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KAPA 第二代基因工程酶

简要描述:KAPA Biosystems是美国著名的生物技术公司,通过直接分子进化平台研制打造出的第二代高性能Taq酶。KAPA第二代Taq酶有以下优点:(1)对Taq酶抑制剂不敏感,可用于非常规PCR扩增;(2)扩增速度、灵敏性、高保真性均由于市面上其他的同类产品,且非常好的适用于高通量快速PCR;KAPA 第二代基因工程酶

  • 产品型号:PKR2016
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2019-02-20
  • 访  问  量:1794



KAPA 第二代基因工程酶

KAPA 第二代基因工程酶

产品归类Product CodeProduct CategoryQuantity目前目录售价
HiFi高保真酶KK2101HiFi100 units700
KK2102HiFi250 units1600
KK2501HiFi Hot Start100 units800
KK2502HiFi Hot Start250 units1800
KK2601HiFi Hot Start100 rxn800
KK2602HiFi Hot Start500 rxn3500
HiFi高保真酶(二代测序)KK2611HiFi Hot Start for NGS50 rxn800
KK2612HiFi Hot Start for NGS250 rxn3500
KK2701HiFi Hot Start for NGS50 rxn2400
KK2702HiFi Hot Start for NGS250 rxn10000
KK2801KAPA HiFi  HS Uracil +ready Mix50 x 50µL reactions3000
KK2802KAPA HiFi  HS Uracil +ready Mix250 x 50µL reactions14000
长片段酶KK3006Long Range100 units800
KK3005Long Range250 units1600
KK3501Long Range Hot Start100 units900
KK3502Long Range Hot Start250 units1800
KK3503Long Range Hot Start500 units3000
KK3601Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE (100 x 25µL rxn) (100 x 25µL rxn)1100
KK3602Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE (500 x 25µL rxn) (500 x 25µL rxn)4500
与takara酶相对应的KAPA Extaq酶KK3009KAPATaq Extra(针对takara ExTaq)250units400
KK3505KAPATaq Extra Hot Start(针对takara ExTaq)250units520
KK3604KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE (针对takara ExTaq) (100 x 25µL rxn)400
KK3605KAPATaq Extra Hot StartReady Mix with DYE(针对takara ExTaq) (500 x 25µL rxn)1800
KK3606KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE (200 x 25µL rxn)800
KK4202KAPA HRM FAST5ml3200
KK4203KAPA HRM FAST10ml6000
SYBR荧光定量KK4600SYBR® Fast通用型1 ml400
KK4601SYBR® Fast通用型5 ml1800
KK4602SYBR® Fast通用型10 ml3500
KK4618SYBR® Fast通用型50 ml17000
KK4603SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism)1 ml400
KK4604SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism)5 ml1800
KK4605SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism)10 ml3500
KK4617SYBR® Fast(ABI Prism)50ml17000
KK4620KK4620KAPASYBRFASTROXLow(5ml=500x20ulrxns)500*20ul rxns1800
KK4606SYBR® Fast(伯乐型)1 ml400
KK4607SYBR® Fast(伯乐型)5 ml1800
KK4608SYBR® Fast(伯乐型)10 ml3500
KK4609SYBR® Fast (Roche LC 480)1 ml400
KK4610SYBR® Fast(Roche LC 480)5 ml1800
KK4611SYBR® Fast(Roche LC 480)10 ml3500
KK46501-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型)1ml1000
KK46511-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型)5ml4500
KK46521-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型)10ml8000
KK46601-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism)1ml1000
KK46611-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism)5ml4500
KK46621-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism)10ml8000
KK46701-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐型)1ml1000
KK46711-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐型)5ml4500
KK46721-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯乐型)10ml8000
KK46801-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480)1ml1000
KK46811-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480)5ml4500
KK46821-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480)10ml8000
PROBE荧光定量KK4701PROBE FAST(通用型)1 ml400
KK4702PROBE FAST(通用型)5 ml1800
KK4703PROBE FAST(通用型)10 ml3500
KK4705PROBE FAST(ABI Prism)1 ml400
KK4706PROBE FAST(ABI Prism)5 ml1800
KK4707PROBE FAST(ABI Prism)10 ml3500
KK4709PROBE FAST(伯乐型)1 ml400
KK4710PROBE FAST(伯乐型)5 ml1800
KK4711PROBE FAST(伯乐型)10 ml3500
KK4714PROBE FAST(ABI Prism,定制50ml体系)5017000
KK4715PROBE FAST(通用型,定制50ml体系)5017000
KK4716PROBE FAST (ROX Low Mastermix)1ml400
KK4717PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix)5 ml1800
KK4718PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix)10 ml3500
KK4719PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix)50 ml17000
KK4722KK4722KAPAPROBEFASTUnivrsalqPCRKitwithdUTP500x20ul rxns1800
