TruSight One Sequencing Panel provides comprehensive coverage of > 4800 disease-associated genes, while the TruSight One Expanded Sequencing Panel targets ~1900 additional genes with recent disease associations in the scientific literature. Investigators can choose to analyze all of the genes on the panel or focus on a specific subset. With a single assay, labs can expand existing menus, streamline workflows, or create an entire portfolio of sequencing options.

Input Quantity 50 ng
Content Specifications ~12 Mb genomic content for TruSight One; ~16.5 Mb genomic content for TruSight One Expanded
Multiplexing Up to 96-plex
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSight One Sequencing Panel (36 samples)/FC-141-1007/1 EaFC-141-1007Illumina产品编号: FC-141-1007美  元  价: $0.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 其它>其它试剂>芯片公司分类: Clinical Research ProductsProduct Highlights:
TruSight One Sequencing Panels enable labs to expand and streamline their sequencing portfolio, while managing costs.

Two panels offer options to target up to 6700 genes associated with human disease, with high coverage
Single assay includes multiple genes of interest, replacing iterative testing
Easy, flexIBLe gene filtering and annotation options simplify BIOLOGical interpretation and reporting
These panels provide clinical research labs with an affordable solution for managing a diverse assay portfolio. The TruSight One Sequencing Panel provides comprehensive coverage of > 4800 disease-associated genes, while the TruSight One Expanded Sequencing Panel targets ~1900 additional genes with recent disease associations in the scientific literature. Investigators can choose to analyze all of the genes on the panel or focus on a specific subset. With a single assay, labs can expand existing menus, streamline workflows, or create an entire portfolio of sequencing options.

Input Quantity 50 ng
Content Specifications ~12 Mb genomic content for TruSight One; ~16.5 Mb genomic content for TruSight One Expanded
Multiplexing Up to 96-plex
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Germline Variants
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Method Targeted DNA Sequencing
Illumina/TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep Kit High Throughput (96 samples, 96 indexes)/RS-122-2103/1 EaRS-122-2103Illumina产品编号: RS-122-2103美  元  价: $4700.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
The TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep Kit offers a streamlined, cost-efficient, and scalable solution for coding transcriptome analysis. It is compatIBLe with a wide range of samples.

Precise and Accurate
Get precise measurement of mRNA strand orientation for detection of antisense transcription, enhanced transcript annotation, and increased alignment efficiency. High coverage uniformity enhances the discovery of features such as alternative transcripts, gene fusions, and allele-specific expression.

Stranded information identifies from which of the 2 DNA strands a given RNA transcript was derived. This information provides increased confidence in transcript annotation, particularly for nonhuman samples. Identifying strand origin increases the percentage of reads that align, reducing sequencing costs per sample.

The kit enables robust interrogation of both standard and low-quality samples, and workflows compatIBLe with a wide range of study designs.

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Assay Time ~10.5 hours
Hands-On Time ~4.5 hours
Input Quantity 0.1 – 1 ug total RNA or 10 - 100 ng previously isolated mRNA (from species with polyA tails)
Content Specifications Captures the coding transcriptome with strand information
Mechanism of Action Oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails
System Compatibility NovaSeq 5000,Genome Analyzer IIx,HiSeq 2000,MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,HiSeq 1000,HiSeq 1500,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,NovaSeq 6000,HiSeq 4000
Species Category Other,Mammalian,Bovine,Mouse,Human,Rat
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Gene Fusions,Novel Transcripts,Transcript Variants
Technology Sequencing
Method mRNA Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Illumina/Nextera Rapid Capture Exome (8 rxn x 12 plex)/FC-140-1003/1 Ea FC-140-1003Illumina产品编号: FC-140-1003美  元  价: $10290.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
The Nextera Rapid Capture Exome and Expanded Exome are all-in-one kits for library preparation and exome enrichment that allow researchers to identify coding variants up to 70% faster than other methods. This optimized exome delivers 45 Mb of expertly selected exonic content and requires as little as 4 Gb of sequencing.

Extend coverage to UTRs and miRNA with Expanded Exome
Nextera Rapid Capture Expanded Exome delivers 62 Mb of genomic content, including exons, untranslated regions (UTRs), and miRNA. This kit features a highly optimized probe set that delivers comprehensive coverage of exonic sequence.

Illumina provides example data sets to demonstrate the high uniformity and accuracy of the Nextera Rapid Capture Exome library prep kit. View the exome sequencing data.