KK4752PROBE FAST(1-step qRT-PCR Probe Universal)5 ml4500
KK4300通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂1ml700
KK4301通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂5ml3500
KK4302通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂10ml6000
KK4303通用型PROBE FORCE定量试剂50ml26000
2G Robust酶及相关产品KK5023 2G Robust100 units400
KK5024 2G Robust250 units900
KK5004 2G Robust(含dNTPs)100units400
KK5005 2G Robust(含dNTPs)250 units900
kk5522 2G Robust Hot Start100units600
KK5515 2G Robust Hot Start250 units1400
KK5517 2G Robust Hot Start500 units2400
KK5525 2G Robust Hot Start2500units9000
KK5532 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs)100 units700
KK5516 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs)250 units1500
KK5518 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs)500units2800
KK5701 2G Robust Hot Start Readymix100rxn700
KK5702 2G Robust Hot Start Readymix500 rxn2600
2GFast酶及相关产品KK50202G Fast100 units400
KK50212G Fast250 units900
KK50082G Fast(含dNTPs)100 units500
KK50092G Fast(含dNTPs)250 units1100
KK51012G Fast Ready Mix+ Dye100rxn400
KK51022G Fast Ready Mix +Dye500 rxn1400
KK5523 2G Fast Hot Start100 units600
KK5503 2G Fast Hot Start250 units1300
KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start500 units2400
KK5519 2G Fast Hot Start2500 units7000
KK5530 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs)100 units700
KK5502 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs)250uinits1500
KK5500 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs)500 units2600
KK5513 2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer无Mg2+)250 units1400
KK5511 2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer无Mg2+)500 units2400
kk5512 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer无Mg2+)250 units1500
KK5510 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer无Mg2+)500 units2800
KK5603 2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix100 rxn400
KK5601 2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix500 rxn1400
KK5801 2G Fast Hot Start100 rxn500
KK5802 2G Fast Hot Start500 rxn1900
血液直接扩增KK7002Blood PCR Kit A500 rxn2500
KK7003Blood PCR Kit B500 rxn2500
KK7004Blood PCR Kit A1000 rxn4500
KK7005Blood PCR Kit B1000 rxn4500
DNA快速提取及扩增KK7100Express Extract50 rxn400
KK7101Express Extract100 rxn700
KK7102Express Extract250 rxn1500
KK7103Express Extract500 rxn2600
KK7151Express Extract+ 2GR HS100 rxn combo1200
KK7152Express Extract+ 2GR HS500 rxn combo4600
植物直扩KK7251KAPA3G Plant PCR250 units3000
KK7252KAPA3G Plant PCR500 units5400
Mouse Genotyping相关产品KK7301Mouse Genotyping Kit100 rxn800
KK7302Mouse Genotyping Kit500 rxn4000
KK7351HS  Mouse Genotyping Kit 100 rxn1200
KK7352HS  Mouse Genotyping Kit 500 rxn5000
KK56202G Fast HotStart Genotyping PCR Kit100 rxn500
KK56212G Fast HotStart Genotyping PCR Kit500 rxn2000
二代测序文库制备KK8230KAPA LTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina10个文库2500
KK8231KAPA LTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina10个文库2400
KK8232KAPA LTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 50个文库11000
KK8233KAPA LTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 50个文库10500
KK8234KAPA HTP文库构建(含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina 96个文库18000
KK8235KAPA HTP文库构建(不含文库扩增)试剂盒-Illumina96个文库17000
KK8260KAPA TruSeq Adapter Kit, (Illumina, 20 μl each)144 rxn14000
KK2620KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (50 x 50 µl reactions)50rxn1800
KK2621KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (250 x 50 µl reactions)250rxn5000
KK2623KAPA Library Amplification Primer Kit (250 x 50 μl rxns)250rxn1500
KK8400KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (Illumina,24 reactions)24 rxn13000
KK8401KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions)96 rxn40000
KK8420KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (24 reactions)24 rxn15000
KK8421KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions)96 rxn47000
KK8483KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (24rxns)24rxn28000
KK8484KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (96rxns)96rxn98000
KK8500KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (8 reactions)8 rxn3100
KK8501KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (8 reactions)8 rxn2970
KK8502KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (24 reactions)24 rxn8100
KK8503KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (24 reactions)24 rxn7830
KK8504KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (96 reactions)96 rxn28100
KK8505KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (96 reactions)96 rxn27000
KK8510KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,8 rxns)8 rxn3500
KK8511KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,8 rxns)8 rxn3370
KK8512KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,24 rxns)24 rxn9300
KK8513KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,24rxns)24 rxn9030
KK8514KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,96 rxns)96 rxn32900
KK8515KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,96 rxns)96 rxn31800
KK8300Ion Torrent  Library Preparation Kit (8 reactions)  8 rxn2520
KK8301Ion Torrent   Library Preparation Kit (48 reactions) 48 rxn13860
KK8310Ion Torrent Library Preparation Kit, no amplification (8 reactions)  8 rxn2280
KK8311Ion TorrentLibrary Preparation Kit, no amplification (48 reactions)48 rxn12420
KK8330Adapter Kit, non-Barcoded (8 reactions    Ion Torrent8 rxn1200
KK8331Adapter Kit, Barcodes 1 - 8 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent48 rxn7500
KK8332Adapter Kit, Barcodes 9 - 16 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent48 rxn7500
KK8333Adapter Kit, Barcodes 17 - 24 (48 reactions)   Ion Torrent48 rxn7500
二代测序文库定量:标准品+引物预混物KK4800DNA Quant Kit   Roche 454 FLXEach6000
KK4801Primer Premix  Roche 454 FLXEach3000
KK4802DNA Quant Kit  Roche 454 TitaniumEach6000
KK4803Primer Premix Roche 454 TitaniumEach3000
KK4804DNA Quant Kit  Illumina Genome AnalyzerEach6000
KK4805Primer Premix  Illumina Genome AnalyzerEach3000
KK4806DNA Quant Kit  ABI SOLiDEach6000
KK4807Primer Premix  ABI SOLiDEach3000
KK4808DNA Quant Kit   Illumina GA Revised PrimersEach6000
KK4809Primer Premix  Illumina GA Revised PrimersEach3000
KK4812DNA Quant Kit - Ion TorrentEach6000
KK4813DNA Quantification Primer Premix -  Ion TorrentEach3000
二代测序文库定量:标准品+引物预混物+qPCR试剂KK4900Library Quantification DNA Standards (454 FLX/Lib-A)6 x 80 µl 4000
KK4902Library Quantification DNA Standards (SOLiD)6 x 80 µl 4000
KK4903Library Quantification DNA Standards (Illumina)6 x 80 µl 4000
KK4904Library Quantification DNA Standards (Ion Torrent)6 x 80 µl 4000
KK4923KK4923Library Quant Primers+KSF(IIIumina/Uni) IIIumina/Uni4000
KK4924kk4924 Library Quant primers+KSF(10mTorrent/uni)10mTorrent/uni5000
二代测序终文库定量产品KK4820Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast UniversalEach7000
KK4821Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast UniversalEach7000
KK4824Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast UniversalEach7000
KK4823Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast UniversalEach7000
KK4830Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast ABI PrismEach7000
KK4831Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast ABI PrismEach7000
KK4835Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast ABI PrismEach7000
KK4833Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast ABI PrismEach7000
KK4840Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCyclerEach7000
KK4841Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCyclerEach7000
KK4844Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCyclerEach7000
KK4843Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCyclerEach7000
KK4850Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each7000
KK4851Library  Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler 480Each7000
KK4854Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480Each7000
KK4853Library  Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480Each7000
KK4834Library  Quant Kit,Illumina GA ABI Prism Custom Kit- SangerEach7000
KK4827Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM universalEach7000
KK4838Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM ABI PrismEach7000
KK4847Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM  Bio-Rad iCyclerEach7000
KK4857Library  Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM  Roche Light Cycler480Each7000
KK4873KK4873Library Quant Kit (Illumina/ROX Low)500rxn7000
人类基因组定量Kit(文库构建之前用,主要检测提取的DNA量)KK4960hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Universal qPCR MastermixEach8000
KK4961hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR ABI Prism qPCR MastermixEach8000
KK4962hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Bio-Rad qPCR MastermixEach8000
KK4963hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Light Cycler 480 qPCR MastermixEach8000
KK4964hg DNA Quant & QC DNA Standards KitEach6000
KK4965hg DNA Quant & QC and 41 bp Primer KitEach1500
KK4966hg DNA Quant & QC and 129 bp Primer KitEach1500
KK4967hg DNA Quant & QC and 305 bp Primer KitEach1500
KK4969hg DNA Quant & QC Kit with ROX Low qPCR MastermixEach8000
产品归类Product CodeProduct CategoryQuantity 
Taq相关产品KK1014Taq 酶250 units380
KK1015Taq 酶500 units700
BK1000Taq 酶2500 units2500
BK1002Taq 酶5000 units3800
KK1008Taq 酶(含dNTPs)250 units450
KK1016Taq 酶(含dNTPs)500 units800
BK1001Taq 酶(含dNTPs)2500 units3500
BK1003Taq 酶(含dNTPs)5000 units5500
KK1006Taq 酶 ReadyMix250×50µl反应900
KK1020Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye250 units380
KK1022Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye500 units700
BK1004Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye2500 units2500
BK1006Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye5000 units3800
KK1021Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs)250 units450
KK1023Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs)500 units800
BK1005Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs)2500 units3500
BK1007Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs)5000 units5500
KK1024Taq 酶ReadyMix w/loading dye 250×50µl反应900
KK1508热启动Taq酶250 units800
KK1510热启动Taq酶500 units1200
KK1513热启动Taq酶2500 units5000
KK1509热启动Taq酶(含dNTPs)250 units900
KK1511热启动Taq酶(含dNTPs)500 units1500
KK1512热启动Taq酶without buffers2500 units5000
T4DNA连接酶KK6010T4 DNA Ligase,5units/µL (Weiss Units)250 units600
KK6011T4 DNA Ligase,5units/µL (Weiss Units)1250 units2500
KK6110T4 DNA Ligase,Rapid Ligation Kit50 rxn1400
KK6111T4 DNA Ligase,Rapid Ligation Kit150 rxn3800
产品归类Product CodeProduct CategoryQuantity 
单一品种PKA1001PKA1001 Truseq Adapter index130uM*20ul400
PKA1002PKA1002 Truseq Adapter  index230uM*20ul400
PKA1003PKA1003 Truseq Adapter index330uM*20ul400
PKA1004PKA1004 Truseq Adapter index430uM*20ul400
PKA1005PKA1005 Truseq Adapter index530uM*20ul400
PKA1006PKA1006 Truseq Adapter index630uM*20ul400
PKA1007PKA1007 Truseq Adapter index730uM*20ul400
PKA1008PKA1008 Truseq Adapter  index830uM*20ul400
PKA1009PKA1009 Truseq Adapter index930uM*20ul400
PKA1010PKA1010 Truseq Adapter  index1030uM*20ul400
PKA1011PKA1011 Truseq Adapter index1130uM*20ul400
PKA1012PKA1012 Truseq Adapter index1230uM*20ul400
6碱基PKR2001PKR2001 PKR Truseq Adapter Kit index1-1230uMx20ul4800
PKR2012PKR2012 (13-27)30uMx20ul4800
8碱基PKR2015PKR2015 (1-24)10μl3750
PKR2016PKR2016 (25-48)10μl3750
PKR2017PKR2017 (49-72)10μl3750
PKR2018PKR2018 (73-96)10μl3750
片段化酶KK8600 KK8600 Library Preparation - Illumina     8 rxn 560
KK8601KK8601 Library Preparation - Illumina      24 rxn1620
KK8602KK8602 Library Preparation - Illumina     96 rxn 6300
磁珠KK8000KK8000 KAPA Pure Beads (5mL)  5ml2200
KK8001KK8001 KAPA Pure Beads (30mL)30ml6600
KK8002KK8002 KAPA Pure Beads (60mL)60ml11000