Add on custom content to make Nextera Rapid Capture Exome even more powerful
Researchers can define custom content for this workflow using Nextera Rapid Capture Custom Enrichment. This custom assay allows researchers to rapidly interrogate those portions of the human genome most important to their specific research. Choose from a fully custom design or start from a defined content set, such as Nextera Rapid Capture Exome, and include areas of interest using add-on functionality. Learn More.

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Assay Time 5 hours total assay time
Hands-On Time 4 hours
Input Quantity 1 ug DNA (compatIBLe with most large DNA genomes)
Mechanism of Action Mechanical fragmentation
Multiplexing Up to 96 dual-index combinations with HT (high-throughput) kit
Variant Class Small Insertions-Deletions (indels)
System Compatibility HiSeq 2000,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Specialized Sample Types Low Input
Technology Sequencing
Species Category Human
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
Method Exome Sequencing
Illumina/20-pack MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (300-cycles)/MS-102-2022/1 Ea MS-102-2022Illumina产品编号: MS-102-2022美  元  价: $19900.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.簇生成和测序试剂公司分类: Cluster Generation & Sequencing ReagentsProduct Highlights:
MiSeq Reagent Kits v2 enable more output to simplify each MiSeq run. MiSeq Reagent Kits v2 retain the same pre-filled, ready-to-use reagent cartridges as the v1 kits, but offer improved chemistry to increase cluster density, decrease cycle time, and improve quality (Q) scores. MiSeq Reagent Kits v2 are also available in micro and nano formats for low output applications.

Get faster cycle times, longer reads and more output from improved chemistry
Dual surface imaging enables twice the number of reads compared to single surface imaging with the v1 kit
Extend your read lengths with the 500-cycle kit
Choose the perfect number of cycles for your application (50, 300, or 500)
When coupled with the MiSeq System upgrade, the MiSeq Reagent Kits v2 allow dual surface imaging to double the amount of readable space per flow cell. MiSeq Regent Kits v2 are available in a 500-cycle format for long read lengths, as well as in the popular 50-cycle and 300-cycle formats.

MiSeq Reagent Kits v2 are available in standard, micro, and nano configurations, enabling alignment to specific project requirements and scalable levels of output.

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All MiSeq reagent components are RFID-encoded and interact intelligently with the MiSeq System to validate compatibility with user-defined applications.

A MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 is also available. It offers a 600-cycle format to allow the longest read lengths on any Illumina sequencing system, or a 150-cycle format that enables counting applications.

Maximum Output 8.5 Gb (500-cycle MiSeq Reagent Kit v2), 5.1 Gb (300-cycle MiSeq Reagent Kit v2), 1.2 Gb (300-cycle MiSeq Reagent Micro Kit v2), 0.850 Gb (50-cycle MiSeq Reagent Kit v2), 0.5 Gb (500-cycle MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2), 0.3 Gb (300-cycle MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2)
Maximum Reads per Run Up to 15 million
Reagent Type Paired-End Sequencing,Cluster Generation,Sequencing by Synthesis
System Compatibility MiSeq,MiSeqDx in Research Mode,MiSeq FGx in Research Mode
Technology Sequencing
Illumina/Nextera DNA Library Prep Kit (96 samples)/FC-121-1031/1 EaFC-121-1031Illumina产品编号: FC-121-1031美  元  价: $7283.00会  员  价: 待定品       牌: Illumina产       地: 美国公       司: Illumina, Inc.DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Library Preparation KitsProduct Highlights:
Nextera DNA Library Preparation Kits provide a fast and easy workflow, enabling sequencing-ready libraries to be generated in less than 90 minutes, with less than 15 minutes of hands-on time. Samples prepared with Nextera kits are compatIBLe with all Illumina sequencers.

With Nextera technology, DNA is simultaneously fragmented and tagged with sequencing adapters in a single step, using standard lab equipment. Ideal for precious samples available in limited quantity, the protocol requires only 50 ng of DNA input.

See a list of automation vendors with robotic systems compatIBLe with this kit

Assay Time 90 minutes
Hands-On Time 15 minutes
Input Quantity 50 ng genomic DNA (compatIBLe with most large DNA genomes)
Mechanism of Action Enzymatic Fragmentation
Multiplexing Up to 96 available indexes
Species Category Human,Other,Mammalian,Mouse,Rat,Plant
Species Details CompatIBLe with most large DNA genomes.
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Method Whole-Genome Sequencing
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots

